1.Selection of surgical plan for the congenital microtia with deformities of external auditory meatus (EAM) and middle ear;先天性小耳畸形合并外耳道、中耳畸形手术方案的选择
2.Auricle reconstruction using MEDPOR framework in patient with congenital microtia;先天性小耳畸形的MEDPOR支架耳再造术
3.Application of the displaced lobular remnant in auricular reconstruction of microtia;异位的耳垂型残耳在小耳畸形外耳再造中的应用

1.Mutational Analysis of EYA1 and SIX1 Gene in Chinese Patients with Microtia先天性小耳畸形EYA1和SIX1基因检测分析
2.Objective To study the methods of external ear reconstruction for congenital microtia.目的探讨先天性小耳畸形的外耳再造方法。
3.Nursing of Autogenous Rib Cartilage for Bilateral MicrotiaEar Reconstruction取自体肋软骨行双侧小耳畸形全耳再造术护理
4.Clinical application of reconstruction of congenital microtia先天性小耳畸形外耳再造的临床应用及研究
5.Bilateral congenital microtia of concha type--A Pedigree Report先天性双侧耳甲腔型小耳畸形一家系报告
6.Auricle Reconstruction with Tissue Expansion and Superficial Temporal Fascia Flap for Microtia皮肤扩张加颞浅筋膜瓣耳再造修复小耳畸形
7.Measurements of the Facial Nerve Canal on MSCT in Patients with Microtia先天性小耳畸形的面神经管在MSCT上的测量研究
8.Clinical analysis and PACT gene mutation test in microtia patients先天性小耳畸形临床分析和PACT基因检测
9.Ear reconstruction using soft tissue expander in the treatment of congenital microtia先天性小耳畸形的皮肤软组织扩张器法外耳再造术
10.Individual auricular reconstruction with autologous costal cartilage framework for degree Ⅰ microtiaⅠ度小耳畸形的个体化自体肋软骨支架移植耳廓再造术
11.Study on Mutation of Mature Peptide of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-5 Gene in Microtia Patients;先天性小耳畸形患者骨形态发生蛋白-5成熟肽基因突变研究
12.A Self-control Study of Mental Health State of Microtia Patients and Their Patients;先天性小耳畸形患者及家属心理健康状况变化的自身对照研究
13.Small tympanic cavity and enlarged eustachian tube and tympanic sinus were found in 1 case respectively.合并小鼓室1例,耳咽管和鼓室窦畸形扩大1例。
14.Congenital Deformity of Middle Ear先天性中耳畸形(附14例16耳报告)
15.(5) Vestibular and semicircular canal malformaitions (14 ears): The cochlea is normal. Vestibule and the Lateral semicircular canal coalesce of the latter is small.(5)前庭及半规管畸形(14耳):耳蜗正常,前庭扩大,半规管短小、粗大或缺如。
16.Objective:To determine the relationship between external ear malformation and middle ear abnormality,and also the results of surgical treatment.目的:分析外耳畸形与中耳畸形的关系和手术治疗的效果。
17.Audiological Assessment of Patients with Congenial External and Middle Ear Malformations先天性外耳和中耳畸形患者的听力学分析
18.Cochlear implant in patients with congenital malformation of the inner ear先天性内耳畸形患者人工耳蜗植入的临床体会

1.Collection and hereditary research of pedigrees of microtia;先天性小耳畸形家系收集和遗传学研究
2.Relationship Between Mutation of Goosecoid Gene and Microtia;Goosecoid基因突变与先天性小耳畸形的关系
3.Mutational Analysis of EYA1 and SIX1 Gene in Chinese Patients with Microtia先天性小耳畸形EYA1和SIX1基因检测分析
3)congenital microtia先天性小耳畸形
1.Study on mutation of bone morphogenetic protein-5 mature peptide gene in patients with congenital microtia;先天性小耳畸形患者骨形态发生蛋白-5成熟肽基因突变研究
2.Objectives: To identify the risk factors associated with congenital microtia, and put forward its preventive measures.研究目的:探讨导致先天性小耳畸形发生的各种危险因素,为小耳畸形的预防提供理论依据。
4)Congenitial microtia先天性小耳畸形
1.Objective To investigate the pathology of the congenitial microtia and the relationship with biomechanic properties of the cartilage through examination the expression of type II collagen and elastin in the cartilage of the residual ear of microtia patients and the change of biomechanic properties of the cartilage.目的:通过观察先天性小耳畸形患者残耳软骨细胞基质中Ⅱ型胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白在翻译和转录水平的表达和生物力学的改变,探讨先天性小耳畸形发生的组织学改变及其与生物力学之间的关系。
5)inner ear malformations内耳畸形
1.Analysis of imaging of inner ear malformations in children with congenital sensorineural hearing loss;儿童先天性感音神经性聋中内耳畸形的影像学分析
6)Middle ear abnormalities中耳畸形

家族性泌尿生殖道和耳畸形综合征家族性泌尿生殖道和耳畸形综合征 病名。可能为常染色体隐性遗传。包括:①泌尿生殖道及外耳畸形。②泌尿生殖道及中耳畸形,呈现肾发育不良,内生殖器及中耳畸形。可采用手术整形治疗。