1.Amputation of lower limb necrosis caused by vascular occlusion;血管闭塞所致下肢坏疽截肢术
2.Clinical observation on phantom limb pain after the amputation of osteosarcoma;骨肉瘤截肢术后幻肢痛的临床观察
3.Methods 13 cases with closed popliteal artery injuries were enrolled,in which 10 were treated with arteriovenous anasmtomosis and bridging,2 with primary amputation due to muscular ischemic necrosis,and 1 with conservative way.方法13例闭合性腘动脉损伤患者,10例采取动-静脉吻合和桥接术治疗,2例因肌肉缺血坏死行一期截肢术,1例行保守治疗。

1.Risk Factors for Amputation and Wound Healing in Diabetic Foot PatientsDF患者截肢及截肢术后创面愈合危险因素分析
2.Clinic Study on Treatment of Phantom Limb Pain by Far-Infrared Radiation from Nanophase Ceramics;纳米相陶瓷远红外线治疗截肢术后幻肢痛的临床研究
3.Mental nursing for patients undergoing amputation in Wenchuan earthquabe汶川大地震中截肢术后伤员的心理护理
4.Application of Vacuum Sealing Drainage in the Treatment of Wound Infection of Earthquake Casualty After Amputation负压封闭引流在地震伤员截肢术后感染创面治疗中的应用
5.Clinical Application of Combination Blocking Lumbar Plexus and Sciatic Nerve under Allocation of the Nerve Stimulator for Amputation of Senile Patient with Diabetes神经刺激仪定位下行腰丛坐骨神经联合阻滞在糖尿病老年患者截肢术中的临床应用
6.To cut off(a part of the body), especially by surgery.截肢砍掉、截去(肢体),特别是在外科手术中
7.The Discussion of Adaptation and Surgery Principle for Traumatic Amputation;创伤性截肢的适应证与手术原则探讨
8.Artificial limb development and the mental rehabilitation of patients undergoing amputation and artificial limb installation假肢发展技术以及截肢患者假肢安装过程中的心理康复
9.a severed limb, artery截断的一肢、 动脉
10.phantom limb(截肢后依然感到肢体存在的)幻肢(感)
11.And oh, the horror of hearing the screams from the operating ward where amputations were going on!听见手术室里正在进行截肢时的惨叫,是多惨的时刻啊!
12.The next day,after conferring with the vet and the family,I reluctantly agreed to have Scampy' s leg amputated.第二天,我跟兽医和全家商量之后,勉强同意给"小淘气"做截肢手术。
13.A person who has had one or more limbs removed by amputation.被截肢者被截去一个或更多个肢体的人
14.Objective To discuss the issue of the limb salvage versus the amputation of serious lower limb injury.目的探讨严重下肢损伤的保肢与截肢问题。
15.Rehabilitation for Amputation and Paraplegia in Earthquake:A Case Report地震伤后双下肢及左上肢高位截肢伴截瘫康复1例报道
16.Surgical options for end-stage ankle arthritis include below-knee amputation, ankle arthrodesis, and total ankle arthroplasty.末期踝关节炎的手术治疗选择有:膝下截肢、关节融合术、及全人工踝关节置换术。
17.If a man had a gangrenous foot would you have patience with anyone who hesitated to amputate it?如果一个人的脚得了坏疽而有人对于动截肢手术犹犹豫豫,你难道会对他有耐心吗?
18.Before this century, medicine consisted mainly of amputation saws, morphine and crude remedies that were about as effective as bloodletting.在本世纪以前,医疗技术主要是由截肢用锯、吗啡以及类似放血这样有效的原始疗法所组成的。

amputation surgery截肢手术
4)segmental resection of extremity肢体段截术
5)amputation of limbs肢干截除术
6)below-knee amputation膝下截肢术
