1.The medial and lateral pain system—parallel processing of nociceptive information;内、外侧痛觉系统——伤害性信息处理的并行通路
2.Effects of inter-stimulus interval on pain evoked potential in rabbits;刺激间隔对兔痛觉诱发电位的影响
3.Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Processing of Pain;前扣带皮层与痛觉信息加工

1.have a high/low pain threshold有很高[低]的痛觉阈.
2.Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Induced-pain in two Models of Visceral Pain of Rats两种内脏痛觉过敏大鼠模型痛觉效能的比较
3.The Effects of p38βMAPK on Hyperalgesia of Bone Cancer Pain in Rats;p38βMAPK在大鼠骨癌痛痛觉过敏中的作用
4.A deadening or absence of the sense of pain without loss of consciousness.痛觉缺失在未失去知觉的情况下感到麻木或丧失痛觉
5.The Role of NF-κB Protein on the Nociceptive Transmission of Migraine Attacks;NF-κB蛋白在偏头痛痛觉信息传递中的作用
6.An Experimental Study of Central Control Mechanism of Pain in Migraine;偏头痛中枢痛觉信息调控机制的实验研究
7.A Basic Study for the Role of Nitric Oxide on the Nociceptive Transmission of Migraine Attacks;NO在偏头痛痛觉信息中枢传递中作用的基础研究
8.The Role of P2X_3 Receptor on the Peripheral Sensitization in a Rat Model of Bone Cancer Pain;P2X_3受体介导骨癌痛痛觉敏化机制的研究
9.The Mechanisms of Intrathecal U0126 Attenuate Rat Bone Cancer Pain Hyperalgesia骨癌痛大鼠鞘内注射U0126抗痛觉过敏的脊髓机制
10.Study on sensory root pathway of trigeminal pain afferent fibers in rats大鼠三叉神经痛觉传入纤维感觉根通路的研究
11.feeling sharp psychological pain.感觉到极大的心理痛苦。
12.insensitive to pain, cold, etc对疼痛、 寒冷等无感觉
13.insensible to pain, cold, etc对疼痛、 寒冷等无感觉.
14.I feel shivery, and I've got a pain my stomach.我觉得发冷,胃也痛。
15.pangs of regret or twinges of conscience.剧痛使他失去了知觉。
16.A tingling or pricking sensation.针刺般的感觉,刺痛
17.To produce a stinging or itching sensation.产生痛痒或刺痒感觉
18.He felt a great deal of pain in his abdomen.他感觉到腹部非常痛。

sense of pain痛觉
1.Relationship between Abnormal spinal complement activity and hyperalgesia in rats following sciatic nerve ligation;坐骨神经结扎大鼠脑脊液补体异常活化与痛觉过敏的关系
2.Intrathecal minocycline attenuates thermal hyperalgesia in a rat model of CFA-induced arthritis;鞘内注射米诺环素减轻大鼠佐剂性关节炎性痛觉过敏
3.Effects of NMDA receptors on hyperalgesia;NMDA受体在痛觉过敏中的作用
1.Mechanical allodynia was represented by 50% withdrawal threshold, while cold induced ongoing pain was detected by the number of paw lift in 5 min when the rat was p.方法 :将大鼠右侧L5 /L6脊神经结扎 ,用引起 5 0 %抬足的机械刺激阈值评价机械性痛觉超敏 ,用大鼠 5min内从 5℃冷板上的抬足次数反映冷诱发的持续性疼痛。
5)Pain Measurement痛觉测定
6)Pain modulation痛觉调制
1.The role of neurotensin in the nucleus raphe magnus in pain modulation;中缝大核内神经降压素在痛觉调制中的作用
2.Researches suggest that the VLO is involved not only in nociception,but also in pain modulation,through activation of PAG brainstem descending antinociceptive pathway to inhibit the nociceptive inputs at the spinal/trigeminal level.VLO不仅是一个痛觉感受中枢,而且也是一个痛觉调制中枢,通过激活PAG脑干下行抑制系统在脊髓和三叉水平抑制伤害性信息的输入。
