1.Objective: To research dermatoglyphic characteristics of Hebei Han race college students.目的 :为了探讨河北汉族大学生皮纹特征。
2.This Paper reports 7 dermatoglyphic parameters of 220 Han nationality, It annunces normal parameters of dermatoglyphic on Han notionality.本文报导了220例汉族手皮纹的7项参数,揭示了汉民族的手皮纹正常参数,可以作为人类学、遗传学、民族学、医学病理学、皮肤诊断学等的参考资料。
3.On the basis of their physiological,biochemical indexes,the author attempts to introduce the relationship between sports activities and three subjects,such as heredity,dermatoglyph,blood-type,which may be useful for the workers of physique of dominated speed-groups to pick out the tal.综合国内外的研究结果,对体能主导类速度性项群中短跨项目的运动员选材进行研究,着重从生理、生化学角度介绍了遗传学、皮纹学和血型学对运动能力的高度影响。

1.calf-grained plastic bag小牛皮纹理状塑胶袋
2.mary janes of alligator-grained leather鳄鱼皮纹理状低面鞋
3.Research on the Characteristics of Dermatoglyph of Elite Teenager Basketball Players and the Selection of Athletes of Dermatoglyph in China;我国优秀少年篮球运动员皮纹特征与皮纹选材
4.seal-split cowhide bag海豹纹理状裂纹牛皮袋
5.MGpure ribbed kraft paper机制有光条纹纯牛皮纸
6.the mottled skin of a snake蛇身上有花纹的皮.
7.A tiger has a striped coat.老虎有着条纹皮毛。
8.A line or crease in the skin, as from age.皱纹皮肤上的皱纹,如因年老而引起
9.Pattern of marks, esp the colours of skin, fur or feathers斑点,花纹(尤指皮肤、毛皮或羽毛的颜色)
10.Morocco: Goatskin with fine grain for book covers.摩洛哥皮:具精细纹理的山羊皮。书皮用的物料。
11.Ingrain paper: Paper finished with a mottle surface used for book covers, etc.斑纹纸:加工造成有斑点花纹的纸,作书皮等用。
12.line (on a surface,eg a wrinkle or scar on skin)(物体表面的)纹,线(如皮肤上的皱纹或伤疤).
13.Our prints are made of raised and lowered skin.我们的指纹和掌纹是由高低起伏的皮肤形成的。
14.Study on the HPLC Fingerprints of Paeonia suffruticosa Cultivated in Chongqing Dianjiang County(Part Ⅱ):Fingerprints of Unshaved Paeonia suffruticosa重庆垫江牡丹皮HPLC指纹图谱研究(Ⅱ)——原丹皮指纹图谱
15.Morphological Studies of the Skin and Skin Sense Receptor of Japalura Splendida Barbour and Dunn;丽纹龙蜥皮肤与皮肤感受器的形态学研究
16.The robbers wore rubber gloves to guard against fingerprints.抢匪戴著橡皮手套以防留下指纹。
17.graining machine for leather (excl. calenders)皮革压纹机(不包括轧光机)
18.It improves rough and wrinkled skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines.它能改善粗糙和起皱的皮肤,减少幼纹。

1.A Correlation Study on the Dermatoglyphics and Motorial Function;皮纹与运动机能的相关研究
3)skin vein皮纹
1.Characteristics of skin vein about young athletes of net project of trampoline in China我国优秀青少年蹦床网上运动员皮纹模型与评价标准研究
2.Research on the Characteristics of Skin Vein About Young Athletes of Net Project of Trampoline in China我国优秀青少年蹦床网上运动员的皮纹特征研究
4)box calf,grainleather纹皮
5)box calf皮犊纹皮
6)dumpling wrapper crackle饺皮裂纹
1.The common quality problems dumpling wrapper crackle,color and browning in the boiled meat dumpling production and circulation were discussed.针对速冻水饺生产和流通中常见的质量问题水饺皮裂纹及色泽褐变等,运用正交实验的方法考察了淀粉添加剂、面粉中面筋含量、速冻速度等因素对饺子质量的影响程度,并阐述了通过添加适量的面制品改良剂、淀粉和加快速冻速度等来改善速冻水饺质量的方法。
