1.Assessment of Tibetan adolescents skeletal age of wrist in Naqu district;那曲地区藏族青少年部骨龄评价
2.Selective Median Neurotomy for Relief of Spasticity Focalized to Wrists and to Fingers in Children with Cerebral Palsy;选择性正中神经分支部分切断术治疗脑瘫性、指痉挛
3.A case of thecal cyst in tendon of wrist;部肌腱内腱鞘囊肿1例

1.A band of material worn round the wrist for warmth or support.套,护用来保暖或支撑而戴在手的带状物
2.Brachiopoda (fossil)足动物门(化石)
3.rick one's ankle, wrist, back扭伤足踝、 手、 背.
4.carpal tunnel syndrome1. 【医】管综合症
5.A small, hook - shaped carpal bone of the wrist.钩骨子上一种小的、钩状的
6.A joint in quadrupeds corresponding to the wrist.骨四足动物的相对应的关节
7.The joint between the hand and the forearm.关节手和前臂之间的关节
8.To minimize wrist strain when you type, keep your wrists elevated or use a wristpad.要减轻击键时手的紧张程度,请抬高手或使用手垫。
9.Methods A total of 30 endoscopic procedures in 25 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTR) were performed.方法  2 5例 30管综合征 ,在内窥镜指导下切开管。
10.clasp a bracelet round one's wrist将手镯戴在手上.
11.She wears a huge bracelet on her wrists.她手上戴着大手镯。
12.tenorrhaphy of tendon flexor carpi radialis桡侧屈肌腱缝合术
13.ruled the nation with an iron hand.用铁统治这个国家
14.He scratched the stump of his wrist nervously.他紧张地搔着部残肢。
15.mallenders and sallenders马湿疹和马膝湿疹
16.chronic crepitant synovitis of wrist慢性摩擦音性滑膜炎
17.Maybe your wristwatch is slow.可能是你的表慢了。
18.Stalin: Russia' s Man of Steel斯大林:俄国铁人物

1.Histological Examination of Arm Regeneration Process in Starfish Asterias Rollestoni;罗氏海盘车(Asterias rolleston)再生过程及其再生机理的组织学研究
2.Studies on the regeneration process of amputated starfish arms are of great importance in the validation of the mechanisms of metazoan regeneration.对海盘车再生过程的研究,对于早日揭示棘皮动物等后口动物的再生机理具有重要意义。
3.To clarify the regenerative mechanism of arm regeneration in A.为查清罗氏海盘车的再生机理,本文以成体罗氏海盘车为材料,采用断创伤方法诱导其再生,并利用组织化学、透射电镜、免疫荧光等技术对其再生进行了研究。
3)"vertical wris直腕、腕竖
1.Application of Forearm Fascia Flap with Perforator Artery in the Restoration of Soft Tissues Defects in Wrist;前臂动脉穿支筋膜皮瓣在手部软组织缺损修复中的应用
2.Objective: To analysis the X-ray signs of wrist joint of gymnasts and to discuss the pattern and the features of the X-ray signs.目的:分析44名体操运动员的部骨与关节的X线征象,探讨其X线表现类型及特点。
5)carpal tunnel腕管
1.Clinical study of mild Carpal tunnel syndrome treat with Triamcinolone Acetonide injected into the Carpal tunnel;曲安奈德管内注射治疗轻度管综合征的临床研究
2.Objective To study the force and pressure transmission through normal wrist,and the effect of transverse carpal ligament release on the biomechanics of carpal tunnel.结果部载荷传递及关节接触应力分布情况与前人实验数据相当接近;横韧带的切除导致舟骨发生向桡侧和掌侧的偏移,以及掌向屈曲和向桡侧的转动,而整个管结构则产生更大的桡侧偏移。
1.Method After scanning patients bar code on their wristband,the system can automatically collect the patient information and test orders from Hospital Information System.方法通过在床旁扫描病人佩戴的带条码,系统自动通过无线网络从医院信息系统获取病人的相关信息和医嘱,并从临床检验信息系统获取病人的检验项目、试管类型、标本类型等;护士根据系统提示为病人采集标本,扫描试管条码后,系统对试管的条码进行确认,并将试管和该病人的信息通过临床检验信息系统进行对应。

腕腕 腕   手掌和前臂关联处。《灵枢·经筋》:“手太阳之筋,起于小指之上,结于腕。”《灵枢·骨度》:“腕至中指本节,长四寸。”