1.On the Nature,Characteristics and Qualities of What an Excellent Athletic Team Leader Should Have in the New Era;对新形势下优秀运动队领队工作性质、特点及应具备的素质的探骊

1.director's fee [archaeological team]领队酬金〔考古队〕
2.The manager led a team through to Hangzhou.领队带领球队来到杭州。
3.The vice captain leads the team when the captain is ill.队长有病时,副队长领队
4.Copy, Gold Leader. I'm already on my way out.收到,金队领队,前进中
5.I'm on it, Gold Leader.我跟上了,金队领队
6.Home One, this is Gold Leader.元帅,这是金队领队
7.the leader of an expedition, a gang, the Opposition, etc考察队领队、 团伙头目、 反对党领袖等
8.One who conducts a band, especially a dance band.领队一个乐队,尤指伴舞乐队的指挥者
9.Who has been selected to lead the delegation?谁被选为代表团的领队?
10.He had sprung into fame as the leader of the raid.他以领队空袭著名。
11.Now, listen to the Youth leader:下面请听领队的讲话。
12.Why doesn't the manager take him out?领队为何不将他换出?
13.The captain is the leader of the team.队长是全队的领导(者)。
14.The captain leads his team.队长领导他的球队。
15.The band preceded the parade.乐队带领游行队伍。
16.Houston is leading by 96-92.休斯顿队以96比92领先。
17.England were in the lead at half time.上半场英国队领先。
18.Force Working Group on Programme Management警队纲领管理工作小组

3)the leader of a sports team运动队领队
4)hiking group leader旅行队领队
5)team leadership团队领导
1.However, the functions of the team leadership are general.团队的情境特点和任务要求使团队领导具有了不同于传统组织领导的特点。
2.Secondly,the impact mechanism of different types of team leaderships on team performance is discussed,which take the three up-to-date leadership theories,that is,transactional leadership,transformational leadership and paternalistic leadership,as the research objects.文章首先辨析了团队、团队领导和团队效能的内涵。
6)leaders team领导团队
1.The ratio of total comparative index was used in the evaluation of absolute progress effectiveness(APE) of performance of leaders team in the past.团队管理已经成为现代社会最佳的领导方式,以往的绝对进步效度(Absolute Progress Effectiveness)是通过领导团队绩效的对照期指标的比值来测算,本文应用数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis)方法,结合团队成员的有效努力程度,通过个体相对进步指数测算相对进步效度(Relative Progress Effectiveness),真实地反映领导团队在等参照前提下的有效进步程度,有利于领导团队的阶段性自检和渐进性发展。
2.The past evaluation of Absolute Progress Effectiveness(APE) on performance of leaders team mostly adopted ratio of total comparative index.领导团队已经成为现代社会管理的核心方式,以往大多通过领导团队绩效的对照期指标的比值来测算绝对进步效度,文章真实地反映了领导团队在同等参照前提下的有效进步程度,结合团队成员的有效努力程度和个体相对进步指数,应用数据包络分析方法来测算相对进步效度,将有助于领导团队的阶段性自评和持续性发展。

领队1.率领队伍。 2.指率领队伍的人。