1.With Multi-locomotive, it will improve the performance of traction and cut down the employee without changing anything of the locomotive , and it will improve the benefit and the competition ability of the Railway Department by this way.由于机车重联可以在不对机车作任何改变的情况下,提高机车的牵引能力,并减少操作人员,进一步提高铁路运输的竞争力。
2.With the development of the computer control technology, the Multi-locomotive technology is also under continuously development.随着计算机控制技术的发展,机车重联技术也在不断发展。

1.Transformation and application of double heading method of DF_4 locomotives东风_4型机车重联重载牵引技术改造和应用
2.Organismo de las Naciones Unidas para la Reconstruccion de Corea联合国韩国重建局(联韩重建局)
3.a Russian unit of weight equal to approximately 36 pounds.苏联重量单位约等于磅。
4.Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction农村重建联合委员会
5.Federation for the Respect of Man and Humanity尊重人与人类联合会
6.Great attention must be paid to linking theory with practice.必须注重理论联系实际。
7.Re-orientation of "LTL" Value in the Internet Era;互联网时代“联想科技”价值的重新定位
8.For a few years the federation rendered service to the labor movement by lending a sort of respectability to the AF of L.有几年,联合会对劳联表示敬重,以支持劳工运动。
9.Contribution of the PP and the PH Scattering Correlation to the Multiple Scattering CorrelationPP和PH散射关联在多重散射关联中的贡献
10.He identifies himself with its centre of gravity, its mass, its weight.他把自己与形体的重心、质量、重量联系在一起。
11.The United Nations has a vital role to play in the reconstruction of Iraq.联合国在伊拉克的重建中将发挥重要作用。
12.Thermodynamic Analysis of Combined Reforming and Tri-Reforming of Methane for Syngas Production;甲烷联合重整三重整制合成气的热力学分析
13.Salmeterol/fluticasone Propionate Combined Tiotropium Bromide for the Treatment of Severe-to-very severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease舒利迭联合噻托溴铵治疗重度-极重度COPD
14.Application of Micro-invasive Shortincision and Conjunctional Fascial Tissue over Tarsal Plate in Double Eyelidplasty微创小切口睑板前联合筋膜重建的重睑术
15.Due to heavy interference( static) Contact Kun Ming with difficulty.因严重干扰(电干扰)昆明联系困难。
16.Take care of yourself and don't forget to keep in touch.多保重,不要忘了保持联系。
17.cascade of triple-withdrawal zone-transport refiner级联三重回收熔区传输区域精炼炉
18.Intercellular communication is essential.最重要的是细胞间的联系。

merger and reorganization联合重组
1.The development of the shipbuilding industry in the Yangtze River Delta needs vertical supply chain collaboration and horizontal merger and reorganization.长三角船舶产业发展需要实现纵向供应链协作和横向联合重组。
3)tandem repeats串联重复
1.288 clones were sequenced and analyzed for tandem repeats,interspersed repetitive sequences and BLAST.对这些序列进行了串联重复、散布重复及BLAST比对分析,结果发现共有52条串联重复序列,2条散布重复序列。
1.A scheme design of MVB-base double-unit traction controller for mine locomotive;基于MVB的矿用机车双机重联控制器设计
6)networking weight联网称重
