1.Comparison study of CT and physical palpation in diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma;甲状腺恶性肿瘤CT诊断与临床触诊的对比研究
2.Objective: To compare the accuracy of color Doppler ultrasonography (CDU) with palpation in the diagnosis of axillary nodal metastasis in breast cancer.目的:评价彩色多普勒超声与临床触诊诊断乳腺癌腋窝淋巴结转移的灵敏度、特异度和准确度性。
3.Method:To analyse several clinical detection methods for the breast cancer such as palpation,Mammmography,B-mode ultrasound and detection by needle.方法分析了几种常用的乳腺癌检查手段,如触诊、乳房X线检查、乳房超皮检查、乳腺穿刺检查。

1.A correct diagnosis must be made on the basis of deduction by the four diagnosis techniques, that is inspection, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and palpation.准确的诊断必须以四种诊断方法,即视诊、听嗅诊、问诊和触诊为基础。
2.The nurse palpated the patient's stomach; The runner felt her pulse.护士触诊病人的胃;这位长跑运动员触诊她的脉搏。
3.To examine or explore by touching(an organ or area of the body), usually as a diagnostic aid.触诊通过触摸(器官或身体某一部位)检查或探查,通常为诊断方法
4.(4) The accuracy of diagnosis was increased by palpate - guided biospy ;(4)触诊引导包块活检可提高诊断的准确性;
5.Palpation-guided histology biopsy of puncture for breast lump触诊引导乳腺肿块的穿刺组织学活检
6.Confirmation can be obtained by detecting extensive necrosis through careful digital palpation.通过仔细的手指触诊,能从检查出的广泛坏死而获得确诊。
7.Analysis of the difference between palpation and ultrasonic method on diagnosing goiter触诊与B超法诊断甲状腺肿大的差异及原因分析
8.The Relationship between Arterial Elasticity and the Difference of Systolic Pressures of Brachial Artery between Auscultatory and Palpation Method;听诊法和触诊法测量肱动脉收缩压差值与动脉弹性的关系
9.Diagnostic value of mammographic microcalcifications in impalpable breast cancer钼钯X线微钙化对乳腺触诊阴性的乳腺癌诊断价值
10.The significance of B-ultrasound and palpation in diagnosing supraclavicular lymph node metastasis of lung cancerB超检查和触诊对肺癌锁骨上淋巴结转移的诊断价值
11.Direct palpation with the fingers or indirect palpation with a probe is aimed at determining the size, consistency, temperature and sensitiveness of a lesion or organ.用手指直接触诊或用一根探针间接触诊,目的在于确定损害或器官的大
12.(5) The mammillary fluid can be found by palpate.(5)摄片前触诊时的挤压可发现乳头溢液。
13.An estimate of intraocular pressure can be obtained by palpation of the globe through the lids.眼压可以通过在眼睑上对眼球触诊来估计。
14.The study of coordinate orientation and surgery method for the palpation-negative breast cancer触诊阴性乳腺癌的定位方法与同期手术治疗
15.Twenty hours after the surgery, the patient developed severe left eye pain and tenderness, massive swelling of left periorbital tissue with proptosis.触诊发现其左眼球呈现若石头般坚硬,并且视力开始减退。
16.In the clinical touch transfer technique, the clinician uses a catheter to place the embryos into the uterus.在临床触诊植入技术中,临床医生利用一个导管把胚胎转入子宫内。
17.Palpation of the heart action has real value; the size of the cardiac impulses can be assessed.心脏活动的触诊具有实际意义,能估计出心搏动的力量。
18.a method of examination in which the examiner feels the size or shape or firmness or location of something (of body parts when the examiner is a health professional).用手触摸病体的诊断方法。

1.Objective: To evaluate the value of palpate before mammography.目的:探讨摄片前触诊的价值及作用。
1.Palpation-guided histology biopsy of puncture for breast lump;触诊引导乳腺肿块的穿刺组织学活检
6)Breast palpation乳房触诊
1.Results Breast palpation was the method whose positive rate was the highest for the breast cancer.结果 乳房触诊是乳腺癌检出的阳性率最高的方法。

触诊触诊  用手的感觉来判断所触及的脏器和躯体部分的物理特征的一种诊断方法。包括位骨、大小、轮廓、表面性质、温度,硬度、移动性、波动、湿度、摩擦感、弹性和压痛等。触诊可明确望诊所看不到的征象,补充望诊所不能察觉的变化。手的感觉以指腹和掌关节的掌面皮肤最敏感,故触诊多用这两个部位进行。