
1.Susceptibility to Antifungal Agents in 111 Candida Strains Causing Nosocomial Deep Fungal Infections110例假丝酵母菌属感染与药敏结果分析
2.Candida Infection:Its Clinical Distribution and Antifungal Sensitivity医院感染假丝酵母菌属的临床分布及抗真菌药物敏感分析
3.any of the yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida.属于假丝酵母的似酵母的不完全的真菌。
4.candida:any of the pathogenic yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida.假丝酵母:任一种假丝酵母属类似酵母的不完全病原性真菌.
5.Any of the pathogenic yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida.假丝酵母任一种假丝酵母属类似酵母的不完全病原性真菌
6.Candida belongs to Kingdom fungi, Deuteromycotina, Gemmamycetes, Cryptococcacear.念珠菌属属于真菌界半知菌亚门、芽孢菌纲、隐球菌酵母目、隐球菌酵母科。
7.genus of pathogenic yeastlike fungi.致病的似酵母的真菌的属。
8."Some yeasts are mild to dangerous pathogens of humans and other animals. Candida albicans, for example, irritates oral and vaginal linings, and Histoplasma and Blastomyces cause persistent lung infections. "有些酵母菌是人类和动物的慢性和急性病原体(例如白色念珠菌、组织胞浆菌属、芽酵母属)。
9.heterothallic yeast异宗配合酵母(菌)
10.Effect of metal ion on carotenoid production by Rhodotorula sp.金属离子对红酵母菌产类胡萝卜素影响的研究
11.Differentiation of Candida Species by PCR-SSCP Fingerprinting AnalysisPCR-SSCP技术在假丝酵母属菌种鉴别中的应用
12.Any of various yeastlike, budding fungi of the genus Blastomyces that cause diseases in humans and animals.芽生菌一种芽生菌属的酵母状芽真菌,能引发人畜疾病
13.SELECTION OF STRAINS WHICH CAN DIRECTLY FERMENT STARCH TO ETHANOL ──INTERGENUS PROTOPLAST FUSION BETWEEN Endomyces fibuligera AND Saccharamyces cerevisiae淀粉直接发酵酒精的菌株选育──内孢霉酵母与酿酒酵母属间原生质体融合
14.a genus of yeastlike imperfect fungi; sometimes included in genus Monilia of the family Moniliaceae.似酵母的未完成真菌的属;有时包括在丛梗孢科的丛梗孢属里。
15." Yeast: Any of certain economically important and usually single-celled fungi, most of which are classified as ascomycetes."酵母菌 某些有经济意义的单细胞真菌,多属子囊菌纲,少数属担子菌纲。
16.The Phylogenetic Research of Saccharomyces and Three Kinds of Related Ascomycetous Yeasts Based on Ribosomal DNA ITS-1 Sequences;基于rDNA ITS-1序列对酿酒酵母属及相关3种子囊菌酵母的系统分类学研究
17.Selection of Metal-Binding Peptides from Phage Peptide Library and Their Display on the Surface of Yeast Cells;金属结合肽的噬菌体随机肽库筛选和酵母细胞表面展示
18.Any of various similar fungi.酵母一种类似的真菌

Saccharomyces/Saccharomyces cerevisiae酵母菌属/面包酵母
1.MIC Analysis of 243 Candida Strains;243株假丝酵母菌属MIC结果分析
2.Identification and Susceptibility Test Analysis of 702 Strains of Candida;702株假丝酵母菌属感染的菌种鉴定及药敏结果分析
3.Candida in Nosocomial Infection:A Clinical Study and Drug Sensitivity Analysis;医院假丝酵母菌属感染的临床调查及药物敏感性分析
5)Candida spp假丝酵母菌属
1.8%) cases were associated with Candida spp.8%)与假丝酵母菌属有关,但仅18例由白色假丝酵母菌引起,真菌血症患者的病死率为44。
2.The prevalence of clinical Candida spp.近年来临床上假丝酵母菌属感染的发生率逐年上升,尤其是白假丝酵母菌。

酵母菌属分子式:CAS号:性质:子囊菌亚门、半子囊菌纲、内孢霉目、酵母科中的一属重要真菌。细胞圆形、椭圆形或柱形。无性繁殖为多边出芽。某些种可形成假菌丝,但决无真菌丝。菌落乳白色、有光泽、较平坦、边缘整齐。在液体培养时通常不形成菌醭。营养细胞多为双倍体,也有多倍体。有性生殖时产生子囊孢子。双倍体营养细胞可直接发育成子囊。子囊内产生1~4个光滑的球形子囊孢子。子囊成熟时不破裂。子囊孢子发芽后立即或稍过一段时间发生接合。兼性厌氧。可发酵一至几种糖类。厌氧条件下糖类发酵产生乙醇和CO2。不同化乳糖和高级烃类。不同化硝酸盐。本属有7种(1984),模式种为酿酒酵母(S. cerevisiae)。本属菌种在酿酒、制药、生产单细胞蛋白和遗传工程中有着重要应用。