韵律美,rhyming beauty
1)rhyming beauty韵律美
1.In view of the reality of literature translation, the essay explores the issue of producing the rhythmic beauty and rhyming beauty of the sourcetext.本文从维汉文学和译的实际出发,就如何再现节奏美与韵律美等问题进行了探讨,进而对恪守翻译的形 式美规范问题做了阐述。

1.Enjoying the Maturity of the Original Pottery Artform from the Characteristics of Beautiful Metre;由韵律美特征看原始陶器艺术形式的成熟
2.Music and Rhythm in Language--Meter Analysis of some poems in College English(New Version);语言的音乐性和韵律美——对《大学英语》(全新版)部分诗歌韵格修辞的分析
3."In these translations, the noisy English sounds must be made musical by giving them each a musical companion. "翻译的过程中,成串的英语噪音被强行分派了富于韵律美的元音。
4.Calligraphy from the Huai Su, in particular excels huge cursive scripts, free and easy Juefang and great momentum and great rhythm.书法从怀素,尤擅巨幅草书,洒脱狂放、气势恢弘且极富韵律美
5.The beauty of its gentle style, its harmonious rhyme, its neat lines and its Chinese classics melt into a poetical Zhimo.它那轻柔的风格美,和谐的韵律美,整饬的诗体美,散逸着中国式的古典美,熔铸成一个诗的志摩。
6.The cadence of the poem flowed gracefully.这首诗的韵律优美流畅
7.recite poetry with beautiful cadences以优美的韵律朗诵诗歌.
8.And gather all the beauty of a flower and a song.从平凡的点滴中发掘美的韵律。
9.The meter of this poem is what makes it so beautiful.这首诗正是因其韵律才显得如此美妙。
10.The Discussion on the Aesthetics of Design;浅议设计中的美学——韵律表达设计之魂
11.of or relating to measure.韵律的或与韵律有关的。
12.(of verse)have a proper metrical pattern(指诗句)符合韵律
13.The use or study of metrical structures in verse;prosody.韵律学在诗歌中运用韵律结构或研究诗歌里的韵律结构;韵律学
14.(prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse.(诗律学)符合韵脚。
15.a composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines.以有韵律的韵脚写成的构成韵律行的作品。
16.Written in meter.有格律的按韵律写的
17.ZHANG JiwenAesthetics in Translating Japanese Poems into Chinese:the Perspectives of Style,Artistic Conception,Language and Rhythm of Poems;日语诗歌翻译过程中的审美——诗的形式、意境、语言与韵律
18.The Study of Amrican Students' Prosodic Features of Nuclear Stress in Chinese Declarative Sentences美国留学生汉语陈述句核心重音的韵律表现研究

charm of the rhyming韵律审美
3)attractive rules韵律美感
4)beauty in rhythm韵律节奏美
1.Chinese poems,English Poems and musical rhythm are studied from the aesthetic perspective in order to show that the beauty in rhythm is the common charcacter shared by poetry and musical composition.其中,诗歌作为语言精华的代表与音乐的实体——乐曲,从美学角度通过对中、英文诗歌与乐曲韵律节奏的分析,体现出韵律节奏美是语言符号与音乐符号之间的共性。
5)The Graceful Charm of the Rhythm of Monochord独弦琴之韵律美
1.The Common Felling of Pace and Cadence in Music and Interior Design;音乐与室内设计在节奏韵律中的通感
2.From the view of morphology,this article illustrates the expression and function of rhythm and cadence of aesthetic art in Ming and Qing dynatic furniture designing and analyses the feature and expression of rhythm and cadence.从形态学的角度入手,对形式美法则中的节奏与韵律在明清家具设计中的表现和作用进行了论述,并对明清家具设计中节奏与韵律的特点和表现形式进行了分析。
3.From unity and changes,comparison and adjustment,rhythm and cadence,symmetry and balance,rates and sequence,it discusses the application methods of component art in scenic design,so as to offer abundant visual experience for scenic design.介绍了构成艺术的起源与发展,分析了构成艺术的实质,从统一与变化、对比与协调、节奏与韵律、对称与平衡、比例与次序多方面探讨了构成艺术在景观设计中的应用方式,从而为景观设计提供丰富的视觉体验。

韵律1.亦作"韵律"。 2.声韵和节律。指诗词中的平仄格式和押韵规则。引申为音响的节奏规律。 3.指某些物体运动的均匀的节律。