1.Simulation test on entrance width of water transfer basin of Luojing terminal上海罗泾港区二期水中转港池口门宽度模拟试验研究
2.It s necessary to design a new scheme of entrance shiplock layout and operation,with the rapid increase of ships trough the lock at tidal reach of the Yangtze Delta.随着长三角感潮河段船闸船舶量的迅猛增加,研究新型口门船闸布置与运行方案很有必要。
3.According to the variations of flow velocity, current direction, entrance width and navigational situation of remote control self propelled ship model, the relevant research achievements of flow conditions at entrance for the offsetting entrance layout were gained in the paper.针对两防波堤错开布置的口门 ,根据不同的流速、流向及口门宽度的变化 ,结合遥控自航船模的航行情况 ,得到相应的口门通航水流条件的研究成

1.Alpine skiing courses are marked by pairs 0f flag poles.There ale open gates, closed gates and combination gates.高山滑雪的雪道以数对旗门作标志。旗门有开口门、闭口门和混合门。
2.auto-sliding flat panel entrance doors自动推拉平板式入口门
3.and the instant the @Amen@ was out“阿门”刚一说出口,
4.A mat placed before a doorway for wiping the shoes.门毯,门垫放在门口用于擦鞋底的垫子
5."Where the roads go into the town her cry goes out, at the doorways her voice is loud:"在城门旁,在城门口,在城门洞,大声说,
6.closed-circuit television door-telephone闭路电视门口对讲机
7.They held up at the gate.他们在大门口站住了。
8.It came to a stop outside the jeweller's.在珠宝店门口停了下来。
9.OK. I'll wait for you at the gate of our company.行啊,我在公司门口等你,
10.I told him to wait for me at the gate.我让他在大门口等我。
11.I edged (my chair) towards the door.我慢慢向门口挪(椅子).
12.He put on his coat and headed for the door.他穿上大衣向门口走去。
13.There's a swimming pool right at his doorstep.他家门口就有个游泳池。
14.window position窗口[脉冲,波门]位置
15.Haley stood there in ill humor.海利站在门口怒容满面。
16.The dog suddenly appeared in the doorway那条狗突然出现在门口
17.Please step in. Don't stand at the door, please.往里走。请不要站在门口。
18.exhaust blower discharge damper抽风机排出口调节门

aperture of door门口
1.Comparison of entrance schemes for Changzhou section of Jinghang Great Canal diversion project;京杭运河常州段改线工程进口口门方案比选
4)port entrance港口口门
1.The application of this technique for research on navigation condition at port entrance area is described.结合"九五"攻关课题的研究成果论述了船模航行实验的相似条件和相关技术,以及模型实验中有关问题的探讨,介绍了这项技术在港口口门通航条件研究中的应用。
5)breach blocking堵口口门
6)Hutiaomen entrance虎跳门口门
1.The waterway regulation effect in Hutiaomen entrance shoal is analyzed, providing a reference for waterway regulation of entrance shoal.通过对虎跳门口门浅滩航道整治方案的整治效果分析,为口门浅滩航道整治提供参考。
