1.A Study on Practice and Application of Milk-Run in China;循环取货方式的实践与应用研究
2.The application of milk-run in domestic automobile parts supply was studied.研究了循环取货在国内汽车零部件入厂物流中的应用,建立了循环取货路径规划的数学模型。
3.A cost optimization model for adopting milk-run for the supply-hub was established.针对由多个供应商、集配中心和制造商组成的3级供应链的补货策略问题,基于供应链协同运作思想,将多个供应商按照一定规则分组,建立了循环取货方式下关于集配中心补货的成本优化模型。

1.Operation Analysis and the Saving Cost Analysis of MILKRUN;循环取货运输系统的运行及成本分析
2.Current Situation & Prospect of Milk Run Logistics Mode in Automobile Industries;汽车制造业实施循环取货物流模式现状与展望
3.Study on the Vehicle Routing and the Allocation of the Saving Costs of Manufacturers制造商循环取货车辆路径与节省成本分配研究
4.Study on Vehicle Routing Problem of Automobile Parts Milk-Run汽车零部件循环取货车辆路径优化研究
5.The Operation and Cost Saving Research on Milkrun in the Enterprise Supply Logistics;企业供应物流中循环取货的运作及成本节省研究
6.Routing for the Milk-Run Pickup System in Automobile Parts Supply汽车制造厂零部件入厂物流的循环取货路径规划
7.Study on Milk-Run Routing Models and Optimization Algorithms for Parts Inbound Logistics in Automobile Manufacturing汽车制造厂零部件入厂物流循环取货运输路线规划和优化算法的研究
8.Notions of Circular Economy and Policy-orientation of Developing China s Circular Economy;循环经济理念与我国发展循环经济的政策取向
9.The Importance of Realizing Close Circle of Base Money我国货币供给的致命缺陷:开放式循环
10.rapid-access loop快速访问道;快速访问环;快速访问循环;快速循环取数区
11.The tournament will be a round robin for all the high school teams in the city.这届全市中学队锦标赛将采取循环赛。
12.Cities will have a powerful incentive to discourage recycling.城市将采取有力的措施阻止再循环。
13.Effect of Extract of Clerodranthus Spicatus on Frog s Mesenteric Microcirculation;肾茶提取物对蛙肠系膜微循环的影响
14.The Arrangement of Single-circle Platch for Odd numbers Terms;单循环比赛编排中的奇数取中轮空法
15.Isolation, detection and clinical application of circulating nucleic acids in tumor肿瘤循环核酸的提取检测及临床应用
16.Inventory must be measured at the acquisition cost in conformity with the historical cost principle.存货必须遵循历史成本原则按取得成本计价。
17.Solvent continuous circulating extraction of solanesol from tobacco leaves溶剂连续循环萃取法提取烟叶中茄尼醇
18.Design rules for mono-cable circulating material aerial ropewayGB/T15388.2-1994单线循环式货运架空索道设计规范

milk run循环取货
1.As the last step of milk run, unloading is very important to the whole logistics efficiency, especially for some third party logistics company.循环取货是指根据客户需求,物流车辆从出发点出发,允许一次访问多个取货点,进行取货操作后,返回出发点的过程。
2.The application of the theory of Milk Run can not only reduce the logistics cost, but also reduce the whole supply chain cost and enhance the competition capability of the firms.应用Milk Run(循环取货)不仅可以降低企业的物流成本,而且可以降低整条供应链的成本,提高企业在市场中的竞争力。
3)recycling of order进货循环
5)Forensic cycle取证循环
6)pick and place cycle取贴循环

货取1.谓以财货收买。语出《孟子.公孙丑下》:"若于齐,则未有处也。无处而馈之,是货之也。焉有君子而可以货取乎?" 2.买进。