1.Dimen village, located in Southeast Guizhou Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, is an ancient village of the Dong with rich material entities and historical culture.位于贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州的地扪侗寨,是一座景观物质实体和历史文化环境都保存良好的侗族古村落。

1.Innovation on the Development of Eco-museum--A Case Study of Dimen Dong Nationality Eco-museum in Guizhou Province;生态博物馆发展创新初探——以贵州地扪侗族生态博物馆为例
2."To the children of the east I have given her for a heritage, as well as the children of ammon, so that there may be no memory of her among the nations:"好使东方人来攻击亚扪人。我必将亚扪人之地交给他们为业,使亚扪人在列国中不再被记念。
3."and said to him, This is the word of Jephthah: Israel did not take away the land of Moab or the land of the children of ammon;"对他说,耶弗他如此说,以色列人并没有占据摩押地和亚扪人的地。
4."and when the children of ammon made war against Israel, the responsible men of Gilead went to get Jephthah back from the land of Tob;"亚扪人攻打以色列的时候,基列的长老到陀伯地去,要叫耶弗他回来。
5."Edom and Moab and the children of ammon,"以东,摩押,亚扪人,
6."(That land is said to have been a land of the Rephaim, for Rephaim had been living there in earlier times, but they were named Zamzummim by the ammonites;"(那地也算为利乏音人之地,先前利乏音人住在那里,亚扪人称他们为散送冥。
7.People lingered before the stalls, patted their empty money belts, and reluctantly walked on.人们在那些摊子面前懒懒地拖着腿走,两手扪着空的腰包,就又懒懒地走开了。
8.Go to your own bosom my lord, knock there, and ask your heart.老爷,请您扪扪自己的良心。
9.He will also enter the Beautiful Land, and many countries will fall; but these will be rescued out of his hand: Edom, Moab and the foremost of the sons of Ammon.但11:41又必进入那荣美之地、许多国就被倾覆、以东人、押人、一大半亚扪人、脱离他的手。
10."and I will make Rabbah a place for housing camels, and the children of ammon a resting-place for flocks: and you will be certain that I am the Lord."我必使拉巴为骆驼场,使亚扪人的地为羊群躺卧之处,你们就知道我是耶和华。
11."and he will come into the beautiful land, and tens of thousands will be overcome: but these will be kept from falling into his hands: Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of ammon."又必进入那荣美之地,有许多国就被倾覆,但以东人,摩押人,和一大半亚扪人必脱离他的手。
12."and their limit was Jazer, and all the towns of Gilead, and half the land of the children of ammon, to aroer before Rabbah;"他们的境界是雅谢和基列的各城,并亚扪人的一半地,直到拉巴前的亚罗珥。
13.And when the children of Ammon fought with Israel, the elders of Gilead went to get Jephthah from the land of Tob.5亚扪人与以色列争战的时候,基列的长老到陀伯地去,要叫耶弗他回来。
14.And it came to pass in process of time, that the children of Ammon made war against Israel.5亚扪人攻打以色列的时候,基列的长老到陀伯地去,要叫耶弗他回来。
15.Frankly, I must say he overestimated me.扪心自问,这个评价过高。
16.There are palpable mobile axillary nodes.能扪到活动的腋窝淋巴结。
17."Now Joab was fighting against Rabbah, in the land of the children of ammon, and he took the water-town."约押攻取亚扪人的京城拉巴。
18.Then, holding our chests with our hands and sinking to the ground with a groan,扪参历井仰胁息, 以手抚膺坐长叹。

3)Menshi Xinhua《扪虱新话》
1.Menshi Xinhua,a masterpiece of notebook novels of Song Dynasty,taking Confucian Classics and its soul leaders as the unshakable domination,issued arguments after collecting a variety of literary concepts of famous writers in Song Dynasty,The book is not systematic,but we can find out the main literary concepts of Song Dynasty in it.《扪虱新话》为宋人笔记小说的代表作,其论文论诗,以宗经、崇圣、明道为原则,以气韵、古人旨趣为归依,讲求有法而不拘于法,持论较为圆融通达。
4)hose cap水带扪盖
6)To know superficially扣盘扪烛

扪扪 扪   循摸。   ①诊查方法之一。《素问·举痛论》:“视其主病之脉,坚而血及陷下者,皆可扪而得也。”王冰注:“扪,摸也,以手循摸也。”   ②治疗方法之一。《素问·离合真邪论》:“不足者补之奈何?岐伯曰:必先扪而循之,切而散之……。”王冰注:“扪循,谓手摸。切,谓指按也。扪而循之,欲舒缓。切而散之,使经脉宜散。”