储油库,oil storeroom
1)oil storeroom储油库
1.The application and develop of underground water seal oil storeroom;地下水封储油库的应用与发展

1.Comprehensive Evaluation on Construction of an Exclusive Oil Unloading Railway in Gujiao City and Analysis of Oil Warehouse Project建设古交卸油铁路专用线、储油库项目综合评价
2.By 2005, all the gas stations, main oil storage tanks and the oil refinery enterprises in the city should have installed hermetical oil gas recovery facilities.2005年前,全市加油站、主要储油库及炼油企业要实现油气的密闭回收。
3.Study on Dada Acquisition and Analysis on the Fire Simulative Experiment on Underground Oil Storage地下储油库火灾模拟试验的数据采集与分析
4.Design and Realization for Proved Reserves Database System of Petroleum & Gas Resource;油气探明储量数据库系统设计与实现
5.On Contradiction of Chinese Crude Oil Output with Demand and Establishment of Crude Oil Strategic Reserves;我国原油产需矛盾及战略储备库建设
6.Research on the Optimum Location of Subsurface Gas Storage Banks in Jianghan Oil Area;江汉油区建设地下储气库库址优选研究
7.Intensifying the Construction of Subterranean Storage,and Guaranteeing the Safe Supply of Oil & Gas;加大地下储备库建设力度保障油气供应安全
8.Multidimensional Gray Dynamic Analysis on Transportation and Storage System at Oil Depot and Station;石油库站储运营销系统的灰色多维动态分析
9.Gas Injection-production Mechanism of Gas Storage in Depleted Oil Reservoirs枯竭油藏改建储气库注采运行机理研究
10.Accident analysis and risk identification of underground gas storage rebuilt upon the depleted oil and gas reservoirs枯竭油气藏型地下储气库事故分析及风险识别
11.Automatic Fire Fighting System Composition and Structure Principle of Large-scale Crude Oil Depot大型原油储库自动消防系统组成及结构原理
12.Construction Management for 60×104 m~3 Commercial Crude Oil Depot Project60万m~3原油商业储备库项目施工管理
13.Design Scheme of Pipeline Network in Tieling Commercial Crude Reserve Base铁岭原油商业储备库工艺管网设计方案
14.The evaluation method of a gas well productivity for a underground gas storage on a fractured carbonate oil reservoir碳酸盐岩裂缝性油藏建储气库气井产能评价
15.3D fluid-mechanical coupling stability analysis of underground petroleum storage caverns地下储油岩库稳定性的三维流固耦合分析
16.Discussion on Accident Consequences of Pool Fire in Oil Storage Tank Area石油库储罐区池火灾事故后果模拟探讨
17.A Research On Reservoir Heterogeneity Of N_2~1 Reservoir Gasikule Oilfield Of Qinghai Provence;青海尕斯库勒油田N_2~1油藏南区储层非均质性研究
18.Risk Management on Ground Water Sealed Rock Cavern Petroleum Storage Depot of National Oil Reserve;国家石油储备地下水封石洞油库项目的风险管理

Petroleum Storage石油储库
3)oil and gas storage cavern油气储库
1.The creep property of rock salt with mudstone interlayer is key to the stability analysis of oil and gas storage caverns in rock salt.含高盐份泥岩夹层的盐岩蠕变特性是油气储库稳定性的关键问题所在。
4)oil store储油仓库
5)oil storage石油储存;储油库
6)oil-gas storage cavern油气储备库

单点系泊储油装置  由单点系泊浮筒与储油驳船两大部分组成。单点系泊浮筒用4~8根锚链固定在海底。浮筒上有转盘和旋转密封接头。储油驳船与单点浮筒的转盘用钢丝绳或钢臂连接,可作360°旋转,似风标,使之保持在受力最小的方位。原油从海底管线经过单点上的旋转密封接头进入储油驳船;运油轮则从储油驳船上装油外运。    世界上第一个单点系泊浮筒于1959年在瑞典的德提奥港投产,用作深水输油码头。1974年发展了钢臂式单点系泊储油装置,用A字形钢架代替钢丝绳连接,避免了储油驳船与浮筒的碰撞,减少了大量维修工作。1980年在菲律宾海域安装了第一座浮式生产、储存、装卸系统(见图)。可在该系统上进行油气处理、储存和外输。1981年11月又发展了一种软钢臂连接,在菲律宾近海油田设计和安装,适合于浅水恶劣海况。单点系泊装置结构简单,成本低,适用水深大,发展较快,已有200多座单点系泊装置投入使用。但在有冰的海域尚无采用这种装置的实例。