苏葆桢,Su Baozhen
1)Su Baozhen苏葆桢
1.Ink and Color Remaining in the World: A Study on Su Baozhen s Freehand Brushwork in Flower-and-bird painting;彩墨精神留人间──苏葆桢写意花鸟画艺术探略
2.Su Baozhen is a famous artist painting flowers-and-birds in our country.苏葆桢先生是我国著名的花鸟画家。

1.Ink and Color Remaining in the World: A Study on Su Baozhen s Freehand Brushwork in Flower-and-bird painting;彩墨精神留人间──苏葆桢写意花鸟画艺术探略
2.A Tentative View on the Influences of Confucius and Confucianism on Shen Baozhen试论孔子和儒家思想对沈葆桢的影响
3.SHEN Bao-zheng s Coast Defence of Tai Wan Developed by LU Ming-chuan;刘铭传对沈葆桢筹划台湾海防的继承与发展
4.The Military Strategic Ideology of Centralizing Greatly-Armed Forces of Shen Baozhen in Preparing the Defense of Taiwan;沈葆桢筹备台防中“厚集兵力”的军事谋略
5.From Sharing a Common Hatred to Parting Company--A Study of the Similarities and Differences between Li Hong-zhang and Shen Bao-zhen in Their Thinking on Modernization Thought Revealed through the Wu Song Railroad Case;从同仇敌忾到分道扬镳——由吴淞路案论李鸿章、沈葆桢近代化思想的异同
6.FCS - Frame check sequenceFCS -- 桢检测序列
7.Zhu Kezhen Visiting Professorship and Zhu Kezhen Awards for the History of Science;竺可桢科学史讲席和竺可桢科学史奖
8.GE Hong-zhen Painting the Fish --After Reading GE Hong-zhen on Parnting;葛鸿桢画鱼——读《葛鸿桢意笔画》
9.Ding Baozhen and Local People s Well-being (1867-1886);丁宝桢与地方民生(1867-1886)
10.Artistic Characteristic of Liu Zhen s Poem--And Discuss the Historical Position of Liu Zhen and Wang Can at the Same Time;刘桢诗歌的艺术特征——兼论刘桢王粲的历史地位
11."Chien Pao-sheng's a wily old bird, you know.“钱葆生也刁得很。
12.Hi Paula! How are you doing?嗨,葆拉!最近如何?
13.There were a dinner with Jeong Hoon on the cruise, a meet& greet with Jeong Hoon and a special night showcase by Jeong Hoon.在观光船上与桢勋一起的晚餐,与桢勋聚会及问候的特别夜晚由桢勋主持。
14.Everyone of us got a chance to have a photo and CD signed by Jeong Hoon.我们大家得到了与桢勋合照及由桢勋给CD签名的机会。
15.Zhu Kezhen and Zhejiang University--Look at Zhejiang University s Growing Up from Zhu Kezhen s Personality Charm;竺可桢与浙江大学——从竺可桢的人格魅力看浙江大学的崛起
16.On the Progress of China s Modern Earth-Science from Coching Chu s Contribution;竺可桢与东南大学地学系——兼论竺可桢地学思想的形成
17.Chou Erh-chieh's his stooge!"周二姐是钱葆生的走狗
18.If you want to keep your heart young, dig out your hiking boots.要想葆青春,穿靴徒步走。

Shen Baozhen沈葆桢
1.Exploring Motives & Reasons of Shen Baozhen s Taking Office as Fuzhou Minister of Vessel Administration;沈葆桢接任福州船政大臣动因探析
2.Shen Baozhen s Visit to Taiwan and His People-Oriented Thought;沈葆桢巡视台湾与他的民本思想
3.Shen Baozhen and the Strategic Opportunity Period in the Contemporary China;沈葆桢与近代中国的战略机遇期
3)Shen Bao-zhen沈葆桢
1.From Sharing a Common Hatred to Parting Company——A Study of the Similarities and Differences between Li Hong-zhang and Shen Bao-zhen in Their Thinking on Modernization Thought Revealed through the Wu Song Railroad Case;从同仇敌忾到分道扬镳——由吴淞路案论李鸿章、沈葆桢近代化思想的异同
2.SHEN Bao-zhen s Policy Of Governing Taiwan People In Plain Area;沈葆桢治理台湾平地民政策
3.A Brief of SHEN Bao-zhen s Achievements During His Tenure of Office as General-governor of Liang Jiang Province;沈葆桢在两江总督任内的政绩述略
4)Confucius and Shen Baozhen孔子与沈葆桢
5)Zhen and Gan桢
1.The development of the prehistory technique can be epitomized that the model board frames were be used definitly, the supporting problem of them was solved by mostly using Zhen and Gan,and the city wall was constructed by the block board frame constructing technique which arranging the model board frames in column order.史前时代已确切使用简单的模板 ,主要采用桢技术解决模板的支撑问题 ,应用纵向排列模板的方块版筑法筑造城墙 ;至商代前期 ,已经运用横向排列模板的分段版筑法 ;商至西周 ,扶拢模板的技术未获大的突破 ,版筑城垣主要采用增筑与削减并举的方法 ,以保持城墙外壁的峭直 ;战国时代 ,一整套扶拢模板的技术日益完善 ,主要是以穿棍或穿绳直接悬臂支撑模板 ,以绳索揽系模板两端 ,直接筑出外壁峭立的城墙 ,标志着中国古代版筑技术的完全成熟。
6)Liu Zhen刘桢
1.Artistic Characteristic of Liu Zhen s Poem——And Discuss the Historical Position of Liu Zhen and Wang Can at the Same Time;刘桢诗歌的艺术特征——兼论刘桢王粲的历史地位
2.On Liu Zhen Chronology s Value as Historicalgraphy s Materials;《刘桢年谱》的史料价值
