1.One of the outstanding characteristics of Feng Zhi s poetic art is his unique meditation on life in the content of his poems.冯至诗歌艺术个性最突出的特征,在表现内容上是以对生命的独特沉思入诗。
2.Although happiness is gained through some outside conditions,there are no imperfect things in happiness;therefore,happiness exists in perfect realization activity,that is,the free activity in meditation.虽然幸福需要外在条件,但既然幸福中不存在不完善的东西,那么它只存在于最完善的实现活动——沉思中的自由活动。
3.The essential difference between neo-Romanticism and classic Romanticism lies in time change,in cultivating the ability to be used to the classic expression such as description,emotion and meditation etc,not in emphasis on empathy of human beings with nature.新浪漫精神和古典浪漫精神的最大区别在于:美学生态人的新浪漫精神不是一味地强调人对自然的感情的移入,而是要立足于时代风貌,让人更多地习惯于对自然的更为古老的表达方式,比如描写、抒情与沉思等。

1.thinking is also reflection and contemplation.思维也是思考和沉思
2.He was lost in reverie [thought].他陷于幻想 [沉思] 。
3.Meditationes de Prima Philosophia《形而上学的沉思
4.Disposed to or characterized by contemplation.沉思的好沉思的或以此为特征的
5.A person given to contemplation.沉思者专心于沉思或敛心默祷的人
6.A Philosophical Meditation on Contemporary China--Thoughts on Reading Guyu s Meditation;一个时代的哲学沉思——《谷雨沉思》读后
7.Characterized by or prone to meditation.沉思冥想的以沉思冥想为特点的,爱沉思思冥想的
8.When he' s depressed he sits brooding for hours.他消沉的时候, 就坐着沉思几小时.
9.He corrugated his brows in throught.他在沉思中皱起眉头。
10.He was quiet and thoughtful for a while.他静下来沉思了一会儿。
11.He started up from his reverie.”老人从沉思中惊醒;
12.The ring startled me from my brooding.铃声使我从沉思中惊醒。
13.She wrinkled her brows in concentration.她蹙额皱眉, 陷入沉思
14.His face contorted with thought.他皱眉挤眼作沉思状。
15.Fix, seated in the bow, gave himself up to meditation.费克斯正在船头上沉思
16.His eyes are intelligent and watchful.沉思的眼睛显出智慧,
17.He ruminated on [over] what had happened the day before.他沉思前一天发生的事。
18.He looked at the picture thoughtfully.他沉思地看着那张照片。

1.The Characteristic of Existential Contemplation in Fengzhi’s Sonnets;论冯至《十四行集》的存在主义沉思特质
2.LI Bais spiritual world was open,by which he displays the self-enjoyment,deep contemplation and joy from his realization of philosophical ideas.李白敞开的心灵世界通过诗歌而表现为自得之乐、沉思之邃和哲悟之趣。
3)pondering thinking沉思之思
4)quiet thinking沉静思想
5)cultural meditation文化沉思
6)philosophy muse哲理沉思
1.His creation is obvious with local features,profound philosophy muse and his own .他的创作以其鲜明的地域色彩与深刻的哲理沉思成就他独具个性的文学叙事。
