1.Investigation and Analysis of the Knowledge State of the Disease and Emotional Disorders in the Parents of the Children with Chronic Disease;慢性病儿童家长疾病知识了解现状及情绪障碍调查分析
2.Analysis on parents' discrimination attitudes towards AIDS orphans and vulnerable children.;学生家长对受艾滋病影响儿童歧视态度分析
3.Investigation on knowledge and attitude to expanded programme on immunization among parents in a coal-mine area.;某矿区儿童家长计划免疫知识及态度调查

1.Family management & education家政与家教-家长月刊
2.characteristic of a patriarchy.具有家长或族长特性的。
3.A man who rules a family, clan, or tribe.家长,族长,酋长统治家庭、家族或部落的男子
4.There is going to be a parent teacher meeting tomorrow.(明天)开家长会。
5.On Parents Participation and Development in Kindergarten Curriculum;幼儿园课程中的家长参与和家长发展
6.A woman who rules a family, clan, or tribe.女族长,女家长家庭、家族、部落的女统治者
7.The Research of the Parents Education Training-from the Family Education to the Parents Education;家长教育培训研究:从家庭教育到家长教育(上)
8.The man who serves as the head of a household.家长,一家之主作为一家之主的男人
9.Of, relating to, or characteristic of a patriarch.家长的,族长的关于某个家长或族长的,与其有关的或具有其特性的
10.Association of Parents of the Severely Mentally Handicapped严重弱智人士家长协会
11.Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped香港弱智人士家长联会
12.be in the blood这家人的特长[点]
13.Experts have their strong points, and so do non-experts.专家有专家的长处,非专家有非专家的长处。
14.It's the Governor Gary Locke's residence.那是州长骆家辉的官邸,
15."Director, State Bureau for Preservation of Cultural Relics [China]"国家文物局局长〔中国〕
16.He was cradled in the house of his uncle.他是在叔叔家中长大的。
17.to ministers, businessmen, and politicians向部长、商人及政治家们
18.He was the eldest son of a wealthy family.他是有钱人家的长子。

1.Survey on immunization program knowledge of parents from remote areas in Sichuan province;四川省偏远地区儿童家长计划免疫知识调查
2.Study on relationship between apperception of parents of illness children on support level of nurses and demographic characteristics;患儿家长感知护士支持程度与人口学特征关系的研究
3.Influence of parents compliance on recovery of children with nephrotic syndrome;家长的依从性对肾病综合征患儿康复的影响
4)Communication between parents家长交流
5)parents of children patients患儿家长
1.TO investigate the anxiety correlation factors on the parents of children patients with cerebral hemiplegia and nursing intervention;脑瘫患儿家长焦虑相关因素调查及护理干预
6)parents needs家长需求

家长制家庭公社  见家庭公社。