1.Studies on ofloxacin gargle preparation and its stability;氧氟沙星漱口液的研制及稳定性考察
2.Clinical evalution of a gargle containing cetylpyridinium chloride in treatment to gingivitis and periodontitis;西吡氯铵漱口液对牙龈炎、牙周炎疗效的临床评价
3.Determination of Co-Metronidazole Gargle by HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定复方甲硝唑漱口液中两组分的含量

1.Preparation and quality control of compound Xibitai Gargle复方洗必泰漱口液的制备及质量控制
2.The infection research of two kind gargle for oral cavity germina in enfants两种漱口液对小儿口腔致病菌影响的研究
3.Quantitative determination of metronidazole in metronidazole gargles by HPLCHPLC法测定甲硝唑漱口液中甲硝唑的含量
4.Effects on corrosion resistance of pure titanium in different mouthwashes纯钛在不同漱口液中耐腐蚀性能的研究
5.Effect of grapefruit seed extract as gargle on dental plaque accumulation:a Clinical trial葡萄柚漱口液抑制菌斑形成的体内研究
6.Collection of genomic DNA of large samples from mailed mouthwashes由漱口液提取人基因组DNA量与质的分析
7.Use of Yikou Mouth-wash Liquid in the Perioperative Nursing Care for Patients Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery益口漱口液用于口腔颌面外科围术期患者口腔护理效果观察
8.Clinical prevention and control of radioactive oral mucosa injury by Montmorillonite powder and self gargle mouthwash.蒙脱石散和自配漱口液交替含漱防治放射性口腔黏膜损伤的临床观察
9.Nursing obervation of Chinese medicine gargle which can strengthen yin to control fire on the treatment of recurrent aphthae滋阴降火中药漱口液配合药物治疗复发性口疮的疗效观察及护理
10.OBJECTIVE: To develop a HPLC method for determination of tinidazole and chlorhexidine acetate in co-tinidazole gargle.目的:测定复方替硝唑漱口液中替硝唑和醋酸氯己定的含量。
11.Effect of Fluoride Foam and Chlorhexidine Rinse on Streptococcus Mutans in Dental Plaque of Aged 12 Children;氟化泡沫和洗必泰漱口液对12岁儿童牙菌斑变形链球菌的影响
12.She rinse her mouth with a solution of salt In water她用盐的水溶液漱口
13.She rinsed her mouth with a solution of salt in water.她用盐的水溶液漱口。
14.a medicated solution used for gargling and rinsing the mouth.一种加有药物的溶液,用于漱洗口腔。
15.Joe brushes regularly and uses mouth-washes.乔按时刷牙,并用清洁液漱口。
16.Rinse your mouth with water and soda.用苏打水漱一漱你的口。
17.My throat hurts . I 'd better gargle .我喉咙发痛,得漱漱口。
18.My throat huts. I 'd better gargle.我喉咙发痛,得漱漱口

clean gargle口灵漱口液
3)Koutai mouthwash口泰漱口液
1.The control group held Koutai mouthwash and warm salt water alternatively at the 7 same times each day.观察组使用自制溃疡散含漱液于3餐饭前30min、3餐饭后和睡前7个时间点口腔含漱;对照组采用口泰漱口液、温盐水(0。
4)compound chlorhexidine gargle口泰含漱液
1.Since taking chemotherapy, the patients accepted the oral care, and the group I adopted ordinary gargle, the group II adopted the gargle that was a mixture composed of several medicines, the group Ⅲadopted the compound chlorhexidine gargle.从化疗开始行口腔护理,Ⅰ组行普通漱口,Ⅱ组予自配含漱液漱口,Ⅲ组予口泰含漱液漱口。
2.Objective:Observing effect of compound chlorhexidine gargle preventing from oral infection of severe patients.目的:观察口泰含漱液预防重症病人口腔感染的效果。
5)fluoride mouth rinse含氟漱口液
1.A clinical use of fluoride mouth rinse to prevent enamel decalcification in orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance;应用含氟漱口液防治正畸治疗中釉质脱矿的临床研究
6)Sanhuang gargle三黄漱口液
1.The clinical efficacy of “Sanhuang gargle” on puberty gingivitis;三黄漱口液治疗青春期龈炎的临床效果观察
