1.Breakthrough points of recreating world record of men s 100 meter run;当今世界男子100m再创新纪录的突破口
2.And his film notion --centered by recorded time" , reveals his understanding of the relation between film and time , that is , the basic aesthetic character of cinema, and therefore offers an important entrance to his spiritual cosmos of grea.其以“纪录下来的时间”为核心的电影观念则显示了他对于电影与时间的关系,亦即对电影的根本美学特性的理解,并可以此作为通向其博大渊深的精神宇宙的一个入口。
3.Based on the model method of the gray systematic theory, the gray model (GM)(1,1)for swimming records of Asia and China, including 12 men s, 14 women s records of Asia and 12 men s, 13 women s records of China was established.运用灰色系统理论中的模型方法 ,建立了亚洲男子 12项游泳纪录、女子 14项游泳纪录和中国男子12项游泳纪录、女子 13项游泳纪录的GM(1,1)预测模型 ,并对建立的亚洲、中国游泳纪录的GM(1,1)预测模型进行了后验差检验 ,结果表明 :预测模型精度均为一级 ,模型精度较高 ,具有一定的实用价值 ,可以用来揭示亚洲、中国游泳运动成绩的发展趋势。

1.A television or movie dramatization of events based on fact.纪录电视或纪录电影
2.Her new record doesn't come up to her last one.她的新纪录次于上一次的纪录
3.she broke the record for the half-mile run.她在赛跑中打破了纪录
4.Who broke the record for the long jump.是谁打破了跳远纪录
5.He repeatedly broke the world record.他屡次打破过世界纪录
6.They have broken production records.他们打破了生产纪录
7.He has hung up a new record for the high jump.他创立了跳高的新纪录
8.collateral register抵押品档案,抵押品纪录
9.joint record holders一个纪录的共同保持者
10.Broke the league's home-run record.打破联盟的本垒打纪录
11.create by recording electronically.用电子纪录手段制造。
12.and broken 1, 026 world records.并打破了1026次世界纪录
13.He made an attempt on the world record.他试图打破世界纪录
14.the holder of the world record for the high jump世界跳高纪录的保持者
15.He broke the record for the one-hundred meter dash.他打破了百米赛跑纪录
16.She's going for the world record in the high jump.她想创造跳高世界纪录.
17.The water has been on the same level with the banks.水已经世界纪录了河岸。
18.Are you going to try to beat the record?你是想创个纪录吗?

1.It s necessary for teachers to distinguish documentation from record in the process of kindergarten curriculum reform.在幼儿园课程改革过程中,有必要弄清“记录”(record)和“纪录”(documentation)之间的差别,以促进教师反思和改进教育、教学,使教与学更有意义。
3)sediment records沉积纪录
4)New record新纪录
1.Original Ateas of the New Species and Distrbution Rante of the New Records on Gamasid Mites in Qinghia Province;青海省革螨新种及新纪录模式产地分布
2.A new record of bird species in GuangxiTyto alba;广西鸟类新纪录——仓鸮
5)strong motion records强震纪录
6)Temperature Recording温度纪录

《新闻纪录电影创作谈》  中国新闻纪录片创作经验论文集。中国电影出版社1982年出版。本书除收入刘德源等探讨、论述新闻纪录片片种的艺术规律和特性的文章外,还收入了陈光忠、何钟辛、王立平等人结合新闻纪录片创作实践中有关选材、构思、表现方法、风格样式、音乐处理等经验体会。