1.Study on clinical results of heating tumescent infiltrationsolutions in liposuction;吸脂术中预热肿胀液的临床效果观察
2.Swelling under anesthesia application of resonance liposuction;肿胀麻醉下共振吸脂术应用探讨
3.Clinical experimence of 236 cases taken by ultrasonic liposuction;体内超声吸脂术236例临床应用体会

1.The role of liposuction in lower facial rejuvenation吸脂术在下面部年轻化手术中的应用
2.Analysis of Curative effect in 24 cases of underbelly fat accumulation underwent tumescent Liposuction technique下腹脂肪堆积行肿胀吸脂术24例疗效分析
3.Correction of facial depressed deformity after liposuction with autologous fat grafting自体脂肪颗粒移植矫治颜面部吸脂术后凹陷畸形
4.Prevention of complications of liposcution with tumescent technique肿胀技术脂肪抽吸术后并发症的预防
5.Classification of fat woman buttock and liposuction女性臀部肥胖分型与臀部脂肪吸脂塑形术
6.Treatment of neck and submaxillary fat by liposuction combining with rhytidectomy吸脂联合除皱术矫治重度颌颈部脂肪堆积
7.The tumescent technique with shunt refiller and liposuction for cervicodorsal fat pad应用分流注水器行肿胀麻醉及脂肪抽吸术治疗颈背脂肪垫
8.Body contouring using various combinations of liposuction,fat transplantation,mammaplasty,abdominoplasty and buttock lifting吸脂并脂肪充填联合腹臀部整形人体轮廓塑形术
9.Technical Research on the Adsorptive Treatment by DRH Resin of the Wastewater from Nitration and Alkaline Wash in TDI Production;DRH树脂吸附法处理TDI硝化碱洗废水技术研究
10.The Clinical Applications of Tumescent Liposuction Technique;肿胀麻醉下负压脂肪抽吸术的临床应用
11.Market Analysis and Process Technology of Acrylic Acid and SAP Resin;丙烯酸及高吸水性树脂的市场分析和技术进展
12.Isolation and Purification of Geniposide by Combinative Chromatography of Membrane and Macroprous Adsorption Resins膜技术耦合大孔吸附树脂分离纯化京尼平苷
13.The clinical application of small incision,low negative pressure,resonance liposuction technology小切口低负压共振吸脂技术的临床应用
14.35 cases of abdominal adiposity weretreated by fat extraction technique combinedwith partial resection of abdonminal adiposetissue and skin.报道采用脂肪抽吸术与腹壁皮肤脂肪部分切除术,治疗腹壁多脂症35例。
15.The results indicate that the ionic template technique can improve the adsorbability of the common adsorbents.实验表明,应用离子模板聚合技术可提高普通吸附树脂的吸附性能。
16.Face Thinning Technique of Buccal Fat Lining Aspiration Combined with Multi-point Musculus Masseter Injection of Type A Botulinum Toxin;A型肉毒毒素咬肌多点注射联合颊脂垫吸除瘦脸术
17.Analysis of volatile flavor Components in Angelica Dahurica Oleoresin by Thermal Desorption-Gas Chromatography-M ass Spectrum Technology吸附热脱附-气质联用技术分析白芷油树脂挥发性成分
18.The clinical experience of 25 patients of dry gauze absorption method in fat liquefaction of abdominal incision干纱布吸湿法治疗腹部手术切口脂肪液化25例临床体会

tumescent liposuction technique肿胀吸脂术
1.Combined tumescent liposuction technique with trans-areolar micro-incision for simple mastectomy in correction of male gynecomastia:a report of 17 cases;肿胀吸脂术联合小切口乳腺切除术矫正男性乳房肥大症17例
2.Conclusion Tumescent liposuction technique is a simple,safe and effective technique to substract fat.目的 探讨下腹部肿胀吸脂术的疗效与并发症的预防。
1.Clinical study of liposuction with tumescent anesthesia technique on the elder;肿胀麻醉吸脂塑身术对高龄肥胖者的应用研究
1.Liposuction with Negative Pression Suction Under Tumescent Technique;肿胀麻醉负压吸引脂肪抽吸术
2.The Clinical Applications of Tumescent Liposuction Technique;肿胀麻醉下负压脂肪抽吸术的临床应用
3.Objective To improve the results of liposuction and solve the problems of skin laxity,wrinkles and abdominal bulging after liposuction.目的:探讨增进腹壁脂肪抽吸术的效果,解决脂肪抽吸后皮肤松垂、皱纹增多、腹部仍有膨隆等问题。
5)Electronic liposuction电子吸脂术
6)Negative-pressure Liposuction负压吸脂术

普鲁脂芬 ,苯酰降脂丙酯 ,立平脂药物名称:力平脂英文名:Lipanthgl别名: 力平脂;美利普特 ,非诺贝特,苯酸降脂丙酯;降脂异丙酯;普鲁脂芬 ,苯酰降脂丙酯 ,立平脂外文名:Fenofibrate, Lipanthyl药理作用:本品有显著降低血清甘油三酯和极低密度脂蛋白、胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白和载脂蛋白-B的浓度,并使高密脂蛋白、载脂蛋白-A1及载脂蛋白-A与载脂蛋白-B的比值升高,较氯贝丁酯作用为强。 体内过程: 口服后胃肠道吸收快,4-6小时达峰值,肝内代谢,24小时内大部分以代谢物、少量以原形随尿及粪便排出,半衰期约为22-26小时。 成分: 非诺贝特 适应症: 成人饮食控制疗法不理想的高胆固醇血症和/或高甘油三酯血症。 用量用法:⑴ 微粒化胶囊:200mg qd,进餐时服用。标准化胶囊:100 mg tid或300 mg qd。维持剂量为100 mg bid或微粒化胶囊 200mg ,qd。 ⑵口服:每日300mg,可早餐后100mg,晚餐后200mg,或晚餐后300mg顿服。一般服药10日左右有明显疗效,2周左右(严重者4周左右)血脂恢复正常水平。此后,在饮食及运动配合下,维持量为每日100~200mg。儿童每公斤5mg。 禁忌: 有肝或肾功能损害者,儿童及妊娠妇女。 不良反应: 胃肠不适,如消化不良;皮肤过敏反应;一过性转氨酶水平升高及肌肉疼痛(偶尔伴肌酶水平增高)。 注意事项: 本药不能作为饮食控制的替代疗法;需定期进行常规血液及肝功能检查。 (注意事项 1.本品毒性甚低,少数病人可见肝功能障碍、停药后2~4周恢复正常。 2.曾有血尿素氮增高。 3.偶有口干、食欲不振、大便次数增多、皮疹、腹胀和白细胞减少等。 4.孕妇禁用;肝、肾功能不全者慎用。 )药物相互作用: 慎与其它降胆固醇药(其它贝特类,他汀类)同服。服用抗凝剂时慎用本药。 规格: 胶囊 标准化力平脂 100 mg x 25粒。300mg x 10粒。胶囊 微粒化力平脂 200 mg x 10粒。 类别:调节血脂及抗动脉硬化药