1.Effects of ovariectomy on experimentally induced endometriosis in the rat;卵巢切除术对大鼠子宫内膜异位症的影响
2.ObjectiveTo observe the expression of nAchR in different parts of the brain in the rat after bilateral ovariectomy and study its relation with dementia.②方法健康雌性Wistar大鼠10只,随机分为两组,OXV组行双侧卵巢切除术,对照组为假手术对照组。
3.To evaluate the effect of ovariectomy and intermittent injection of parathyroid hormone on Transforming growth factor PI (TGF-β1,) in rats.方法:3月龄雌性SD大鼠行卵巢切除术(OVX)或假手术(Sham),手术组于2周后分别皮下注射甲状腺激素1-34片段(FFH1-34)或溶剂,10天后处死;酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测血清中TGF-β1含量。

1.Surgical removal of one ovary or both.卵巢切除术对一个或两个卵巢的外科切除手术
2.Study of the Correlation between Serum Sex Hormone and Intraocular Pressure in Ovariectomized Rabbits;兔卵巢切除术后血清性激素的改变与眼压相关性的研究
3.Influence of Lepidium meyemii walp on lipid and bone mass in ovariectomized rats玛咖独行菜对卵巢切除术后大鼠血脂及骨质代谢的影响
4.The application of laparoscopic ovariectomy in the adjuvant therapy of premenopausal breast cancer:with a report of 21 cases腹腔镜卵巢切除术在绝经前乳腺癌辅助治疗中的应用(附21例报告)
5.The effect of complete hysterectomy on ovarian hemodynamics and ovarian function全子宫切除术后对卵巢血流及卵巢功能的影响
6.To remove the ovaries of(a female); spay.切除卵巢去除(雌性动物)的卵巢;切除卵巢
7.Surgical incision into an ovary, as to perform a biopsy or remove a tumor.卵巢切开术切开卵巢的外科手术,如为施行活体检查或切除瘤
8.surgical removal of one of both ovaries.切除一个或者全部卵巢的手术。
9.Study of Gaseous and Gasless Laparoscopic Ovariohysterectomy in Dogs;犬气腹与非气腹腹腔镜卵巢子宫切除术的研究
10.surgical removal of the uterus and the ovaries and oviducts and cervix and related lymph nodes.把包括子宫、卵巢、输卵管等与淋巴腺有关的器官全部切除的手术。
11.Staging and Predicting Respectability of Primary Advanced Ovarian Carcinoma Using Computed Tomography;CT对晚期原发性卵巢癌的分期和手术切除可能性的探讨
12.Effects on Ovary Structure and Cell Apoptosis of Different Range Hysterectomy不同范围子宫切除术对卵巢组织结构和细胞凋亡的影响
13.Effect of laparoscopic Surgery on Immunity in Patients with Benign Ovarian Tumor腹腔镜卵巢良性肿瘤切除手术对患者免疫功能的影响
14.neutering a female by removing the ovaries.通过切除女性的卵巢而不能生育。
15.Clinical study on effect of ovariectomy on bone metabolism of women in premenopause卵巢切除对绝经前妇女骨代谢的影响
16.Study the effect of hysterectomy on ovarian子宫切除对卵巢功能影响的临床研究
17.Influence of ectopic ovary transplantation on physiobiochemical criteria of castrated rats异体异位卵巢移植对卵巢切除后大鼠生理生化指标的影响
18.Laparoscopy for giant ovarian cysts:with a report of 8 cases腹腔镜巨大卵巢囊肿剥除术8例报告

ovarian wedge resection卵巢楔形切除术
4)enucleation of ovarian cyst卵巢囊肿切除术
5)an operation to remove diseased ovaries卵巢切除手术.

腹腔镜卵巢囊肿切除术腹腔镜卵巢囊肿切除术 适用于卵巢良性囊肿,直径小于8cm、单房、薄壁且不需保留卵巢者。术前准备同开腹手术,麻醉、体位、消毒范围、置镜及打操作孔方式同输卵管绝育术。探查盆腔情况,寻找囊肿蒂,多重缝扎或电凝后切断卵巢囊肿蒂,切下的囊肿置于特殊袋子内,刺破囊肿吸出囊液或将大块组织钳小,随袋子一并提出盆腔。检查断端无出血,取出器械。