1.Investigations on Pain Relief for Advanced Malignant Tumor with Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy;免疫疗法对晚期肿瘤镇痛作用的临床探讨
2.Observation of Immunotherapy Combined with ARA-AMP for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B;免疫疗法联合单磷酸阿糖腺苷治疗慢性乙肝观察研究
3.A preliminary study on immunotherapy combined with interferon for chronic hepatitis B(CHB);免疫疗法联合干扰素治疗慢性乙型肝炎的初步研究

1.International Society for Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy国际化学疗法和免疫疗法学会
2.Immunotherapy“ should be a first-line therapy,” Lockey says.洛克说,免疫疗法「该是第一线的治疗。
3.Investigation on the therapeutic effect of desloratadine combined immuned treatment in treatment of autoimmune urticaria地氯雷他定配合免疫疗法治疗自身免疫性荨麻疹疗效分析
4.The Experiment Study of Treatment Primary Liver Carcinoma by Hyperthermia and Immunotherapy;热疗联合免疫疗法治疗肝癌的实验研究
5.DEA Based Anti-HIV Immunotherapy Model;基于数据包络分析的HIV免疫疗法模型
6.Treatment of disease by inducing, enhancing, or suppressing an immune response.免疫疗法通过诱发、增强或抑制免疫反应治病的方法
7.The Application of Specific Immunotherapy Treatment in Children with Asthma特异性免疫疗法在儿童哮喘治疗中的应用
8.Treatment, though-whether it's chemotherapy or immunotherapy-will tilt the odds in her favour.不过,治疗一下--不管是化学疗法还是免疫疗法--总会使情况对她有利。
9.Effect of Dermatophagoides Farinae Vaccine Sublingual Immunotherapy on the Dendritic Cells and NF-κB in Asthma Mouse;舌下含服尘螨疫苗免疫疗法对哮喘小鼠树突状细胞及NF-κB的影响
10.This year, we will find out whether an entirely new solution fulfills its early potential: vaccination.今年,我们会发现一种全新的治疗方法----免疫疗法是否会发挥威力。
11.Greater variability carries with it a greater likelihood of resistance to chemotherapy and immunotherapy.较大的变异性带来了对化学疗法与免疫疗法更大的抗性能力。
12.Specific Immunotherapy( SIT) is proven to be effective in the treatment of allergic rhinoconjuncivitis.特异性免疫疗法(IT)在过敏性鼻球结膜炎的治疗中被证实是有效的。
13.Immunotherapy for 56 patients with unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion原因不明习惯性流产的主动免疫疗法—附56例疗效分析
14.The Effect of HSP70 Peptide Complexes during Hyperthermia and Immunotherapy Mediated by Cytotoxic T Lymhpocytes on Tca8113 Cells;HSP70/HSP70-PC在舌癌热疗联合CTL免疫疗法中作用机制的研究
15.adoptive immunochemotherapy继承性免疫化学疗法
16.The Observation of Clinical Effect with Immunoadsorption on Myasthenia Gravis Patients免疫吸附疗法治疗重症肌无力临床疗效观察
17.The clinical reseach on treatment of male immune infertility by Catgut embedding therapy埋线疗法治疗男性免疫性不育症的临床研究
18.Therapy of reinforcing kidney and warming yang used in asthma treatment and its effect in immune treatment补肾温阳法治疗哮喘及其在免疫治疗中的作用

Immune therapy免疫疗法
1.The development of photoimmunotherapy is reviewed in this paper.光免疫疗法的实现取决于在保证抗体活性的条件下使大量的光敏剂与抗体交联。
6)active Immunotherapy主动免疫疗法

免疫疗法免疫疗法immunotherapy 用化学药物、生物制剂、免疫细胞或分子制剂、中草药或其他手段控制机体免疫反应的治疗方法。包括①免疫增加及调整疗法:用免疫佐剂或免疫刺激剂(如合成的多核苷酸、化学药物、细菌产物、淋巴因子、单核因子等),以恢复或增强低下的免疫应答或调整免疫失衡;或用骨髓移植,胎儿胸腺移植以重建免疫;或注射丙种球蛋白作为免疫替代疗法等。②免疫抑制疗法:用抗代谢药、放射线照射、抗淋巴细胞血清或特异性抗体以防止或减弱免疫应答,以及用脱敏疗法治疗过敏体质者。