快速公交系统,Bus Rapid Transit
1)Bus Rapid Transit快速公交系统
1.Sketch Plan and Feasibility Study of Bus Rapid Transit in Yantai City;烟台市快速公交系统规划设想及可行性分析
2.The Practice of Bus Rapid Transit Planning in Jinan;济南快速公交系统规划实践
3.Research on Bus Rapid Transit Planning in China;我国城市快速公交系统规划方法研究

1.Research on Bus Rapid Transit Planning in China;我国城市快速公交系统规划方法研究
2.Bus Rapid Transit Operation System and Its Effect on the Bus Types Selection;快速公交系统对车辆选型的影响研究
3.Discussion on the Plan and Design of Bus Rapid Rransit System;浅谈城市快速公交系统的规划与设计
4.Research on the Design Scheme of Guangzhou BRT广州快速公交系统(BRT)设计方案研究
5.Study on Application of Optics Navigation in BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) System;光学导航系统在快速公交系统(BRT)中的应用
6.Adaptability Analysis and Practice Research of the Bus Rapid Transit Systems;快速公交系统的适应性分析与实践研究
7.Research on the Planning and Application of Bus Rapid Transit Infrastructure;快速公交系统基础设施规划与应用研究
8.Alternatives for bus rapid transit from analytic network process;基于网络分析法的快速公交系统方案选择
9.Discuss on Technique and countermeasure about Developing Our Bus Rapid Transit;我国发展快速公交系统的技术探讨与实施对策
10.Analysis of the Problems in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Development in China;我国发展巴士快速公交系统(BRT)问题初探
11.Research on Risk Analysis and Control of Shenyang Bus Rapid Transit System沈阳快速公交系统项目风险分析与控制研究
12.Analysis of Bus Rapid Transit System and Its Employment in China城市快速公交系统的发展及我国的应用
13.The Construction of Xiamen BRT Line 1 in Urban Area厦门市快速公交系统一号线岛内段的建设
14.Study of Constructing BRT from Xi'an Railway Station to Great Wild Goose Pagoda西安火车站至大雁塔建设快速公交系统(BRT)研究
15.Study on Applicability of Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) in Shanghai Urban Integrative Transport System;快速公交系统(BRT)在上海市综合交通系统中的适用性研究
16.Reality and Application of Intelligent Dispatching System in BRT浅谈快速公交系统中智能调度系统的实现和运用
17.The Application Study of BRT in Big and Medium Cities Transportation Development;快速公交系统在大中城市交通发展中的应用研究
18.Study on the Developing for Bus Rapid Transit in Xi'an Based on Urban Traffic Congestion基于城市交通拥堵视角下的西安市快速公交系统发展研究

1.The post evaluation system of BRT project;快速公交系统(BRT)的后评价体系
2.Reality and Application of Intelligent Dispatching System in BRT浅谈快速公交系统中智能调度系统的实现和运用
3.In order to study the alternatives for bus rapid transit(BRT) system under the influence of complex factors,three representative bus rapid transit alternatives are presented.为研究复杂因素影响下的快速公交系统方案选择问题,列出三种具有代表性的快速公交系统方案,运用网络分析法进行建模分析,模型考虑了经济因素、社会因素和其他因素3个方面11项指标。
4)Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT)快速公交BRT系统
1.The successful construction and operation of the Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT) in domestic and abroad provide a new method and precious experiences in solving the traffic problems.而快速公交BRT系统在国内外的成功建设和运营,为解决这一问题提供了一种新的方法和宝贵的经验。
5)bus rapid traffic快速道路公交系统
6)personal rapid transit个人快速公交系统
