1.The Research on Reasons and Intervention Measures of Fear in Hurdle Race;跨栏跑恐惧心理的成因及干预措施探究
2.How to Overcome the Fear of Learning Back Style High Jump;如何克服背越式跳高学习过程中的恐惧心理
3.Analysis of appearance and elimination of P.E. university Sanshou learners fear in virtual practice;体院(校)散打专选学生在实战中恐惧心理的产生及对策

1.He tried to vanquish his fears.他努力克服恐惧心理
2.a child's sudden fear of attending school.孩子对于上学产生恐惧心理
3.You must conquer your fear of driving.你必须克服驾驶车辆的恐惧心理.
4.Analysis of Factors of Frightened Feeling in the Alphin Skiing Courses;高山滑雪教学中恐惧心理因素的分析
5.Study on the Causes and Coping Strategies of Fear Psychology of Students in Jumping Box Teaching;跳箱教学中学生恐惧心理成因及对策
6.An Analysis Present Condition and Study Counter Plan of “the psychology of Fear” in Hurdle Race Teaching;跨栏跑教学中的“恐惧心理”及对策研究
7.Clear Fear in the Woman Hurdle Teaching;简析女生跨栏教学中恐惧心理的消除
8.Strengthen Stage Practice and Overcome Fearness in Singing;加强舞台艺术实践 克服歌唱恐惧心理
10.Fear Psychology and Psychological Training in Policing Climbing Process;警务攀登过程中的恐惧心理及心理训练
11.Our evolved fears are quite rational.我们进化出来的恐惧心理都是非常合理的。
12.The influence of the nursing intervention on the cervical operation patients who have the psychology of anxiety and fear护理干预对颈椎手术患者焦虑、恐惧心理的影响
13.This paper analyses the nervousness in horse vaulting drills and offers practical methods of easing the nervousness.本文分析了练跳马时的恐惧心理,并提出了排除练跳马时的恐惧心理的具体方法.
14.the gentleness and fatherliness of the strange old man eased her fears.那个老人的父亲的慈爱缓和了她的恐惧心理
15.He tried to shake off his fears; The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps; The police attempted to stop the thief; He sought to improve himself; She always seeks to do good in the world.他尝试着消除恐惧心理;他尝试着提高自己。
16.Nothing is to be feared but fear.恐惧来自心理恐惧。
17.fear arousal恐惧激发(心理学)
18.fear survey schedule恐惧调查表(心理学)

fear psychology恐惧心理
1.Formation and dispelling of students fear psychology in gymnastics teaching in normal universities;师范院校体操教学中学生恐惧心理的产生与消除
2.This paper talks about how to overcome the fear psychology which the students produce in hurdling teaching.本文论述了在跨栏教学中如何克服学生恐惧心
3.In hurdle teaching, we usually find that that students are easy to have the fear psychology which will affect the teaching plan.通过对学生跨栏心理状态的研究分析 ,找出解决学生恐惧心理的方法 ,提高教学水平。
3)dread psychology恐惧心理
1.Causes of students dread psychology in physical education and methods to eliminate it;体育教学中学生恐惧心理的产生及消除方法
2.The andlysis and ways to deal with the students dread psychology in gymnastic teaching;对体操教学中学生恐惧心理的分析与对策
3.The reasons of dread psychology in high jump training course were analyzed and discussed from three aspects: objective fettle of athlete,impersonal factors,worriment of coach,which provide reference for theory and training of high jump.本文从运动员的主观状态、客观因素、教练员的焦虑问题三个方面对背越式跳高训练过程中运动员恐惧心理的产生原因进行了分析,并提出了相应的克服方法和建议,为背越式跳高理论和训练提供参考。
4)psychological fear心理恐惧
1.In the teaching process of Sanda,psychological fear is felt commonly in the sector of actual combat.在散打教学中,学生普遍对实战这一环节有一种心理恐惧,通过运用心理训练法、安全保护法、循序渐进法、模拟训练法、抗击打训练法和合理配对法可以帮助学生有效地克服心理恐惧,提高散打的教学效果。
5)psychological fear of success成功恐惧心理
1.The result of the data analysis indicates that traditional gender stereotype aggravates female employees’ psychological fear of success, and sharpens their family-to-work conflicts, therefore re- strains their work initiative and downgr.本文通过对粤东地区9家企业的员工进行问卷调查,探讨女性员工的社会性别刻板印象、成功恐惧心理、工作家庭冲突以及她们感觉中的组织支持对工作积极性和工作绩效的影响。
6)psychology of dread and rejection恐惧和拒绝心理

恐惧  因受到威胁而产生并伴随着逃避愿望的情绪反应。人类的大多数恐惧情绪是后天获得的。恐惧反应的特点是对发生的威胁表现出高度的警觉。如果威胁继续存在,个体的活动减少,目光凝视含有危险的事物,随着危险的不断增加,可发展为难以控制的惊慌状态,严重者出现激动不安、哭、笑、思维和行为失去控制,甚至休克。恐惧时常见的生理反应有心跳猛烈、口渴、出汗和神经质发抖等,在恐惧反应中的肌张力、皮肤导电性和呼吸速度的增加主要与肾上腺素的功能相联系,而愤怒的表现特征则主要与去甲肾上腺素相联系。    恐怖症是恐惧的一种病态形式。患者对某些事物(如狗、黑暗、马路等)体验到一种极度的和非理性的害怕,所产生的恐惧与现实刺激的危险性不相协调。