2)running variable游动变量
1.A Study on Antecedents and Performance Consequence of Export Market Orientation;出口市场导向的前因变量与绩效结果研究
2.The paper reviewed and analyzed some important issues about CWB, including its conceptual structure, antecedents and the appraisal sources.文章对反生产行为的概念结构、前因变量和评价源问题等方面进行了回顾和分析。
3.imulated team experiments were conducted to examine group composition characteristics as antecedents of shared mental models in two different information-sharing teamwork settings.以192个被试组成64个三人团队,通过计算机完成团队合成任务,从群体合成特征的视角出发探讨共享心理模型的前因变量。

1.A Study on Antecedents and Performance Consequence of Export Market Orientation出口市场导向的前因变量与绩效结果研究
2.The Research about Antecedents of Enterprise Group Level-citizenship Behavior;企业群体层次组织公民行为前因变量研究
3.The Influence of Perceived Organizational Support and Its Antecedents on Employee Loyalty;组织支持知觉及其前因变量与员工忠诚的关系研究
4.An Investigation of Antecedents of Shared Mental Models:From a Group Composition Perspective;共享心理模型的前因变量研究:群体合成特征的视角
5.The first factor on the right-hand side is of the order of prebuckling strain ??右边的第一个因子跟屈前的应变?槭峭0一量级。
6.Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Conflict among Chinese Employees:The Cultural Difference Perspective工作和家庭冲突的前因和后果变量:中国情景因素形成的差异
7.Colon Carcinoma and Precancerous Change Organizes the Fas Genetic Expression and the DNA Content and Clinical Significance Research;结肠癌及癌前病变组织中Fas基因表达和DNA含量及临床意义的研究
8.By the former it diminishes, caeteris paribus, its stock of material products; by the latter, it increases them.在其他情况不变的条件下,该国的物质产品存量,会因前一种作法而减少,因后一种作法而增加。
9.Distinguish the production context of variable proportions from that of returns to scale; which is most likely to be encountered in the real world; why?请辨别由尺度回归之变量比例,在真实世界中最可能发生的前因后果,并解释之。
10.For this reason, if your vestibular symptoms persist, do not keep decreasing your salt intake.出于这个原因,如果你的前庭症状保持不变,不要继续降低你的盐摄入量。
11.Estimation in Linear Errors-in-Variables Models with Missing Responses因变量缺失下线性变量含误差模型的估计
12.The variable '%.*ls' does not currently have a cursor allocated to it.当前没有为变量 ''%1!'' 分配游标。
13.Test method for wavefront distortion of laser rodsGB/T11297.1-1989激光棒波前畸变的测量方法
14.The local variable '{0}' was not initialized before use局部变量“{0}”在使用前未初始化
15.Magnetic Resonance Imaging Quantitative Analysis on Aging Prostate Changes前列腺老年化改变的MRI定量研究
16.Length Change of Anterior Cruciate Ligament by Movement Measuring of Articular Genu on the Lateral RadiographsX线动态测量膝前交叉韧带长度变化
17.Studies on the Change of the Content of Polysaccharides in Crude and Processed Fructus Corni山茱萸炮制前后多糖的含量变化研究
18."Instead of using weight as a standard we use mass, because mass does not change."我们用质量做标准而不用重量,因为质量不变。

running variable游动变量
1.A Study on Antecedents and Performance Consequence of Export Market Orientation;出口市场导向的前因变量与绩效结果研究
2.The paper reviewed and analyzed some important issues about CWB, including its conceptual structure, antecedents and the appraisal sources.文章对反生产行为的概念结构、前因变量和评价源问题等方面进行了回顾和分析。
3.imulated team experiments were conducted to examine group composition characteristics as antecedents of shared mental models in two different information-sharing teamwork settings.以192个被试组成64个三人团队,通过计算机完成团队合成任务,从群体合成特征的视角出发探讨共享心理模型的前因变量。
5)Forward Variable前向变量
6)leading variable前项变量
