1.In this thesis, the eco-tourism resource of Longjiashan State Forest Park of Guizhou province was evaluated after careful investigation.本研究在对贵州省龙架山国家森林公园生态旅游资源进行调查的基础上,进一步对其生态旅游资源进行评价,并提出龙架山森林公园生态旅游开发模式。
1.Characteristics and Floatability of Longshan fuel coal in southwest Guizhou province;龙山燃煤煤质特征及原煤可选性研究
2.A Study of Graves of Yangshao and Longshan Cultures in Luoyang;洛阳仰韶和龙山文化时期墓葬研究
3.On the Moving of the Capital to Longshan by Gou Jian, King of Yue State;越王勾践迁都绍兴龙山述议

1.Hangzhou Longshan Chemical Co., Ltd.杭州龙山化工有限公司
2.After Li Bai passed away, he was first buried at the foot of Dragon Hill.李白逝世后,先葬于龙山
3.What is known as the Group of Pagodas of Banna is situated at the summit of Manfeilong Hill in Jinghong County.版纳群塔,位于景洪县大勐龙乡曼飞龙村后的曼飞龙山顶上。
4.Excavation of Cultural Remains of the Yangshao and Longshan Periods on the Donglongshan Site in Shangluo City,Shaanxi陕西商洛市东龙山遗址仰韶与龙山时代遗存发掘简报
5.An Investigation and studying on Nymphalidae in Jiuong Mountain、Fengyang Mountain、Baishanzu Mountain and Dayang Mountain;九龙山、凤阳山、百山祖、大洋山蛱蝶科蝶类调查研究
6.An investigation and study on similarity of satyridae in Fengyang mountiain、Baishanzu mountain .Jiulong mountain and Dayang mountain;凤阳山、百山祖、九龙山、大洋山眼蝶科蝶类相似度的研究
7.Rice Farming of Longshan Period at the Zhaojiazhuang Site, Jiaozhou, Shandong;山东胶州赵家庄遗址龙山文化稻作农业研究
8.Where is"Mount LongJiaoin FenYang" fromthe Article in Honour of LaoZi in Qing Tan Guan by Emperor Xuanzong in Tang Dynasty;唐玄宗《庆唐观纪圣铭(并序)》“汾阳之龙角山”考——绵山龙脊岭曾叫龙角山
9.What traffic and what crowds!真是人山人海,车水马龙!
10.from 190 million to 230 million years ago; dinosaurs, marine reptiles; volcanic activity.恐龙,两栖动物,火山活跃。
11.Dragon Boat Festival at Leshan乐山龙舟会多姿多彩
12.Their village lies at the foot of the Longmen Mountains.他们的村子在龙门山麓。
13.There was a tortoise at the foot of the hill and a dragon on the top of the hill that could spit out wine automatically.山下有龟,山上有龙,龙还会自动往杯子里吐酒,
14.The Longmen Grottoes are situated at the mouth of the Longmen Hills, 12 kilometers in south of Luoyang City.龙门石窟位于洛阳城南12公里龙门山口处。
16." he thundered, and summoning[招集] Mountain God, he ordered him to kill the dragons.”他大吼道,然后招集山神,他命令山神杀死四条龙。
17."Practicing Martial arts in the Deep Mountains", "Father Meeting Son", "Fighting the Dragon to Get the axe"and "Saving Mother by Cleaving Through the Mountain"."深山练武"、"父子相会"、"斗龙得斧"、"劈山救母"等6场,
18.Line 2: 2-day trip to Luofu Mountain for mountaineering, and long-distance drifting (adventure, and Development).线路二:罗浮山登山、龙花洞漂流(探险、拓展)两天游。

1.Characteristics and Floatability of Longshan fuel coal in southwest Guizhou province;龙山燃煤煤质特征及原煤可选性研究
2.A Study of Graves of Yangshao and Longshan Cultures in Luoyang;洛阳仰韶和龙山文化时期墓葬研究
3.On the Moving of the Capital to Longshan by Gou Jian, King of Yue State;越王勾践迁都绍兴龙山述议
3)Longshan of Shandong山东龙山
4)low gantry低架龙门架
1.Safety protection technology of low gantry;低架龙门架的安全防护技术
5)Baimashan Longshan白马山-龙山
1.Installation and use management of the gantry material elevating conveyor;龙门架物料提升机的安装与使用管理
2.Finite element analysis of crane gantry structure and the related processing technologies;龙门架钢结构有限元分析及其技术处理
3.This paper introduces the lifting method to mount a whole large scale compressor assembly to a high level foundation under roof with a self made removable gantry and the basic structure of this gantry.压缩机组若在厂房已建成、且基础较高的情况下进行安装 ,会给施工造成一定的困难 ,本文介绍利用自制移动式龙门架 ,整体吊装室内高基础大型压缩机组的吊装过程。

《封龙山碑》轴(初拓本)(Fenglongshan Bei Zhou  清代重新访得后的汉《封龙山颂》原石初拓本。整纸装,纵 159厘米,横91.6厘米。碑文书法结字取势富于变化,行笔遒劲豪放,隶书那种"蚕头燕尾"的波挑笔式,不甚显著,横笔多出尖锋,垂笔近似"悬针",虽为隶书结体,又与一般隶书不同,有浓厚的篆书笔意和金石趣味。    此本为最早拓本之一, 第13行"穑民用章"的"章"字泐失,"韩林"的"林"字完好。纸墨精良,字口清晰,为难得的精拓本。有张穆跋并"阳泉山人"、"殷斋居士"、"石州审定"等藏印。原为刘宝楠手拓后赠给梅伯言(曾亮),伯言又赠与冯鲁川(志沂)。现藏故宫博物院。    《封龙山颂》碑为汉延熹七年 (164)立,原在河北省元氏县王村山下,道光二十七年(1847)被元氏县知县刘宝楠重新访得,移置城内薛文清祠。据传,移置时运工嫌其重,欲截为二,剥凿时碑裂为 4块,虽经嵌合,裂纹依然可见。碑文隶书15行,行26字。碑侧有唐咸通年题名,因字已漫漶难辨,故多不拓。