1.How to organize and control the turning left traffic flow reasonably is the key problem for management of traffic order and improving the traffic capacity at intersection.如何合理组织与控制路口的左转弯交通流,是平交路口交通秩序管理及提高路口通行能力的核心问题。
2.Based on field research on some major intersections,this paper classifies problems of different grades of intersections, puts forwards of improving measures,and provides a reference to alleviate the congestion status of the Second Ring Road.随着经济建设的快速发展,在超负荷运行的城市中心区平交路口极易造成交通拥堵。

1.The Influence of Urban Road Network and Structure on the Cross Traffic;论城市路网结构对平交路口交通的影响
2.Study on the Safety of Bicycle Transportation at Grade Crossing;基于平交路口的自行车交通安全特性研究
3.The proposal to ease traffic jam of larger crossings in Beijing;改善北京大型平交路口交通拥堵状况的建议
4.Safe Diagnosis Method and Improvement Countermeasure of Plane Intersection of Road;公路平交路口安全诊断方法与改善对策研究
5.Traffic Safety Research of Non-signal Intersection in City Road城市道路无信号平交口交通安全研究
6.Transportation design of urban highway plane crossing transformation城市道路平面交叉口改造的交通设计
7.I'll meet you at the intersection of Heping and Roosevelt.我在和平跟罗斯福路交叉口和你碰面。
8.The road branches after the level-crossing.这条路在经过平面交叉道口後岔开了.
9.The road branches after the level crossing.这条路在经过平面交叉道口后岔开了。
10.The Application in the Intersection at Grade of Urban Road of VISSIMVISSIM在城市道路平面交叉口的应用
11.Design of Provincial and National Main Roads Grade Crossing国省干线道路平面交叉口设计的探讨
12.Study on Traffic Safety Evaluation in the Urban Intersection;城市道路平面交叉口交通安全评价研究
13.Traffic Safety Diagnosis Method of Highway Intersections;公路平面交叉口交通安全问题诊断方法
14.Urban logistics delivery and traffic signal control at plane crossroads;城市物流配送与平面道路交叉口交通信号控制
15.The Traffic Flow Microcosmic Simulation Example of the Urban Road Intersection城市道路平面交叉口交通流微观仿真实例
16.Effect of Turning Probability at Grade Roundabout Crossing转向概率对平面环行交叉路口交通流的影响
17.A Study on Analysis Model of Highway Intersections Based on Traffic Conflict Techniques公路平面交叉口交通冲突分析模型研究
18.Phase Position and Traffic Lights Timing at Cross of Haping Road and Xingfu Road哈平路与幸福路交叉口相位及信号灯配时研究

highway intersection公路平交口
1.Determination of the severity of traffic conflict at highway intersections;公路平交口交通冲突严重性的判定
2.This article divides traffic conflict into 2 types: common conflict and severe conflict and chooses the ratio between the number of traffic conflicts and traffic volume in typical periods as indices on the consideration of the whole traffic condition on highway intersection.提出将交通冲突分为一般冲突及严重冲突2类,综合考虑交叉口多时段的交通状况,以典型时段的时均冲突率(冲突数与当量交通量的比值)作为评价指标,对公路平交口的交通安全状况进行定量评价。
3.Through microscopic analysis of the right-turn vehicles curve process,this paper has proposed the length computational method of the offset exclusive right-turn lanes at signalized and non-signalized highway intersections.在综述国内外研究现状的基础上,对公路平交口右转专用车道的设置条件,设置方法进行了研究。
3)railway level crossing铁路平交道口
1.Design and implementation of Remote Video Surveillance System for railway level crossing;铁路平交道口远程图像监控系统的设计与实现
4)advanced intersec tion高级平交路口
5)plane crossroads平面道路交叉口
1.Urban logistics delivery and traffic signal control at plane crossroads;城市物流配送与平面道路交叉口交通信号控制
6)highway intersection公路平面交叉口
1.The existing method of selecting control modes considers mainly traffic capacity in the control of highway intersection,and the index of accident numbers is chosen to consider safety,but the basis is constrained in practice owing to its own limitation.在公路平面交叉口的控制中,传统选择控制方式的方法着重考虑的是交通流的通过性,对安全的考虑多以事故数为指标,但交通事故数由于其本身的局限性,使其设置依据在使用上受到约束。
2.By means of analysis and research on road traffic conditions and traffic conflict data of highway intersections,"influence coefficient" concept is introduced,the relation model between the road at traffic conditions of highway intersections and traffic conflict data is established in this paper.通过对公路平面交叉口道路交通条件及交通冲突数据的分析研究,引入影响系数概念,建立了公路平面交叉口道路交通条件与交通冲突的关系模型,提出了基于交通冲突的公路平面交叉口交通安全评价的综合影响系数方法。

平交建筑物平交建筑物level crossing structures D in口iiao iianzhUwu平交建筑物(level erossing struetures)渠道与另一水道相交处有共同流床的交叉建筑物。适用于两水道底部高程相近的情况。其工作特点是相交二水流可能在互相掺混后流向下游,也可能在不同的时间内分别通过。如渠道水位稍高于河道水位,可在交叉处河道的下游侧设拦河闸或奎水坝,以保证渠道输水要求,并可利用部分或全部河水补充渠道用水。这种只在交叉四方中的一方设置建筑物的布置方式称一方平交,常用于渠道与山洪沟相交的情况(图1)。为避免洪水期河水过多地进入渠道,可在渠道下游侧修建节制闸控制进流量,形成二方平交(图2),有时根据需要还可在渠道及河道上游侧修建控制建筑物,称三方或四方平交,适用于大型平交工程。为了防止泥魔水坝┌─┐│ │└─┘图1一方平交建筑物 渠道图2大型平交建筑物沙进入渠道及满足航运要求,在平交建筑物枢纽中常需设置专门的防沙排沙设施及通航建筑物等,其布置原则及型式与有坝取水枢纽类似。当大型渠道穿越洪峰流量大、历时短的河道时,采用平交建筑物比较经济合理。