个碧石铁路,Ge-Bi-Shi railway
1)Ge-Bi-Shi railway个碧石铁路
1.Ge-Bi-Shi railway is China\'s only private railway.个碧石铁路是中国第一条民营铁路,是中国半殖民时代滇东南少数民族地区实业救国的典范。
2.Ge-Bi-Shi railway and Yunnan-Vietnam railway forms a railway network.个碧石铁路是与滇越铁路配套的铁路网,它既是滇东南地区近代实业救国的典范,又是近代中国唯一的一条民营铁路。

1.Message of Ge-Bi-Shi the Railway--China's only private railway中国第一条民营铁路——一个碧石铁路的启示
2.On Growth of Modern Private Enterprises in Southeast Yunnan Ethnic Minority Areas从个碧石铁路看滇东南地区近代民营企业的成长
3.Specification for methods of rocks for railway engineering铁路工程岩石试验规程
4.To fill(a railroad bed) with or as if with ballast.铺沙石用或似用沙石铺(铁路路基)
5.Road slag stone railway, road debris, processing and marketing.铁路专用道渣石、路石渣、工、售。
6.He has a heart of steel.他是个铁石心肠的人。
7.He was a despot with a heart of granite.他是个铁石心肠的暴君。
8.Study on Application of Coal Gangue for Railway Roadbed in Mining Area;煤矸石在矿区铁路路基中的应用研究
9.Deformation of the Embankment with Riprap Slope Protection at Qinghai-Tibet Railway;青藏铁路片石护坡路基变形特性研究
10.Twist Construction Technique for Cable-stayed Bridge of Shihuan Highway Crossing Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Railway石环公路跨石太铁路斜拉桥转体施工技术
11.To supply(an area) with railroads.给…筑铁路向(一个地区)提供铁路
12.Clutching the grass and grasping jagged rocks, we cautiously made our way down, till dipping our heads to pass through a low stone gate we came to the edge of the broad, deep, emerald pool.揪着草,攀着乱石,小心探身下去,又鞠躬过了一个石穹门,便到了汪汪一碧的潭边了。
13.a foundation of earth or rock supporting a road or railroad track.支撑公路或铁路的用泥土或岩石做成的路基。
14.Coarse gravel or crushed rock laid to form a bed for roads or railroads.道碴用来铺公路或铁路路基的粗砂砾或碎石
15.stones,etc used to make a foundation for a railway,road,etc(铺筑铁路、公路等之路基所用的)石块,道渣.
16.A railway detective arrested him.一个铁路侦探逮捕了他。
17.Mainly, it is a railroad junction.它主要是个铁路联轨站。
18.The neighborhood of the railway is a drawback.靠近铁路是个缺点。

6)Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Railway Line石太铁路
