供需缺口,demand-supply gap
1)demand-supply gap供需缺口
1.Based on the investigation of the factors influencing supply and demand of Chinese railway transportation, the paper estimates the demand-supply gap of Chinese railway transportation then analyses the reasons from the angle of enterprise conduct and .在考察中国铁路运输供给和需求各自的影响因素的基础上,本文对中国铁路运输供需缺口进行了实证测算,从企业行为和市场结构的角度分析了导致中国铁路供需缺口长期存在的原因。
2.With this model,we calculate the railway saturation level,the potential railway demand and the huge railway demand-supply gap of China.通过这个数学模型,计算出了我国铁路路网长度的饱和水平、潜在的铁路运输需求以及铁路运输中巨大的供需缺口

1.Discussion on Petroleum Safety Strategy in China Judged by Petroleum Gap of Supply and Demand;从石油供需缺口论中国石油安全策略
2.Supply and demand gap forecasting of Tianjin s high-level technical talents;天津市高级技术人才的供需缺口预测
3.Analysis on the causes and the countermeasure of countryside fund s supply and demand gap;农村资金供需缺口成因及其资金供给策略
5.Research on Supply-demand Gap of Advanced Technicians in Jiangsu Province;江苏省高级技能人才供需缺口原因与解决对策研究
6.Analysis of the Demand-Supply Gap of Chinese Railway and Related Policies;中国铁路运输供需缺口及相关产业组织政策分析
7.Analysis of Status in Food Supply and Demand Along With the Countermeasure of Food Indentation in Qinghai;青海省粮食供需现状及应对粮食缺口的对策
8.PC vendors built the USB ports into PCs despite a lack of demand for them from customers.尽管过去缺乏客户方面的需求,但PC机供应商已经把USB端口集成进了PC机。
9.Where the export shall be restricted on account of domestic shortage in supply or effective protection of exhaustible domestic resources.国内供应短缺或者为有效保护可能用竭的国内资源,需要限制出口的;
10.More efficient forms of energy storage will enable the user to bridge the gap between summer supply and winter demand.更有效的能源储存方式可以使用户弥补夏冬季节能源供需之间的缺口。
11.Equilibrium of Money Supply and Money Gap in China: from 1978 to 2004;中国均衡货币供给与货币缺口:1978—2004
12.Lacking the normal or required population density.人口稀少的缺乏正常的或所需的人口密度的
13.Research on Demand Gap of Nanjing Housing Market Based on Population View;基于人口视角的南京市住宅市场“需求缺口”研究
14.Synchronized supply and demand model based on double-fan supplying chain of harbor group;基于港口集团式双扇型供应链的供需同步模型
15.The increase in population necessitates a greater food supply.人口的增加需要更多的食物供应。
16.Research and Forecast on the Demand and Supply of Chinese Petroleum Import;我国石油进口需求、供给分析与预测
17.Supply & demand of bitumen: road construction pushes up im- ports sharply;沥青供需:道路建设带动进口量猛增
18.The Research on Shortage Talent s Supply and Demand Model of New Industry of Our Country;我国新兴产业短缺性人才供需模型研究

supply & demand gap forecasting供需缺口预测
3)demand gap需求缺口
1.Based on the demographic analysis,the paper studied the"demand gap" of Nanjing housing market in 2000.在人口分析的基础上,对2000年南京市住宅市场的"需求缺口"进行定量研究。
2.Although supply is being over demand in the world market of aviation oil, demand gap is sustainable in China market.国际航空燃油市场虽然持续供过于求 ,但是中国持续出现需求缺口。
3.During the development of industrial economy, the correlation of income effect and the demand gap which initiate the problem of investment and the conduction of market enter of Chinese passenger vehicle market are paid more attention.我国轿车市场收入效应和需求缺口的关系问题及由此而引发的投资和市场进入的传导效应问题是工业经济发展中倍受瞩目的关键问题。
4)the product needs breach产需缺口
5)supply gap供给缺口
6)gap between demand and supply供求缺口
