
1.The Neo-tectonic motion around Halamaodu of Qian'guo County,Jilin Province吉林省前郭县哈拉毛都一带新构造运动
2.The Research on the Development of Rural Tourism Based on the Tourist Wish基于游客意愿的乡村旅游发展研究——以哈拉毛都镇为例
3.Echo found her inspiration from the vast Sahara desert.三毛从茫茫的撒哈拉 沙漠中获得了灵感.
4.Most of the Sahara is uninhabitable.撒哈拉沙漠的大部份地区都不适於居
5.And Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab: all these were the sons of Joktan.29阿斐,哈腓拉,约巴,这都是约坍的儿子。
6.It seemed we were all benighted in the Desert of Sahara我们都像在撒哈拉大沙漠里,前不着村,后不着店。
7.Most of the Sahara is uninhabitable撒哈拉沙漠的大部份地区都不适於居住。
8.Gen 10:29 And Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab: all these were the sons of Joktan.创10:29阿斐,哈腓拉,约巴,这都是约坍的儿子。
9."and Naarah had ahuzzam by him, and Hepher and Temeni and Haahashtari. These were the sons of Naarah."拿拉给亚施户生亚户撒,希弗,提米尼,哈辖斯他利。这都是拿拉的儿子。
10."For Mahlah, Tirzah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Noah, the daughters of Zelophehad, took as their husbands the sons of their father's brothers:"西罗非哈的女儿玛拉,得撒,曷拉,密迦,挪阿都嫁了他们伯叔的儿子。
11."Jonathan, the son of Shammah the Hararite, ahiam, the son of Sharar the Hararite,"哈拉人沙玛,哈拉人沙拉的儿子亚希暗,
12.Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic阿拉伯撒哈拉共和国(撒哈拉共和国)
13.An Arab of any of the nomadic tribes of the Arabian, Syrian, Nubian, or Sahara deserts.贝都因人阿拉伯、叙利亚、努比亚或撒哈拉沙漠的游牧部落中的阿拉伯人
14.I CAN BUY IT ALL! I'M FREE! HA HA HA HA!全部都买得到!我自由了!哈哈哈哈!
15.SANHA, Malam Bacai马拉姆·巴凯·桑哈
16."Hariph, anathoth, Nobai,"哈拉,亚拿突,尼拜,
17.King Harald said, "Who hasn't done one or two bad things in their youth?"连哈拉德国王都说:“谁年轻时没干过一两件荒唐事?”
18.There is, throughout, verse charged with imagery, as in Horatio's concluding lines over Hamlet这里到处都有饱含意象的诗句,如霍拉旭谈到哈姆莱特结尾的两行。

Halamaodu of Qian'guo County前郭县哈拉毛都
1.The Neo-tectonic motion around Halamaodu of Qian'guo County,Jilin Province吉林省前郭县哈拉毛都一带新构造运动
1.Chemostratigraphic Division in the Palaeozoic Strata of the Wenduhala Area, Xinjiang;新疆温都哈拉地区古生界化学地层初探
2.In the present paper,the Palaeozoic strata in the Wenduhala region,Xinjiang are chemostratigraphically divided based on the systematic data of spectral semiquantitative analysis obtained from the regional geological survey by means of the optimal partitioning method and the half moving window method for the ordered sample analysis.本文利用在区调工作中获得的较为系统的岩石光谱半定量全分析数据,采用有序样品最优分割法和对分移动窗口法,对新疆温都哈拉一带的古生代地层进行了化学地层划分,并与野外根据宏观岩性特征划分的岩石地层单位进行了比
4)bokhara wool布哈拉羊毛
1."Dula",a herb of Yi nationality often used to prevent from poisoning ,drinking and opium addiction, especially to save people and domestic animals that are poisoned for having eaten the Aconitum ssp.彝药“都拉”在四川、云南彝族地区被广泛用来于解毒,解酒醉,解鸦片毒,尤其解救因误食乌头属植物而中毒的人和家畜,疗效确切。

哈拉哈河发源于大兴安岭西侧摩天岭北部的达尔滨 湖,弯弯曲曲流入贝尔湖。全长399.5公里,境内长135公里,沿途有12条河流汇入,河面逐渐加宽,最宽可达80米,水深平均2米,流速每秒1-2立方米,河西岸比东岸高,有的地方在东岸一侧看不到西岸的情况。“哈拉哈”是蒙古语像,意为“屏障”,从河东岸看西岸如同一座长长的壁障在眼前,哈拉哈河由此地貌而得名。本地人又称这条河为“爱国河”“母亲河”,因为哈拉哈河是一条国际流,源于中国,流经蒙古就像一位远嫁异乡的姑娘,在国外漂泊半世,临末了又转身回到祖国的怀抱中。哈拉哈河岸丛生着原始的植物群落,蜿蜒的河水隐没在高山峻岭之间。人们悠闲的在河岸上垂钓,在开满鲜花的草甸上漫步。在哈拉哈河中、下游河段还可以乘木筏顺河漂流,充分领略大自然的风采。