1.This paper reviews the development process of shunting equipments modernization of last 30 years in china ,affirms the achievements obtained of retarder and its speed control system for getting rid of skids ,ensuring safety ,expanding transportation capacity ,raising transportation benefit .回顾了我国铁路近30年调车设备现代化发展过程,肯定了减速顶及其调速系统为甩掉铁鞋,保障安全扩能提效所取得的成绩;论述了21世纪我国铁路调车自动化发展的方向,提出了关于彻底甩掉铁鞋和提高经济效益的建议;探讨了自动化驼峰线路平纵断面设计变革和优化的重点问题,并提出了相应的建议。

1.The butcher looked for his knife and it was in his mouth.踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费功夫。
2.a small metal plate that attaches to the toe or heel of a shoe (as in tap dancing).鞋底或鞋跟上钉的铁皮(如用来跳踢踏舞的鞋子)。
3.cobbler nail of iron or steel制鞋钉,铁或钢制的
4.In a moment her shoes were turned into red-hot iron.转眼间,她的鞋子变成炽热的铁。
5.At the same time he made an effort to displace the big iron-shod shoe which rested on his treasure.同时使劲推开那只压在他宝贝上面的铁钉鞋。
6.A device, such as a crampon, used in mountain climbing.鞋钉,助爬器一种设备(例如尖铁钉),在爬山中使用
7.A metal plate attached to the sole of a shoe for protection, as when spading ground.底铁装在鞋后跟上起保护作用的一块铁片,如用铲子挖地时
8.An iron spike attached to the shoe to prevent slipping when walking on ice or climbing.尖铁钉在冰上行走或爬山时防止滑倒而装在鞋上的铁钉
9.Wrought iron newspaper support, wrought iron signboard, wrought iron shoe rack, wrought iron flower shelf, wrought iron penholder, wrought iron tool frame, wrought iron wrought iron wine frame, wrought iron clothes stand, wrought iron towel rack.铁艺书报架铁艺招牌铁艺鞋架铁艺花架铁艺笔架铁艺刀具架铁艺酒架铁艺衣帽架铁艺毛巾架等。
10.an iron spike attached to the shoe to prevent slipping on ice when walking or climbing.当走路或攀缘时防止在冰上打滑的镶在鞋上的铁钉。
11."Your shoes will be iron and brass; and as your days, so may your work be."你的门闩(门闩或作鞋)是铜的,铁的。你的日子如何,你的力量也必如何。
12.his polished prose; in a freshly ironed dress and polished shoes; freshly polished silver.他精美的散文;穿着铁色的新衣和光亮的鞋子;闪闪发亮的银子。
13.At 100,000 times the strength of the Earth's magnetic field, the university's magnet is so strong it pulls on the steel shanks in the shoes of people who come near it.利诺大学那块磁铁的磁场强度是地球的十万倍,强到人们走近它时,鞋子里的铁心都会被吸引。
14.A metal frame with a spike or spikes, attached to a shoe or boot to prevent slipping, especially on ice.防滑铁齿板一种绑在鞋下或靴子下防滑用的带铁齿的金属板,尤指在冰上
15.kick off one's slippers, shoes, etc踢脱拖鞋、 鞋等.
16.For boots shoes, work shoes, leisure shoes, foam rubber sole pads, babies shoes and high quality leather shoes.用于马鞋、运动鞋、工作鞋、休?鞋、海绵鞋、婴儿鞋、高级皮革鞋类缝制。
17.felt slippers with pompons on vamps鞋面钉绒球的毡拖鞋
18.one with a thick sole and the other with a thin one.一只鞋底厚,一只鞋底

picker shoes投梭铁鞋
4)shoe-maker's anvi修鞋铁拐
5)iron wedge stopper止动铁鞋
