1.A super large,extra long cross-river/-sea tunnel project has to be faced by a series of technical problems,method of design,construction means,engineering tests and methods of testing as well as implementation criteria which would have to be enhanced to a higher level.超大特长越江跨海隧道工程的建设需面临一系列技术问题,设计方法、施工手段、工程试验和测试方法,以及实施标准等必须上升到更高层次。

1.The ground has been Broken for the cross- river tunnel越江隧道已破土动工
2.There are five bridges across Huangpu River so far.黄浦江面上目前横卧着五座越江大桥。
3.The Impact Analysis of Yangtz River Outlet Passage Construction on District Development;长江口越江通道建设对区域发展的影响
4.The Impact Analysis of Yangtz River Outlet Passage Construction on Metropolis Development;长江口越江通道建设对城市群发展的影响分析
5.Engineering Geological Conditions of Tunnel Passage (East Line) between Shanghai and Chong Ming沪崇越江通道(东线)工程地质条件
6.Study on the Longitudinal Anti-bending Capacity of Nanjing Cross-river Shield Tunnel南京越江盾构隧道纵向抗弯能力研究
7.Maintenance and Anti-Corrosion Coating for Steel Structure of River-Crossing Bridge越江大桥钢结构的维护及其防腐涂装
8.Allround analysis of construction treatment technology for some tunnel in karst cave浅析某越江隧道工程岩溶的处理措施
9."...Our chosen one, our friend, is now by a limpid river -- Singing, perhaps, a plaintive eastern song."美人清江畔, 是夜越吟苦。
10.OPGW Vibration Prevention for Jiangyin 500kV Yangtze-River-Crossing500kV江阴长江大跨越OPGW防振问题探讨
11.Transmission Crossing Tower Construction Mode over Rivers送电线路跨越河流的江中建塔跨越方式
12.Study and Selection about the Forms of Structures Spanning Hanjiang River in Dispatching Water Project of Xiaojiang River小江调水方案跨越汉江建筑物结构形式的研究
13.How Should Zhejiang Civilian-run Enterprises Stride Over the "Safety Barrier"浙江民营企业如何跨越“安全壁垒”
14.Distribution: Tai Mo Shan, Ng Tung Chai. Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi. Vietnam.地理分布:大帽山、桐寨。江西、南、东、西。越南。
15.Late-development Advantage and Jiangxi old Liberated Area s Economic Development by Leaps and Bounds;后发优势与江西老区经济跨越式发展
16.Transforming the Existence--Interpretation of Kenzburo OE s Somersault;“翻”越“存在”——大江健三郎《空翻》解读
17.Challenges Following China s Entrance to the WTO andStriding Development of Jiangxi s Higher Education;“入世”挑战与江西高等教育跨越式发展

cross-river tunnel越江隧道
1.This article presents an overview of cross-river tunnel projects in China and the development of large diameter shield tunnelling technology.本文阐述了中国越江隧道工程的建设概况和大直径盾构掘进技术的发展,主要介绍了在上海黄浦江底软弱地层越江交通隧道工程采用盾构掘进施工技术的应用和发展过程,并介绍了正在建设和施工的三大长江越江隧道工程的概况,其中崇明和南京越江隧道为世界上直径最大的盾构隧道。
2.Based on longitudinal structure analysis model of cross-river tunnel,relationship under different critical states between longitudinal deformation curvature and circular seam stretching-amount was built.分析了三次样条插值法在越江隧道纵向变形曲线拟合中的适用性与计算方法,应用三次样条插值对越江盾构隧道纵向变形曲线进行了拟合,并通过曲线拟合方程计算了隧道全长纵向的变形曲率。
3.In a conclusion, the ventilation system innovation to cross-river tunnels is regarded to be of more safety, environmental protection and energy conservation.西藏南路越江隧道作为2010年上海世博会场馆内专用隧道,通风系统采用了射流风机纵向通风结合半横向排烟的独特模式。
3)over huangpujiang traffic越江交通
4)crossing-river channels越江通道
1.The crossing-river channels planned reasonably can promote both bank of the river develop together.越江交通是沿江发展大城市交通系统中的重要组成部分,合理规划的越江通道能够起到促进两岸联动发展的作用。
5)crossing-river tunnel越江隧道
1.Study on the minimum overlying rock thickness of a crossing-river tunnel by borehole-blasting method;越江隧道钻爆法施工最小岩石覆盖层厚度研究
6)driving under the Pearl River穿越珠江
