文明排外,civil antiforeignism
1)civil antiforeignism文明排外
1.After the failure of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 - 1895, some prominent men of wisdom of Hunan, stimulated by their forerunners antiforeignism and influenced by foreign advanced thoughts, began to forsake blind antiforeignism for civil antiforeignism.甲午战后,受近代湖南先贤排外主张影响的湖南有识之士面对着战争的惨败,在外来先进思想的作用 下,开始由"盲目排外"逐步转化为"文明排外",从而为湖南摆脱闭塞奠定了基础。
2." Civil Antiforeignism" is not only an important thought but also a new weapon against the imperalists in that period.维新时期,湖南有识之士面对列强的侵略,开始逐步摆脱过去的盲目排外思想,主张"文明排外"。

1.Research on the Thought of "Antiforeign Civilly" in the Period of the Movement of Reform in Hunan维新运动时期湖南“文明排外”思想研究
2.On the Formation of Hunan s Civil Antiforeignism in the Period of the Movement of Reform;论维新时期湖南"文明排外"思想的形成
3.Antiforeignism in Hunan During the Reformation Movement;维新运动时期湖南“文明排外”思想浅析
4.On the Historic Position of Hunan s Civil Antiforeignism in the Movement of Reform;论维新时期湖南“文明排外”思想的历史地位
5.On the Characteristics of the Huxiang Culture and the Formation of Hunan s Civil Antiforeignism in the Period of the Movement of Reform;从湖湘文化的特征看维新时期湖南“文明排外”思想形成的原因
6.Academic transcript of the highest degree with ranking or percentage, in English.需附最高学历成绩单之英文排序证明。
7.A Civilized Saint against Civilization:Image of Confucius in U.S.Media in the Pre-Chinese Exclusion Period“反文明”的文明圣人:排华酝酿时期美国媒体的孔子形象
8.On the Similarities of the Civilization of Yinshang and the Early Civilization Abroad殷商文明和早期域外文明相似性的若干问题
9.I see. Would you like me to reschedule you for another night?我明白了。要不要另外为你安排别的晚上。
10.Modern volleyball game under the cultural view--A brief talk on volleyball culture inside and outside;文化学视角下的现代排球运动——浅谈排球文化之“内”与“外”
11.The Study on How to Select and Edit Foreign Literary Works of Chinese Textbooks in High and Middle School;中学语文教材外国文学的选材和编排体系研究
12.Cultural Approval and Rejection: a Study of the Translated Foreign Novels in the Late Qing Dynasty;从文化排斥与文化认同看清末外国小说翻译
13.Layout of Pre-text Contents of Reprint Foreign Books Needs to be Normalized重印外文图书正文前内容的编排亟待规范
14.The dietary pattern will be reformed; supervision of the catering industry will be tightened;倡导文明、适度、节俭的消费方式,反对讲排
15.Civilization Clash,Dialogue and Intercourse--the Diplomatic Ideology,Practice and Trend of Three Civilization Views;文明冲突 文明对话 文明交往——三种“文明观”的外交理念和实践及发展趋势
16.Marginal note: Reference notes set in a smaller point size than the text and put in the margin. The use of marginal note is equivalent to the "head note" in traditional Chinese vertical style of setting text for book works.栏外注:参考注解,用较内文细小的字体排在书页白边上.栏外注相等于传统的中文直排本的眉批.
17.Many of the great monuments and ceremonial constructions of early civilizations were astronomically aligned.早期文明许多大纪念碑和仪式建筑物是天文学排列的。
18.A description of the various characteristics of a file, such as the layout of the fields in it.说明对不同文件特征的描述,如在文件中区域的编排

extraterrestrial civilization外星文明
3)out-earth civilization地外文明
1.Performance of remote sensing images in the research of out-earth civilization;遥感影像在地外文明探索中发挥作用
4)foreign civilization外国文明
1.Jiang Zemin is on the premise of respecting world culture diversifilation, on one hand to have put emphasis on inheriting China s traditional culture critically, to draw lessons from the foreign civilization boldly, on the other hand, to carry on cultural innovation constantly on this basis, so as to build advanced culture of socialism with Chinese characteristi.江泽民在尊重世界文化多样性的前提下,强调了一方面要批判地继承中国传统文化,另一方面要大胆地借鉴外国文明,在此基础上不断进行文化创新,建设中国特色的社会主义先进文化。
5)"civilization in outer space星外文明
6)a veneer of culture文明的外表
