1.Music and Dance Thoughts of Zhouyi and its Influence on the Chinese Music and Dance;《周易》舞思想及其对中国舞的影响

1.festival concert中/弦/管节音
2.Joy shared with others are more enjoyed.与众同,其
3.An Analysis of the Relation between 乐(yue) and 乐(le);“”(yue)“”(le)探源
4.Rejoicing in the Happiness of Others (in Sanskrit, mudita)(梵文: “mudita″);
5.The state of being amused, entertained, or pleased.娱被逗,得到娱和快的状态
6.stringed chamber music.弦器演奏的室内音
7.The boy is happy, very happy.男孩很快,非常快
8.Happy Barry, Happy Barry,快的巴瑞,快的巴瑞,
9.A group of instruments of the same family.器组一组同类
10.Another kind of music is rock music.另一种音是摇滚
11.music holder for fixing to musical instruments固定于器上的器夹
12.The band played the performers onto the stage.队奏欢迎演员登台.
13.And Le Le, please clean the table.,你来擦桌子吧。
15.Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.祝你生日快,天天快!
16.The musicians took their respective places at the orchestra pit.师们各自在池就座。
17.Musicians bent over their instruments.师们俯身在器上。
18.The striking up of the band is timed to the moment.队准时开始奏

1.On the Thoughts of lntersubjectivity in the Studies of Li and Yue of Coufucius and Xunzi;孔子和荀子礼学说中的交互主体性思想探析
2.Analyzing the Ecoligical Ideology of the Analects of Confucius from the Viewpoint of "Yue";从“”看《论语》的生态思想
3.From “Shi-yue” to “Yue-shi”:The Role Development of Relationship between Rites and Poetry,Yue;从“诗”到“诗”:礼与诗、关系的角色演变
1.On the Happiness Theory by Wang Geng of the Taizhou School;浅析泰州学派王艮的“”说
2.By interpreting Confucius and Yan Yuan’s views on happiness,Qian Mu explains the highest state of life happiness.钱穆从追寻"孔颜处"入手,阐发了生生之的最高境界之美,在钱穆的人生哲学中,道德的最高境界就是人生的审美境界,对仁心的践履就是对美的追求,人的生命情趣和价值追求完美地融为一体,并在其中体味尽善尽美的人生高境界的趣,寻就是体,可谓在其中。
3.The concept "Harmony with God" is not only the ultimate goal and the ethical system to build,but also the highest goal to pursue and the best level to achieve,which is mainly realized by "happiness".天人合一不仅是理学建构的终极目的,是理学范畴体系的完成,也是理学美学所追求的最高目标和要达成的最佳境界,而这一境界主要是通过“”来体现的。
1.Against the background of vast universe, Zhuangzi initiated a new kind of pleasure for individuals free life: the pleasure of returning to nature and the pleasure of reverie.文章主要从淡薄人事而亲近自然的审美趋向、闲逸自适与返朴归真的审美旨趣、出乎其外的审美视角和追求更高存在的审美境界四个方面,分析了庄子之对中国传统文人士大夫审美情怀产生的既广且深的影响。
5)music books乐书乐谱
6)musical category乐类乐种

乐【乐】 (术语)梵语曰素佉Sukha,又曰苏吉施罗。遇好缘好境而身心适悦也。佛地论五曰:“适悦身心名乐。”梵语杂名曰:“素佉。”又曰:“苏吉施罗。”