1.Anxiety characteristics of soldiers in air forces and its influencing factors;空军部队军人焦虑特点及影响因素研究
2.A tracking investigation on emotion traits of training soldiers in high altitude;高海拔环境下驻训军人情绪特点的动态研究
3.Depression status and its related factors in soldiers at high altitude areas;高原军人抑郁及其相关因素调查

1.a service rifle, family, house军用步枪、 军人家庭、 军人用房.
2.prisoner at large受约束处分的海军军人
3.A soldier should not bring scandal upon the uniform.军人不应给军队丢脸。
4.Naval National Servicemen Branch海军战备军人管理科
5.A soldier must obey his superior officers.军人应服从上级军官.
6.a serviceman who ranks below a commissioned officer.一个军衔位于委任军官之下的军人
7.The number of wounded has exceeded480 people.受伤联军军人人数超过四百八十人。
8.play (at) soldiers扮演军人,做扮演军人的游戏
9.Chelsea bun [ pensioner ]彻西残废军人休养院的残废军人
10.two men stood sentry duty.军人军人的权利和义务。
11.The old soldier never lost his military demeanor.那个老军人从来没有失去军人风度。
12.The natives were cowed by the army.本地人受到军人的恐吓。
13.The man bears himself like a soldier.这个人的举止像个军人
14.The people revolted against the military government.人民反抗军人政府。
15.The duties of the Junsi were to record the soldiers' merits, adjust action of several troops, lead troops to fight and take part in the chief commander's military plan.军司的职责是为军人录勋、节度诸军、统兵作战和参与军政谋议。
16.A jail for the detention of military personnel guilty of minor offenses or awaiting court-martial.军人禁闭室军队中拘禁犯有轻微过失的军人或等候军事宣判的军人的监牢
17.Our army captured 1,000 of the enemy.我军俘虏敌军一千人。
18.Our army captured 500 of the enemy.我军俘虏敌军500人。

1.Study on subjective self consistency and congruence and general well-being and their relationship in soldiers;军人自我和谐与总体幸福感及其关系的研究
2.Study on status of depression and related factors in soldiers at high altitude;自动思维、生活事件、社会支持对高原军人抑郁的影响
3.Subjective Self Consistency and Congruence and General Well-being of Soldiers;军人自我和谐、总体幸福感及其关系的研究
3)military personnel军人
1.Relationship of social support, personality and mental health in military personnel stationed on island;驻岛礁某部军人社会支持与人格、心理健康的关系
2.Mental health status and coping style of military personnel in island.;驻岛礁军人心理健康状况与应对方式研究
3.Objective: To investigate the relationship between the cognition and the self-rated health in military personnel in high altitude area.目的:探讨高原军人对环境和服役的认知评价与自测健康状况的关系。
1.Relationship of Personality with Anxiety and Depression in Armymen;当代军人个性特征与焦虑及抑郁情绪关系的再研究
2.Study of the Relationship between Social Support,Coping Style and Mental Stress in Armymen.;社会支持和应对方式与军人心理应激的相关性研究
3.The Investigation of the Emotion Regulation Types and the Relationships on the Emotion Regulation Types and the Personality in Armymen;军人情绪调节方式及其与人格特征的相关研究
1.Effect of Lin Tong mineral water on plasma LAC and TCO_2 in sub-health state of armyman;临潼矿泉水浴对亚健康军人血浆乳酸、总二氧化碳的影响
2.Considerations on establishing armyman s medical insurance before ex-service;关于建立军人退役前医疗保险的思考
3.To heighten the physiology and the psychological diathesis of the armyman in the modern war, it is expounded in this article that the causing ill factor of the physiology abnormality of the armyman in the war, the countermeasures should be adopted for preventing the armyman psychological abnormality.为提高现代战争时军人的生理与心理素质 ,本文阐述了战时军人心理异常的致病因素 ;防止军人心理异常应采取的对策。
1.Management of Serviceman Nurses in Nurse Troop;护理队伍中军人护士的管理
2.Objective To discuss the effective means to the therapy of serviceman s pollinosis.目的 探讨军人花粉症治疗的有效方法。
3.To inquire into the actuality of the require and the demand on the medical treatment service of the serviceman, it is analyzed in this article that the index of the require and the demand on the medical treatment of serviceman, the serviceman health and the influence factor of the medical treatment service utilized.为探讨军人医疗服务需要与需求现状 ,本文分析了军人医疗需要与需求指标 ,军人健康及医疗服务利用影响因素 ,为决策层了解军人健康状况和科学配置医疗资源提供参考依
