1.As a procedure and technical problem, service is not concerned properly enough in legislation, judicature and academic world because of its trivial details.作为一个程序性、技术性的问题,送达因其琐碎,无论是在立法还是司法以及学术界都缺乏足够的关注。
2.Service abroad system is significant of litigation system, and integrates all parts into litigation.域外送达是涉外民商事诉讼中的一个重要环节,在国际司法协助中发挥着十分重要的传递作用。
3.Civil service system is a small part of the whole procedure system and less researched by academic circle, but it is not least important .民事诉讼中,送达是一项基础且重要的程序性工作。

1.Litigant documents shall be delivered directly to the addressee in person.送达诉讼文书,应当直接送交受送达人。
2.The exterritorial service is made according to the Act on Service and the Hague Convention on Service.域外送达依1970年的《送达法》和《海牙送达公约》进行。
3.The delivery date marked by the addressee on the certificate of delivery is the date of service.受送达人在送达回证上的签收日期为送达日期。
4.served by hand [summons]由专人送达〔传票〕
5.Where documents cannot be served by the aforesaid means, they shall be served by a public notice,不能用上述方式送达的,公告送达
6.Served by mail where the country of residence of the litigant permits,受送达人所在国的法律允许邮寄送达的,可以邮寄送达
7.Served to the litigant representative of the litigant,向受送达人委托的有权代其接受送达的诉讼代理人送达
8.The message you sent to %1 was not delivered, and will automatically be sent again.您发送给%1的邮件未能送达并将自动再次发送。
9.(law) delivering of a writ,summons,etc(书面命令、传票等的)送达.
10.TPND [theft, pilerage, and non-delivery ]偷窃及不能送达险[abbr.]
11.service of legal process诉讼程序中送达传票
12.served by post [summons]由邮递方式送达〔传票〕
13.serving of a formal notice将正式通知送达被告
14.It'll arrive this afternoon.今天下午就可送达
15.The service of litigant documents must be accompanied by a certificate of delivery upon which the addressee shall mark the date of delivery and sign or seal.送达诉讼文书必须有送达回证,由受送达人在送达回证上记明收到日期,签名或者盖章。
16.The summons was served by a bailiff.该传票已由法警送达.
17.The message you sent to %1 was not delivered successfully.\0您发送给%1的邮件未送达,将自动再次发。\0
18.The message you sent to %1 was not delivered, and will automatically be sent again.\0您发送给%1的短消息未能送达并将自动再次发送。 \0

1.This paper,based on the new collation and stipulation of the nature of civil action delivery,rethinks the system of civil action delivery in effect deeply and puts forward exploratory ideas on the improvement of civil action delivery from the perspective of comparison.本文在重新厘定民事诉讼送达性质的基础上,通过对现行民事诉讼送达制度深刻反思,并从比较法的视角对民事送达的完善提出了试探性的构想。
1.The procedural act that legal organ serve litigious documents to consignee in accordance with legal procedure and legal form in order to make them into legal force is called service.送达是法定机关按照法定程序和法定方式将诉讼文书交收件人并发生一定法律效力的诉讼行为。
4)forwarding time送达时间
1.Based on an investigation of the process of freight transport in China railway, this paper analyzes the change laws of forwarding times of freights.货物送达时间是评价运输方式竞争力的一个重要指标,科学地估计货物送达时间是制定运输组织方案和制定运输合同的依据。
2.Analysis result shows that the daily average running tariff kilometer of each kind of freight transport product obeys normal distribution;the maximum difference value between the transit period calculated by present method and the practical forwarding time of freight is 4.分析结果表明:各类货运产品的日均运行运价公里服从正态分布;利用现行运到期限计算方法得到的运到期限与货物实际送达时间的最大差值为4。
1.By surveying the performance of two through train destinations, the forward_speed and punctuality of goods are analyzed in this paper.通过对两个列车到达站的直达货物运输的送达速度和准时性情况的调查 ,用事实说明了直达运输的优势 ,同时 ,提出了扩大直达运输的一些建
6)the way of service送达方式
1.There exist a number of flaws in the way of service of civil litigation due to the simplicity of legislation.由于立法的简略,致使我国民事诉讼送达方式上具有诸多现实缺陷。
