1.With the development of the SNS flexible protection systems,it has been successfully used for holding rockfall projects such as railway and highway in China.随着SN S柔性防护系统的出现、发展,这种新技术已在一些危岩落石病害工点中得到成功应用,介绍SN S柔性防护系统在京广铁路D IIK 1673工点危岩落石防护中的应用情况,以期对类似工程有借鉴意义。
2.The active techniques is suitable for large-scale rockfall which is well investigated.危岩落石灾害是我国三大地质灾害之一,其防治技术包括主动和被动防治技术两大类。

1.Dangerous Rock Management System of Shuima Road Based on GIS基于GIS的水麻路危岩落石管理系统
2.Shelter-Tunnel Design for Dealing with Stone-falling Disasters on Chengdu-Kunming Railway成昆线危岩落石病害整治中的棚洞设计
3.On rockfall of slope hazards and SNS active protection浅析危岩边坡落石灾害及SNS主动防护
4.The block which will be the first of caving rocks from free surface and lead to more caving or side-fall in underground work is known as" critical rock".地下工程中临空面上首先冒落并引发其他岩块冒落或片帮的块体称作“危石”。
5.The freezing of water also break off little pieces from rocks.水的冻结也使小石片从岩石上脱落。
6.Rock-climbers sometimes hazard their lives.攀登岩石者有时要冒生命危险。
7.Rock-climbers are hazarding their lives.岩石上的攀登者在冒生命的危险.
8.Rock-clibmers sometimes hazard their lives.攀登岩石的运动员有时要冒生命危险。
9.Dantes ran down the rocks at the risk of being himself dashed to pieces.邓蒂斯冒着粉身碎骨的危险奔下岩石。
10.Several people were crushed to death by the falling rocks.有几个人被落下来的岩石压死了.
11.Several people is crushed to death by the falling rock.有几个人被落下来的岩石压死了。
12.Several people be crushed to death by the falling rock有几个人被落下来的岩石压死了
13.Ash and bits of rock that were burnt black were falling onto the ship now .烧黑色的火山灰和岩石落到船上。
14.Pieces of rock plummeted down the mountainside to the ground below.岩石一块块顺着山的陡坡滚落到地面.
15.Pieces of rock plummet down the mountainside to the ground below .岩石一块块顺著山的陡坡滚落到地面。
16.Piefer of rock plummet down the mountainside to the grind below岩石一块块顺著山的陡坡滚落到地面
17.(geology) the descent of a large mass of earth or rocks or snow etc..(地质学)土、岩石或雪的崩落。
18.He landed on a flat rock that jutted above the surface of the water.他跌落在一块突出水面的岩石上。

rock falling岩石冒落
1.The rock falling process acted on different phrases.理论分析和计算机模拟以及工程实践都表明,人为地扩大采空区的面积可以诱导顶板岩石的崩落,而且可使冒落分阶段发生,大片的采空区可以很快地扩散岩石冒落产生的冲击气浪,从而降低冲击气浪的危害。
3)dirtied rock炸落岩石
4)rockslide; rock failure岩石崩落
5)Shibanyan villages石板岩村落
6)caved ground (=caving)冒落岩石;陷落区,冒落区

白云石,白云岩,石灰岩CAS:1317-65-3中文名称:石灰石;电石灰岩;石灰石粉;霰石,文石;方解石,碳酸钙晶体;碳酸钙,白垩;白云石,白云岩,石灰岩;石灰石,石灰石;大理石,大理岩,云石,玻璃球;波特兰石;白垩,磨细白垩粉,白垩粉英文名称:Limestone;Agstone;agricultural limestone;aragonite;atomite;bell mine pulverized limestone;calcite;calcium carbonate;carbonic acid, calcium salt;chalk;dolomite;domolite;franklin;lithograpic stone;marble;natural calcium carbonate;portland stone;sohnhofen stone;whiting;limestone,powder;flux lime