交通运输基础设施,transport infrastructure
1)transport infrastructure交通运输基础设施
1.The neoclassical economy analysis of transport infrastructure supply mode;交通运输基础设施供给方式的新兴古典经济学分析
2.The development of transport infrastructure is important for the economic development.交通运输基础设施的发展水平对经济发展的作用很大。

1.The Spatial Distribution of the Transport Infrastructure and the Regional Economic Growth交通运输基础设施的空间分布与区域经济增长
2.The neoclassical economy analysis of transport infrastructure supply mode;交通运输基础设施供给方式的新兴古典经济学分析
3.Freight volume forecast acts as the precondition and base of planning and construction of dock, fleet and transportation infrastructure.运量预测是进行码头、船队以及相关交通运输基础设施规划和建设的前提和基础。
4.Transport and Communications Infrastructure Section运输和通讯基础设施科
5.Infrastructural Facilities--Material Base in Setting up a Quality Administration System in Traffic Transportation;基础设施是交通运输企业建立质量管理体系的物质基础
6.Committee on Transport, Communications, Tourism and Infrastructure Development运输、通讯、旅游和基础设施发展委员会
7.Department of Transport and Infrastructure运输和基础设施管理局
8.The Effective and Efficiency of Transport Infrastructure of Jiangsu江苏省交通基础设施运营效率及效能研究
9.Compared with cities in eastern China, infrastructures in many cities in western China are poor, and urban transportation in those cities must be speedily improved.与东部地区城市相比,我国西部地区许多城市基础设施条件较差,城市交通运输亟待改善。
10.Condition of fundamental facility that the capital can provide: Electricity, water, gas, transportation and telecom are all in good condition.项目引资地可提供的基础设施情况:水、、、通运输、讯、础齐全。
11.Guangxi makes use of 150 million US dollars of foreign capital to build a water transportation traffic infrastructure广西利用外资一点五亿美元建设交通水运基础设施
12.The effects of traffic foundation construction upon the social economy;交通基础设施建设对社会经济的影响
13.New methods for project finance in water transportation infrastructure construction in China;水路交通基础设施建设项目融资方式
14.Transportation / Amenities大众交通运输工具与邻近设施
15.Basic Infrastructures for Regional Logistics and Transport Infrastructural Differences;区域物流基础设施及其运输设施差距分析
16.The infrastructure includes resources such as plant, workspace, tools and equipment, support services, information and communication technology, and transport facilities.基础设施包括工厂、车间、工具和设备、支持性服务、信息和通讯技术以及运输设施等。
17.The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and the Science Committee.交通及基础设施委员会,及,科学委员会。
18.Interface Management for Transportation Infrastructure BOT Projects交通基础设施BOT项目的界面管理

Infrastructure construction of transportation logistics交通运输物流基础设施
1.Infrastructure construction of transportation logistics net which is harmonious in different transportation methods and link effectively with station or logistics center or logistics areas was established.完善的物流基础设施是现代物流发展的前提和保障,尤其是交通运输物流基础设施。
3)transport infrastructure基本运输建设;运输基础设施;交通基本建设
5)Transport Infrastructure运输基础设施
1.This paper provides empirical evidence on the links between transport infrastructuresand economic growth in China.运输基础设施的发展是经济发展的基础和前提,没有运输基础设施的发展,就不会有经济的发展。
6)transport infrastructure交通基础设施
1.Spatial spillover effects of transport infrastructure on regional economic growth;交通基础设施对区域经济增长的空间溢出作用(英文)
2.The development of western transport infrastructure and its impact on regional economy;西部交通基础设施发展状况及对区域经济影响
3.Through the deep analysis of funds demand,financing change of China s road and waterway transport infrastructure construction and the increasing trends of China s insurance funds,especially the analysis of the increasing trends of China s insurance income and total insurance capital in the period from 2000 to 2007,the current situation of China s insurance funds was understood sufficiently.通过对当前我国公路、水路交通基础设施建设的资金需求及融资变化,以及我国保险资金近年来的增长趋势,尤其是2000年到2007年我国保险收入及保险总资产的增长趋势进行深入的分析,充分了解我国保险资金的运用现状。
