1.Analysis of morphological features of blueberry corolla and its correlation with fruit diameter;蓝浆果花冠形态特征及其与果实横径相关性的分析

1.The hood-shaped sepal or corolla of some flowers.盔状花冠(或花萼)某些花朵盔状的花萼或花冠
2.A ray flower or the corolla of a ray flower.舌状花舌状花或这种花的花冠
3.thou who art crowned aloft,你头戴花冠,高高在上,
4.I set her on my pacing steed,我给她编织过花冠
5.To put a crown or garland on the head of.加冕在…的头上戴上王冠或花冠
6.The outer envelope of a flower, consisting of either the calyx or the corolla, or both.花被花的外层包被,包括花萼或花冠或两者兼具
7.having a corolla composed of many separated or distinct petals.花冠由许多单独的分离的花瓣组成。
8.The petals of a flower considered as a group or unit.花冠被认为是一组或一个部分的花瓣
9.The thread in the corolla is the short filament of a degenerated stamen.花冠筒内丝状物为退化雄蕊的短花丝。
10.Relating to the throat of a corolla with fused petals.花喉的与合瓣花冠的喉有联系的
11.A unit of a corolla, usually showy and colored.花瓣花冠的基本部分,通常绚丽多彩的
12.Not protruding beyond a surrounding part, as stamens that do not project from a corolla.内藏的不伸出花冠之外的,如不伸出花冠的雄性花蕊
13.A crown - shaped, funnel - shaped, or trumpet - shaped outgrowth or appendage of the perianth of certain flowers, such as the daffodil or the spider lily.副花冠某些花的花被的冠状、漏斗状或喇叭状分支或附属物,例如水仙或紫露草的副花冠
14.The often differently colored center of the corolla of some flowers.花心一些花的通常颜色各异的花冠的中心
15.a biseriate perianth composed of both a calyx and a corolla.由一花萼与一花冠共同组合的双列花被
16.A garland of flowers, especially one worn around the neck花环,花冠用鲜花制成的花环,尤指戴在脖子上的花环
17.Having or characterizing flowers with the corolla divided into two liplike parts, as in the snapdragon.唇形花冠的具有分裂为两个唇形的部分的唇形花冠,如金鱼草属
18.(botany) having a floral envelope or perianth consisting of a calyx and/or corolla.(植物学)长有由花萼和(或)花冠组成的花的包被,或者长有花被。

woven together into a circle花环,花冠
1.Linear Sweep Polarographic Determination of Protein with Amaranth and Its Application;用鸡冠花红线性扫描极谱法测定蛋白质及其应用
2.A Study of Electrochemical Feature of Amikacin with Polarographic Determination of Amaranth;鸡冠花红极谱法测定硫酸阿米卡星电化学性质的研究
3.Kinetic spectrophotometric determination of trace rhodium with oxidation of amaranth by potassium periodate;高碘酸钾氧化鸡冠花红动力学光度法测定痕量铑
4)Celosia cristata L鸡冠花
1.Effect of High Altitude Environment on the Antioxidation of Water Extract from Celosia cristata L.;高空环境条件对鸡冠花抗氧功能的影响
2.Effect of High-altitude Environment on the Fat Content and Fatty Acid Compositions in Celosia cristata L.Seed;高空环境对鸡冠花籽油含量及其脂肪酸组成的影响
3.Mutation effect of High Altitude Environment on the Synthesis of Flavonoids in the Inflorescence of Celosia cristata L.;高空环境对鸡冠花黄酮类化合物合成的诱变效应
5)Celosia cristata鸡冠花
1.Research of Haemostatic Effect Mechanism of Celosia cristata;鸡冠花止血作用机制研究
2.Effect of sugar and nitrogen on the callus growth and anthocyanin accumulation in celosia cristata;碳源和氮源对鸡冠花愈伤组织生长及花色素苷积累的影响
3.in vitro Rapid Propagation and Polyploid Induction of Celosia cristata;鸡冠花离体快繁及多倍体诱导
6)cotton canopy棉花冠层
1.In order to analyse the digital image of cotton canopy and find out the current information of cotton field to forecast the yeild,the image analysis of expert system of cotton canopy was set up.为了便于棉花冠层数字图像的处理并用于了解棉田的当前信息和进行产量预测,建立了棉花冠层图像诊断专家系统,开发了基于编程语言Power Builder 9。
2.The result showed that the diurnal variation of temperature,irradiation intensity,net radiation as a curve in cotton canopy of two irrigation ways.结果表明,在两种灌溉方式下棉花冠层内的温度、光照强度和净辐射日变化曲线均呈单峰线;花铃期初期和后期膜下滴灌棉花冠层温度、净辐射大于常规灌溉,而光照强度和消光系数均小于常规灌溉。

花冠花冠  用罗绢通草装饰的冠状饰物,古称“花冠”。最初见于唐代,张鷟《朝野佥戴》记有唐代宫女戴花冠的情景,至宋更为流行。花冠用材,有罗绢通草,也有金玉玳瑁。制作的花有:桃、杏、荷、菊、梅等多种,有的将四季花朵缀合一起,装在一个冠上,名叫“一年景”。在宋代,花冠不仅妇女喜戴,男子亦戴。周密《武林旧事》记皇帝群臣于正月元日祝寿册宝,上下一律簪花。有诗戏曰:“春日何须羯鼓催,君王元日领春回。牡丹芍药蔷薇朵,都向千官帽上开。”反映了当时的风尚。