满铁,South Manchuria Railway Company
1)South Manchuria Railway Company满铁
1.On South Manchuria Railway Company s Role Before and After the “9/18 Incident”;“九·一八”事变前后的满铁
2.Aggression campaign of South Manchuria Railway Company and Manchurian Incident;满铁侵略活动与“九·一八”事变
3.Under Coal Mine System of South Manchuria Railway Company Oppression Chinese Laborers Revolt Struggle (1906-1945);论满铁煤矿系统压迫下中国劳工的反抗斗争(1906-1945)

1.Manchuria Management by SMRC and Various Libraries Attached to SMRC满铁的“满洲”经营与附属地各图书馆
2.Researches into the condition of Chinese workers in Fushun Coal Mine of Southern Manchu Railway Corporation in Manchukuo;伪满时期满铁抚顺煤矿中国工人状况之考察
3.The Whole Story of South Manchuria Railway Company Grabing Northeast China Railway after the "9·18 Incident"九一八事变后,满铁攫取我国东北铁路路权始末
4.Discussion on the Railways of Self-Construction Initiated by Northeast Government and People in the First Years of the Republic and Resistance to the Railway System Controlled by Southern Manchuria Railway Corporation民国初年东北官民自办铁路及对满铁铁路的抵制
5.Aggression campaign of South Manchuria Railway Company and Manchurian Incident满铁侵略活动与“九·一八”事变
6.Essay on the Policy of Dalian Centered Theory in the Earlier Stage of Northeast Railway;试论满铁前期的“大连中心主义”政策
7.On the Settlements of "Retired Soldiers"on "Attached-land"of "Manchurian Railway;满铁“附属地”“除队兵”移民述论
8.Investigation of Vegetation Resources Along Baiyunebo-Bayinhua Section of Baotou-Mandoula Railway包满铁路(白巴段)沿线植被资源调查
9.All with their eyes intently fastened on the iron-clamped oaken door.他们一个个都紧盯着布满铁钉的橡木牢门。
10.Japan's Colonial Scientific Research Institutes in China -- On “Central Research Institute of South Manchurian Railway Company”日本在中国的殖民科研机构——“满铁中央试验所”
11.On Political Effect of Manchurian Railways During Japanese-imperialist's Aggression Against China论满铁在日本帝国主义侵华中的政治作用
12.The Study and Implementation of Man-Tie Data Copyright Protection System Based on the EBX Specification;基于EBX的满铁资料授权使用系统的研究与实现
13.The Conflicts between Shinpei Gotoh and Japanese Government at the Opening Period of the South Manchurian Railway Company;满铁创立时期后藤新平与日本政府的对立
14.The Function and Aggression of SMR Library in Northeast China;满铁图书馆的职能及其在东北的侵略活动
15.Avalanches poured down on the tracks and rails were spread.雪崩压满了轨道,铁轨被弄得四分五裂。
16.Getting from Richmond to Islington on the underground involves three changes .乘地铁从里土满到伊斯灵顿要换三次车
17.Get from richmond to islington on the underground involve three change.乘地铁从里土满到伊斯灵顿要换三次车。
18.One thing is for certain: there is a palpable sense of drive about the place.可以确信的是,滑铁卢充满了冲劲与干劲。

South Manchurian Railway Company满铁
1.Japan s Colonial Scientific Research Institutes in China —— On “Central Research Institute of South Manchurian Railway Company”;日本在中国的殖民科研机构——“满铁中央试验所”
3)Mantie Railway Company满铁
1.Dalian Centered Theory of Mantie Railway Company and the Comedown of Yingkou Port;满铁的“大连中心主义”政策与营口港的衰落
2.The Research of Mantie Railway Company and the Colonization in North-east of China;满铁与东北殖民地化研究
4)manchuria railway profiles满铁资料
5)public houses of Manzhou Railway Corporation满铁社宅
1.Cold proof measure from public houses of Manzhou Railway Corporation in Shenyang at modern times;沈阳近代满铁社宅的防寒措施
6)Mantetus surveys满铁调查
1.This article probes into the anthropological research orientation in the context of Mantetus surveys, reinvestigation of customs, Duara’s village-level research, and the author s anthropological case study all in rural North China plain.从满铁调查、惯行再调查 ,杜赞奇的华北村落研究以及对华北村落的追踪调查再研究的脉络 ,探索了人类学的研究取向。
