1.Explore and experience for Teaching of undergraduate course Inorganic Chemistry Experiment;本科无机化学实验教学探讨与体会
2.Goal and principle to construct undergraduate medical college personnel training mode of our country;构建我国医学院校本科人才培养模式的目标和原则
3.A qualitative study on the job choosing attitude among the undergraduate male nursing students;本科男护生择业心态的定性研究

1.Secondary education background, junior college, college graduate and above中等学历、大专、本科本科以上
2.Bachelor degree, majoring in Electrical field.本科本科以上学历,主修电气专业。
3.Discussion on Strategic of Talent Training in General Undergraduate Colleges and Universities;一般本科院校本科人才培养策略探讨
4.Innovative College Teaching Assessment College Teaching Quality Improvement;创新本科教学评估 提高本科教学质量
5.On the Combination of the Research and Teaching and the Nurture of the First-class Undergraduates in Science and Engineering;试论科教结合与培养一流工科本科
6.Periodicals of Science and Technology and Scientific Information Attainments of Undergraduates;科技期刊管理与本科生科学信息素养
7.On advantages of specialized subject-to-undergraduate education by cross-disciplinary跨学科专科接本科教育形式优势探析
8.Teaching Combined with Scientific Research for Promoting the Innovation Education以科研促教学,带动本科生科技创新
9.SIMAJ (ScientificInstrument ManufacturesAssociation ofJapan)日本科学仪器厂商协会
10.The members of the grass family considered as a group.草禾本科植物的总称
11.I want to buy a science book.我想去买本科普书。
12.UGPA (undergraduate grade-point average)本科大学生平均积分点
13.Japan Information Center for Science and Technology日本科学技术情报中心
14.Japan Information Center of Science and Technology日本科学技术信息中心
15.The Nature of Science and the Cultivation of Students Conception of the Nature of Science;科学的本质与学生科学本质观的培养
16.Text-analysis of History of Science in the Junior Secondary School Science Textbook;初中理科教科书中科学史的文本分析
17.Another"Science" --On the Scientific Essence of Social Science;另一种“科学”——论社会科学的科学本质
18.Reconstructing Science Textbooks Discourse of Nature of Science;论理科教科书科学本质文本话语的重建

undergraduate course本科
1.A Study of Innovation in Approaches of Cultivation and Active Promotion of Research-based Teaching in Undergraduate Course;探讨创新培养途径 积极倡导本科研究性教学
2.The education history of the geological engineering undergraduate course in Hehai University is simple introduced.简要介绍了河海大学地质工程专业的办学历史,分析了近几年本科生毕业论文质量下降的主要原因,明确提出了两条提高本科生毕业论文质量的有效途径,即建立优良的生产实习基地和切实推行本科生专业导师和指导小组相结合机制。
3.Based on the requirements for the person specialiced in packaging in the East-China region and the actual conditions of packing discipline in our school, research is made on the model and the method in undergraduate course.从华东地区的包装行业需求、人才培养要求和本校包装工程专业教育的实际情况入手,对本专业本科阶段的培养模式和教学方法进行了研究和探讨。
3)undergraduate education本科
1.Scantiness of Teaching Personnel for Undergraduate Education: A Problem Deserving Due Attention in Chinese Higher Education;本科师资:高等教育发展中一个值得关注的问题
2.Carrying out quality education and enhancing management of teaching quality——the review and prospect of the Teaching Reform in undergraduate education;实施素质教育 加强全面教学质量管理——我校本科教学改革的回顾与前瞻
3.This paper points out some issues in the teaching programmme for undergraduate education in teachers training colleges.高师院校本科教学计划中应注意培养学生的专业、技能、素养,即:厚专业基础;重教师技能;强教师素养。
1.The Past and Future of China s Statistic Education of BE Undergraduates;我国授予经济学学位的统计学专业本科教育发展的历史回顾与展望
2.Objective To explore the effect of the evidence-based nur- sing teaching on the critical thinking ability of nursing undergraduates.目的探讨循证护理教学法对护理本科生评判性思维能力的影响。
3.The Educational Ministry of China launched the policy of bilingual teaching to undergraduates in 2001, which motivated every college to offer courses of different levels conducted in Chinese and English to undergraduates.分析农林院校在开展本科双语教学过程中教师、学生、教材等各方面存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出改革措施和策略。
1.A new model for clinical practicum in baccalaureate nursing education: emphasizing the formation of comprehensive competencies;注重综合性实践能力培养的护理本科毕业实习模式的探索
2.Objective To develop a standard for establishment of nursing baccalaureate program.目的构建我国护理学本科专业设置标准。
3.Objective:In order to suit to the needs of the development of teaching materials of baccalaureate nursing science and to provide some decision-making evidences for enhancing the quality of teaching materials of baccalaureate nursing science,quality evaluation index system of teaching material for baccalaureate nursing have been constructed.[目的]为适应本科护理学教材发展需求,构建本科护理学专业教材质量评价指标体系。
6)characteristics of undergraduate education本科本色
1.Only after recognizing the connotation and character of applied undergraduate education can we keep the characteristics of undergraduate education,and at the same time,set the characteristics of appli.只有认清应用型本科的内涵、特征,才能理清思路,既保本科本色,又创应用特色,实现专科向本科的过渡和转型。
