1.The paper discusses a slot allocation game problem for long-dated presale between a container liner shipping company and a logistics agent corporation,obtains a Stackelberg equilibrium in condition of the stochastic demand,unsold cost risk and the capacity con-straint,compares the system efficiency under the non-cooperative game and joint dicision-making.在考虑随机需求、失销风险成本以及舱位容量限制下,研究了班轮公司与物流代理企业之间对预售的远期舱位进行分配的博弈问题,并得到了Stackelberg均衡解。

1.IF SPACE UNAVIBL BKSPACE FIRST AVIBL BOAT-if space unavailable, book space( on) first available vessel.目前如无舱位,那么,如下一条船有舱位就请订舱。
2.My cabin is on E deck.我的舱位在E层甲板.
3.What class would you like?您要什么样的舱位
4.the cheapest accommodations on a passenger ship.客船上最低票价的舱位
5.Our cabin is amidships.我们的舱位在船的中腰。
6.You' ll find your cabin amidships.你的舱位在船中部.
7.In case the space is not enough ,you can use one more section in the hatchway ,but leave a small margin.如果舱位不够,你们可以在舱口位再用一节梁子,但要留一个小空档。
8.A built-in bed or bunk, as on a ship or a train.舱位,卧铺位卧铺或上下铺位,如船或火车上的
9.make a reservation; make a Booking预定班机舱位或旅馆房间
10.Which class? And for when?您要搭什么舱位?还有时间是什么时候?
11.You are not entitled to travel first class.你没有资格乘坐头等(车厢、舱位等)。
12.offer subject to shipping space available以有船只舱位为准的报盘
13.freight booking and cargo consolidation centre预订海运舱位和货物统筹中心
14.Standby packages are put on the cargo planes according to space available.备用的包裹会根据舱位进行安排的。
15.The pity is that all the shipping space have is booked up.遗憾的是所有舱位都已订出。
16.As a rule, the buyer is responsible for chartering a ship or booking the shipping space.一般说来,买方负责订船只舱位
17.You may rest assured that we 'll manage to book shipping space for you .您放心好了,我们会为贵公司订舱位的。
18.Freight space be difficult to secure on account of heavy congestion .由于货运任务拥挤,很难订得舱位

3)seat inventory control舱位控制
1.Integrated dynamic modeling of airline seat inventory control and overbooking;航空客运舱位控制和超售综合动态建模研究
2.Multi-leg seat inventory control model for airline revenue management;航空收益管理中多航段舱位控制模型
3.Research on Seat Inventory Control in Airline Revenue Management;航空收益管理中舱位控制问题的研究
4)Seat Choice舱位选择
1.Revenue Management Based on Passenger Seat Choice Behavior;基于旅客舱位选择的航空收益管理
5)inventory control舱位控制
1.Comprehensive analysis of pricing and seat inventory control in airline revenue management;航空公司收入管理价格与舱位控制的统一分析
2.A Comprehensive Strategy of Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control in Airline Revenue Management and the Preliminary Discussion of Its Risk Analysis;航空公司客运收入管理动态定价与舱位控制的统一策略及其风险分析初探
6)Slot Allocation舱位分配
1.One of the key problems is the container slot allocation under uncertainty.传统的舱位分配问题是以提高承载率为目标的,而在目前市场竞争激烈、运价已降到很低的情况下,单纯提高承载率并不能达到增加利润的预期效果,企业应该改变以削减成本为目标的传统运营模式,应用收益管理的理念,进行基于市场细分的舱位分配以承载边际贡献率较大的货物,从而达到规避运价波动风险提高收益的目标。
2.Container vessel slot allocation is one of the most important problems for the shipping companies.集装箱班轮舱位分配问题是关乎班轮企业收益的重要问题,已经成为学术界和企业界重视并研究的课题。
3.The objective was to optimize ship size,the number of containers,and slot allocation.根据集装箱航线运行的基本特点和要求,基于航线均衡运行原理,建立了集装箱航线资产配置确定性模型,优化船舶规模、集装箱配置与舱位分配。
