1.Methods800 motorcyclists were tested by self-made Motorcyclists’ Riding Behaviors Questionnaire and the Individual Data Table.目的探讨摩托车驾驶员的驾驶行为特点与交通事故的关系。
2.800 motorcyclists in Chongqing City were surveyed by the Motorcyclists Riding Behaviors Questionnaire(MRBQ),Qingnian Zhongguo Personality Scale(QZPS),Sensation Seeking Scale(SSS) and Traffic Safety Attitudes Questionnaire.本研究采用摩托车驾驶员驾驶行为问卷、中国人人格量表、感觉寻求量表和交通安全态度问卷,对800名摩托车驾驶员的驾驶行为、人格、交通安全态度与摩托车交通事故的关系进行了探讨。
3.Statistics show motorcyclists are more at risk of being killed or injured in road traffic crashes than any other road users.统计显示摩托车驾驶员相比其他道路使用者有更多伤亡的危险。

1.Each motorcycle driver has to wear a mask.每个摩托车驾驶员都得戴面罩。
2.Analysis on traffic accident reconstruction of automo bile&motorbike and injured characteristics of motorbike driver汽车与摩托车碰撞事故再现及摩托车驾驶员致伤特点分析
3.The Relationship of Road Accidents with Motorcyclists Riding Behaviors,Personality and Alfitudes Towards Safety;摩托车驾驶员驾驶行为、人格、交通安全态度与事故的关系研究
4.The motorcyclist had a brush with danger as he skidded round the bend.摩托车驾驶员在道路弯曲处打滑了,差一点出了危险。
5.ride on a motorcycle乘(别人驾驶的)摩托车
6.This motorcar handles well.这摩托车很好驾驶。
7.Numerical Simulations on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Motorcycle with Rider摩托车及驾驶员气动特性的数值模拟研究
8.electric driving light for cycles or motor vehicles电动驾驶灯,摩托车或机动车辆用
9.Person who drives a car or motor bike very fast高速驾驶汽车或摩托车的人
10.Motorcycle Driving Course [Customs and Excise Department]摩托车驾驶课程〔香港海关〕
11.his skill in manoeuvring a motorcycle他驾驶摩托车的熟练技巧
12.Observation on characteristics of motor-cyclist injuries in traffic accidents;两轮摩托车道路交通事故驾驶员损伤特点的观察
13.There was a doctor noted for his reckless motor driving.有个大夫素以驾驶摩托车横冲直撞而知名。
14.Research of Motorcycle-driving Simulation System Based on Virtual Reality Technology;基于虚拟现实的摩托车驾驶模拟系统研究
16.The driver of an automobile, especially of a getaway car.汽车驾驶员汽车驾驶员,尤指驾车逃跑的司机
17."The sidecar driver handles the Bike similar to a regular motorcross Bike, except the Bike doesn't lean to the side in turns"侧三轮摩托车手驾驶方法和普通摩托车越野赛相似,只不过它在转弯的时候不用向一边倾斜。
18.In addition, motorcycle driv-ing may enable us to learn driving and auto-maintaining skills, and at the same time, exercise our bodies.另外,骑摩托车还可以学到驾驶、保养技术,又能锻炼身体。

Automatic driving instrument摩托车自动驾驶仪
3)car driver汽车驾驶员
1.Existent problems and countermeasures of car driver train work;汽车驾驶员培训工作存在的问题及对策
1.Study on the fatigue strength of driver occupation;汽车驾驶员职业性疲劳的研究
2.Study on Driver′s Training Base;汽车驾驶员基地化训练模式研究
3.Research on the guiding variation table of driver behavior rectification;汽车驾驶员行为矫正指导量表的研究
5)automobile driver汽车驾驶员
1.Automobile driving teachers teaching work must follow educational laws and teaching principles, master students mentality, use advanced and scientific teaching methods, which can foster qualified automobile drivers.汽车驾驶教员的教学工作,必须按照教育规律,遵循教学原则,掌握学员心理,运用先进、科学的教学方法,才能培养出合格的汽车驾驶员。
6)truck driver卡车驾驶员
1.The mood states of 232 male truck drivers have been measured by the questionnaire of the Profile of Mood States (POMS) of Neurobehavioral Core Test Battery (NCTB) which is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).采用世界卫生组织 (WHO)推荐的神经行为核心功能成套测验 (NCTB)中的情绪状态测验 (POMS) ,对 2 32名男性卡车驾驶员的情绪状态进行了问卷调查。
2.The accuracy of depth perception of 248 male truck drivers had been measured with the depth perception instrument under two experimental conditions: the visual object in high-speed and low-speed movement.用深度知觉测试仪,对248 名男性卡车驾驶员在视觉对象低速和高速运动条件下的深度知觉准确性进行了测量。

国际摩托车运动联合会  前身是"国际摩托车运动俱乐部联合会",1904年成立,1949年改现名,总部设在瑞士日内瓦,现有会员协会51个,正式工作语言为法语和英语。    国际摩联的宗旨是:鼓励有利于摩托车运动发展的所有活动;促进全世界摩托车运动员的团结;保护其成员的物质和精神利益;反对任何种族、政治、宗教歧视;促进各国摩托车运动联合会及有关摩托车运动组织之间的合作和友谊。    国际摩联的最高权力机构是代表大会,每年召开1次。代表大会闭会期间,由代表大会选出的中央执行局和各常设委员会进行工作。中央执行局由主席、司库、副主席、秘书长和常设委员会的主席组成,每年至少召开两次会议。国际摩联现任主席是 N.R. 德尔瓦列(西班牙);秘书长是G.迈特(瑞士)。    国际摩联从1904年举办第 1次比赛以来,每年举办世界锦标赛、欧洲锦标赛、传统地区性国际摩联大奖赛。中国摩托车运动协会是国际摩托车运动联合会会员。