1.Relationship Between Counterfactual Thinking and Guilt and Shame——Taking the university student and the juvenile delinquent as an example;反事实思维与内疚和羞耻的关系——以大学生和青少年罪犯为例
2.An initial analysis of phenomenological differences between guilt and shame;内疚与羞耻之现象学差异的初步比较
3.An Empirical Study on the Relationship of Guilt and Shame about Middle-school Students;中学生内疚与羞耻关系的实证研究

1.if he deceives me twice, shame on me.人欺我一次,他羞耻,欺我两次,我羞耻
2.A feeling of shame, humiliation, or wounded pride.羞耻一种羞耻、受挫或窘迫的感觉
3.have no sense of shame, guilt, etc无羞耻心、 无罪恶感
4.He is a man who has no shame.他是个毫无羞耻心的人。
5.His face was flushed with shame.他的脸因羞耻而变红。
6.He brought disgrace on his family.他给他家庭带来羞耻
7.He should have tucked his tail then!他当时真该感到羞耻
8."Why are you ashamed of Me?"为什么你以我为羞耻
9."It is better to be clothed in rags, than to be clothed with shame"宁可穿破衣,不可蒙羞耻
10.I feel so ashamed of you .我真为你感到羞耻
11.It is a shameful thing to have to say ?说起来也使人感到羞耻
12.a state of shame or disgrace.羞耻或不体面的状态。
13.Any shame would be none of my doing.羞耻不是我造出来的。
14.Ashamed of one's behaviour对自己的行为感到羞耻
15.I felt a species of shame.我有一种羞耻的感觉。
16.I felt so ashamed of you.我实在为你感到羞耻
17.He flushed with shame.他因感到羞耻而脸红。
18.Jean's shame sticks out all over her.琴的羞耻感流贯全身。

shame proneness羞耻感
1.Remits:The regression weight of shame proneness on social anxiety was 0.目的:建构青少年社交焦虑的羞耻感模型,探索以羞耻感为主的各种心理因素之间的关系,及对社交焦虑的影响。
2.Shame proneness as the independent variable was positively correlated with social anxiety.目的:在大学生中尝试验证羞耻感对社交焦虑的影响作用。
1.Esteem in the Personality,Shame and Mental Health Model: Its Direct and Moderating Effects;自尊在大学生人格、羞耻感与心理健康关系模型中的作用研究
2.Development of A Middle School Students’Shame Scale;中学生羞耻感量表的编制
3.It is an urgent task of current moral education to conduct adolescent shame education,and it is a specific procedure to put socialist view of honor and shame into effect.对青少年进行羞耻感教育是当前品德教育的一项十分迫切的任务,也是落实胡锦涛总书记“八荣八耻”社会主义荣辱观的具体步骤。
4)disgrace mentality羞耻心态
1.Disgrace mentality can be divided into the wrong and the right disgrace mentality from the level of appropriateness.从耻的自觉水平分,可将耻分为他律之耻和自律之耻;从恰当与否角度分,可将羞耻心态分为错误的羞耻心态与正确的羞耻心态;从是"自身的素养缺陷"还是"外在的强权"导致的耻辱分,可将耻辱分为"义辱"与"势辱";从耻辱的强度分,可将耻辱分为奇耻大辱和一般性耻辱。
5)sense of shame羞耻感
1.Education of sense of shame and its implementation approach;羞耻感教育及其实施途径
2.With the development of society,the sense of shame is self-condemn on the basis of objective condition and subjective psychology affirmative,is the base line of human being s ethic,shame s target is evil.羞耻感是随着社会发展,在客观条件与主观心理认同基础上发生的自我谴责,是保有人之为人的道德底线,耻的对象是恶。
3.Fostering the sense of honors and dishonors and the sense of shame is the effective entry point of moral education.社会主义荣辱观不仅明确了多元时代我国德育的基本价值,而且荣辱感、羞耻感也是道德教育的有效切入点。
6)sense of shame羞耻心
1.In ancient times,to cultivate the sense of shame of the criminal is through positive and negative ways.古人对罪犯羞耻心的培养是从积极的教育和消极的教训两个维度并举的。
