1.The paper takes TMBT, which is a typical representative of travel agencies in the area, as a case to analyze and research administrative development problem of travel agency in financial crisis.本文选择吉林省旅游集团旗下的“吉林省旅游集团天马国际商务旅行社”(以下简称“天马商旅”)为案例,围绕吉林省旅游集团是东北区域最大的综合性旅游产业集团,业务涵盖航空、金融危机形势下天马商旅的经营发展问题进行分析研究。

1.Research on Administrative Problem of Tianma International Business Travel Agency金融危机形势下天马商旅的经营管理问题研究
2.Passenger must cross street by the overline bridge .旅客必须由天桥穿过马路。
3.One a day I'm gonna to Malta to big a hotel.有一天我去马尔他的一家大旅馆.
4.The journey took two days by stagecoach.这段旅程乘驿马车走了两天。
5.A Study on the Exploitation of Tianshui s Tourism Commodity;天水市旅游商品开发与营销策略研究
6.Horseman 100 -2 days travel time on stable trips (min. 1 day).骑师100减少2天骑马旅行的时间(最低为1天)。
7.Her parents took a three-day pleasure cruise to the Bahamas.她的父母参加一个三天的游轮旅行去巴哈马。
8.We are close to our journey's end for the night.我们今天的旅程快要告一段落,马上就要休息了。
9.Yesterday she was wearing a white blouse, military style vest, and dark blue trousers.昨天她穿了件白色衬衫、军旅式马甲和黑色裤子。
10.SWOT Analysis for Developing Ecotourism in Chaotianma Nature Reserve朝天马自然保护区发展生态旅游的SWOT分析
11.The Chamber of Commerce of Tian Jin and the Northern Warlords Government Negotiated with Japanese Government on Shandong, Lushun and Dalian Problems天津商会与北洋政府对日交涉山东、旅大
12.The Problems and Countermeasures of Tourism Product Development in Tianzhu Mountain Area;天柱山景区旅游商品开发中存在的问题与对策
13.A discussion on the adaptability of tourism and e-commerce;旅游产业与电子商务的天然适应性讨论
14.An Initial Discussion about Biulding Tianjin s “Central Commerical,Tourist and Leisure Area” and Its Implementation;天津“中央商旅休闲区”构想及其实践初探
15.In the traveling process, we will arrange Terra-Cotta Warrior's reproductions and other local products stores for shopping.旅游过程中,同时安排兵马俑的仿制品和其他土特产商店参观购物。
16.All this time the cowboys worked in the saddle and slept on the hard ground.在整个旅途中,牛仔们白天骑在马背上,夜间露宿荒野。
17.This high guy took a trip the Himalayas, he is getting lost in a forest inside.这天高佬旅行到了喜马拉雅山,他正在一个森林里边迷了路。
18.The next day he went to the shop near the hotel and bought the most beautiful clothes and boots.第二天,士兵到旅馆附近的商店,买了最好的衣服和靴子。

3)tourist commodity旅游商品
1.Promotion of sustainable development of tourist commodity in multi-national area on the Experience-traveling-Take the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture as the example;以体验式旅游促进民族地区旅游商品可持续发展——以凉山彝族自治州为例
2.Researches on the tactics of tourist commoditys s opening-up and designing in the development of Changzhou as tourist cities;常州市旅游商品的开发设计策略研究
3.This paper adopted the methods of questionnaire and field investigation as well as based on thepurpose of bamboo tourist commodity to sum up five series of bamboo tour commodity, and meanwhile findout several problems in bamboo tour commodity.通过对昆明主要景区竹制旅游商品采用问卷调查与实地考察的方法,并以竹制旅游商品的用途为依据,归纳出五大系列竹制旅游商品,同时发现目前竹制旅游商品存在的若干问题。
4)tourist commodities旅游商品
1.Further Exploitation of Specilized Tourist Commodities of Xinjiang;论新疆特色旅游商品的深度开发
2.The important role that cultural and complimentary orientation plays in tourist commodities packaging design was analyzed beginning with tourists psychological needs of tourist commodities.从分析旅游者对旅游商品的心理需求入手,探讨旅游商品的文化倾向和馈赠倾向时旅游商品包装设计起到的重要作用,同时透过旅游商品包装设计的"文化差异"、"实用美观"、"小巧轻便"等特点,以及包装装璜的表现技巧、色彩、图形、造型、材料等应用,分别讨论如何提高旅游商品包装设计水平。
5)traveling salesman problem旅行商
1.The algorithm is realized under visual C++ environment,and applied into solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP).并将其运用到解决旅行商问题的优化之中。
6)business travel商务旅游
1.Development strategy thinking on business travel market in China;中国商务旅游市场发展战略思考
2.Study on developing strategy of business travel Industry in Beijing CBD;北京CBD商务旅游业发展对策研究
3.Taking the conception and typology of business travel as the point of departure, the paper probes into the partial traits and levels of business travel and proposes some measures to develop China s business travel market.本文从商务旅游的概念和类型入手,对商务旅游的部分属性和层次性进行了探讨。

天马Tianmazhong天马 朝鲜三国时代新罗墓葬。因所出的桦树皮制的障泥上绘有天马而得名。位于庆尚北道庆州市皇南洞。年代在5世纪末至6世纪初。1973年发掘。 该墓为东西向的积石木椁墓,上有直径47米、高12.7米的坟丘,下设土圹,木椁周围堆积砾石。由于棺椁俱朽,全部遗物被压在坍塌的积石之下。根据棺内出土的金饰的位置,可判断死者为仰身直肢葬,头向东。棺的四周环有一圈高起的砾石台,上面放置有金冠(见彩图[金冠])、银带、玻璃珠、鎏金履饰、铁斧、环头铁刀、铁矛和铁镞等随葬品。其中金冠制作精美,表现了当时金银细工的工艺水平。木棺东侧棺椁之间,有一大木箱,内置铁斧、陶器、漆器、绘有彩凤的桦树皮帽、青铜制的斗、熨斗、鼎、壶以及蓝色、绿色的玻璃杯,还有 4套鞍、镫、辔等组成的马具,最上面放桦树皮制的障泥,其上绘奔腾的白马和彩色的忍冬纹。墓中出土的青铜器和漆器应是中国的输入品,玻璃杯则可能来自西亚,这些发现为了解新罗与其他地区间的文化交流提供了资料。                 安志敏