1.The influence of lower limb orthosis equipment on spinal cord injuried patients;下肢矫形器对脊髓损伤患者ADL和行走能力的影响分析
2.Improvement of patients walking ability with orthosis and functional training;矫形器结合功能训练改善患者步行能力
3.An analysis on the effect of applying orthosis to 64 children with disability of lower limb;64例儿童下肢畸形应用矫形器的疗效分析

1.Preliminary Analysis of Therapeutic Effects of AFO on Tiptoes of Children With Cerebral Palsy踝足矫形器矫治脑瘫患儿尖足初步疗效分析
2.Conclusion Rigid ankle foot orthoses can be an ideal orthoses in im-proving the ambulation of the cerebral palsy children.结论硬踝足矫形器是脑瘫患儿改善步态较为理想的矫形器
3.An orthopedic appliance used to support, align, or hold a bodily part in the correct position.矫形器支持、校直或托住身体部位以使其保持正确位置的矫形器
4.Application of reciprocating gait orthosis in the rehabilitation of patients with paraplegia步行矫形器在截瘫患者康复中的应用
5.The application of orthosis and self-help aids to hemiplegic upper exteremity矫形器和自助具在偏瘫上肢的应用
6."Orthopaedic industry Co., Ltd."假肢矫形器工业有限公司
7.Application of assembling KAFO and AFO in hemiplegia patients组装式下肢矫形器在偏瘫患者中的应用
8.A Systematic Review: Othoses for Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures;矫形器治疗骨质疏松性椎体骨折的系统评价
9.Research and Design of Trunk Orthosis CAD System;躯干矫形器计算机辅助设计系统研究与设计
10.The Basic and Clinical Application Study of Reciprocating Gait Orthosis;重心移动式步行矫形器的基础与临床应用研究
11.Clinical Application of Splints in Reconstruction for Posttraumatic Elbow Stiffness(review)矫形器在创伤后肘关节功能障碍康复中的应用
12.CAM of Foot Orthosis Based on PC and Motion Control Card基于工控机和运动控制卡的足底矫形器CAM系统
13.Physiological Gait Planning and Testing for a Lower Limb Gait Orthosis下肢步态矫形器的生理学步态规划与试验
14.The foot problem with toes touching ground first on walking may be possible to be corrected by orthosis. But this needs a professional assessment to decide it.走路时脚尖先着地的问题,可以通过矫形器来矫正,但是需要经过专业评估后再决定是否需要。
15.deformity-correcting appliance, orthopaedic畸形矫正器械,矫形用
16.Can Invisalign End the Traditional Orthodontics;隐形矫治器是否是传统矫治器的终结
17.jaw appliance, orthopaedic颌部用器具,矫形用
18.Modern Orthpoedic Rehabilitation Equipment Optimal Design and Research现代矫形康复器具的优化设计与研究

rectifying tools矫形器具
3)Boston braceBoston矫形器
1.Using the Boston brace to treat idiopathic spinal scoliosis in adolescence;Boston矫形器治疗青少年特发性脊柱侧凸的疗效分析
4)knee orthosis膝矫形器
1.Effects of function improvement in acute knee-joint ligament injury between knee orthosis and dynamic action plaster immobilization;膝关节韧带损伤早期应用膝矫形器与动态石膏固定对膝关节功能恢复的影响
5)ankle foot orthoses踝足矫形器
1.Effects on ambulation of children with spastic cerebral palsy by different kind of ankle foot orthoses;不同类型的踝足矫形器对痉挛型脑瘫患儿行走功能的影响
2.Objective: To investigate the effect of ankle foot orthoses on movement of children with cerebral palsy.目的:探讨踝足矫形器在脑瘫康复治疗中对大运动功能的影响。
3.: Objective To investigate the effect on gait of patients with foot dro p by using posterior leaf ankle foot orthoses.目的研究后置弹性踝足矫形器对单纯足下垂患者踝足功能和步态的影响。
6)ankle-foot orthotics踝足矫形器
1.The influence of improved ankle-foot orthotics on the knee joint movement;改良式踝足矫形器对膝关节运动角度的影响
2.Objective: To design and make “T” adjustable ankle-foot orthotics (AFO) and evaluate its effects on preventing and correcting ankle malformation.目的:设计和制作“T”形和可调式踝足矫形器(AFO),探讨其对预防、矫治踝关节畸形的作用。

骨科或矫形外科学骨科或矫形外科学orthopedics  是外科学的一个分支,专门从事运动系疾病与损伤的预防、诊断、治疗和康复的临床实践及基础理论研究。范围广,包括损伤、感染、畸形、营养、代谢疾病、肿瘤及其他自身免疫疾病,并发展成多种专业,如创伤骨科、手外科、脊柱外科、小儿骨科、足外科、髋关节外科、骨肿瘤等。