1.Effects of Tramadol Compound Jingan and Pethidine Prevented Gynecology Department Cervical Cancer Root Governing Skill on Controlling of Shivering During Operation Under Epiduial Cervicalral Anaesthesia Period;曲马多复合静安预防妇科宫颈癌根治术在硬膜外麻醉期间寒颤反应的临床观察
2.Comparison of effectiveness of tramadol and pethidine used for shivering during perioperations;曲马多与哌替啶用于硬膜外麻醉病人术中及术后寒颤治疗的比较
3.Clinical Observation of Ondansetron Compound Tramadol for Combined Spinal-Epidural Anesthesia after Shivering;昂丹西酮复合曲马多用于腰硬联合麻醉后寒颤的临床观察

1.Turning up her coat collar, she shivered a little.她竖起大衣领子,有点打寒颤
2.I do indeed,’ said the Mole, with a slight shiver.正是,”鼹鼠说,微微打了个寒颤
3.The shriek sent shivers (up and) down my spine.那尖叫声使我的背脊起了一阵寒颤
4.An involuntary shudder passed over both of us.我们两人都情不自禁地打了个寒颤
5.Still silent: Valentine had promised not to awake.姑娘心底打了一个寒颤,但没有作声。
6.Went out into the cold and got a chill.走到户外的冷空气里打了个寒颤
7.The onset is sudden with cough, rusty sputum, marked fever and rigors.突然发病,咳嗽、咳铁锈痰,高热及寒颤
8.she asked with a nervous shudder.她问这句话的时候打了一个神经质的寒颤
9."Then these 1,000 francs"--said Mercédès, shuddering--“那么,这一千法郎——”美塞苔丝浑身打寒颤说。
10.said Caderousse with a shudder; 'why, that he might not have the trouble of returning to Beaucaire.'卡德鲁斯打了一个寒颤说道,‘咦,免得他一路辛苦地回到布揆耳去呀。’
11.The effect of the present revelation was stunning.He trembled and was on the verge of apoplexy.这当头一棒很奏效,那银行家不禁打了个寒颤,顿时头晕目眩起来。
12."Symptoms include fever, chills, lower-back pain, and Bacteria and white Blood cells in the urine."症状包括发热、寒颤、下背部疼痛和尿内有细菌及白血球。
13.she began to believe herself really alive and awake, and the belief that her reason was this time not deceived made her shudder.她开始相信自己的神志是完全清醒的,她不由得打了一个寒颤
14.shake, as from cold or fear.因寒冷或害怕而颤动。
15.Fear or cold sometimes makes a person's teeth chatter.恐惧或寒冷有时令人的牙齿直打颤.
16.the chilly wind makes passers-by shiver all over.冷冽的寒风吹得路上的行人浑身打颤。
17.To shiver, as with cold or from strong emotion.颤抖哆嗦,如因寒冷或强烈的感情引起
18.reflex shaking caused by cold or fear or excitement.由寒冷、恐惧或兴奋引起颤动的一种反射行为。

1.Effects of Butorphanol and Tramadol Used for Shivering in Women Undergoing Caesarean Section;布托啡诺与曲马多用于剖宫产产妇术中及术后寒颤治疗的观察
4)a shivering fit一阵寒颤
6)Recurrent fever and chill.反复发热 寒颤
