
1.Personal and Impersonal Appraisement and Analysis for Power Industry Customer Credit电力行业客户信用主客观评价与分析
2.That would be a reversal of the order of host and guest.这样做就主客颠倒了。
3.customer in a shop(商店的)顾客,主顾.
4.subjective [ objective ] idealism主观[客观]唯心论
5.Notice by a Landlord or Principal Tenant of Increase in Rent业主致住客或主租客致分租客加租通知书
6.A good hostess be always attentive to the needs of her guest好客的女主人能随时留心客人的需要
7.A good hostess is always attentive to the needs of her guest.好客的女主人能随时留心客人的需要。
8.The host and hostess circulated (among their guests).男女主人(在客人间)走来走去招待客人.
9.The guests were rather free and easy with theirs host' s liquor.这些客人毫不客气地大喝主人的酒。
10.A good hostess is always attentive to the needs of her guests.好客的女主人能随时留心客人的需要.
11.The hosts should help the guests to the food or ask them to help themselves.主人应给客人夹菜或请客人自己用菜。
12.Understanding the Objectivity of Cognition From the Perspective of the Inter-subjectivity;主体间性·客观性·历史认识的客观性
13.The World of Objects,Subjective Concepts and Objective Concepts关于客体世界、主观概念与客观概念
14.The home team thrashed the visiting team.地主队打败了客队。
15.an obsequious shop owner善于讨好顾客的店主
16.That shopkeeper cheats his customer.那个店主欺骗顾客。
17.The shopkeeper cheats his customers.这位店主欺骗顾客。
18.The host bowed his guests.主人鞠躬迎接客人进屋。

3)the "subject object subject" relationship"主客主"关系
1.The article reviews recent research progress on the Host-Guest self-assembly system of ordered mesoporous nanoscale materials represented by MCM-41and HMS.本文论述了以MCM-41和HMS为代表的有序介孔纳米材料的主-客体自组装体系以及它们在化学催化、环境保护、光学等领域的应用。
5)Subject and Object主客体
1.Editorial subject and object depend on each other, contradict with each other.编辑主客体相互依存、相互作用、相互联结、相互矛盾的关系构成了编辑系统的结构。
2.Based on philosophical aspect,especially Marxism philosophy,we can see that the notion of harmonious society includes the following philosophical connotations: the unification of rule and aim;the unification of subject and object in the social practice;the unification of scientific spirit and humanity spirit in the social developing pattern.从哲学尤其是马克思主义哲学层面对“和谐社会”这一理念进行分析,可以见到这一理念内在地包含了合规律性与和合目的性的统一;社会实践活动中的主客体的统一;社会发展模式中所体现的科学精神与人文精神的统一。
3.Creative thinking is produced in the interaction of subject and object.创新思维在主客体的相互作用中生成。
1.C-undecylcalix(6)- resorcinarene was chosen to modify on the glass carbon electrode to develop a host-guest chemistry modified electrode, which is used to determinate the guest molecular-P- me- thylphenol in the solution.以C 十一烷基间苯二酚杯 (6 )芳烃作为主体分子修饰玻碳电极表面 ,制成一种主客体化学传感器。

主客主客zhu versus ke  ZhU一ke主客(功“versus左e)中国古代兵学;语。《孙子·九地》:“凡为客之道,深,则专,主人不克。”客,指进入敌境作战暇军队;主,指在本土作战的军队。后世兵奋则把战争中的敌对双方及其所处的态势,分别称之为主和客。一般说来,我为主,寻为客;防御者为主,进攻者为客;实为主虚为客;逸为主,劳为客;饱为主,饥二客;险为主,易为客;专为主,分为客;鹉为主,动为客;等等。故“兵贵为主,二贵为客”(《唐太宗李卫公问对》卷中)。理是,主客无定势,将帅指挥得法,可以反策为主,变主为客。如深入敌境作战的写军,虽有运输线长,补给困难等诸多不月因素,但可采取因粮于敌、围城打援、长l久困等原则和战法,调动敌人,使之失二原有的有利条件,这样,随着双方攻」防、劳与逸、饥与饱、动与静、被动与主王等的变化,主客之势就发生了根本性理化。所以,兵不拘主客,重要的是要善于仁利以制变,使作战行动符合客观实际。 (卑心田)