1.The Mean: Tallest State of the Confucianism Gentleman Personality;中庸:儒家君子人格的最高境界

1.a wolf in sheep's clothing伪君子hypocrite;
2.whited sepulcherph.1. 伪君子
3.Confucius said: "The Superior Man is not a utensil."子曰:「君子不器。」
4.Thank you. You're a real gentleman.谢谢. 您真是君子.
5.Consideration of the Theme of The Husband Out in Lalour from “the Gentleman”in The Book of Songs;由《诗经》之“君子”谈《君子于役》的主题
6.Such was the ideal gentleman, taught Confucius.这就是孔子说的“君子”。
7.Confucius said of Tzu Chien: "He is a Superior Man. If the state of Lu is really lacking Superior Men how could he have acquired such a character?"子谓子贱,「君子哉若人。鲁无君子者,斯焉取斯」
8.Confucius said: "The Superior Man cares about virtue; the inferior man cares about material things. The Superior Man seeks discipline; the inferior man seeks favors."子曰:「君子怀徳,小人怀土;君子怀刑,小人怀惠。」
9.Fielding was a gentleman born费尔下生来有君子风度。
10.drug-crazed fanatics嗜毒如命的瘾君子.
11.The demands that a gentleman makes are upon himself; those that a small man makes are upon others.君子求诸己,小人求诸人。
12.It be not the coat that make the gentleman .正人君子不在穿戴。
13.A good young man is wooing A maiden fair he loves.窈窕淑女, 君子好逑
14.He is a perfect gentleman.他是一个十足的君子
15.He was a gentleman to the manner born.他是一个天生的君子
16.It's my position that gentlemen should reason thing out rather than resort to force.我主张君子动口不动手。
17.Behave toward him like gentlemen!请对他以君子之风相待!
18."As heaven's movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along"天行健,君子以自强不息

1.The Evolution of "Gentlemen" in pre-qing dynasty;先秦“君子”观念的流变
2.Gentlemen s morality and gentlemen s integrity are what intellectuals spend their lives seeking for.君子道德与君子人格是以天下为己任的知识分子不懈追求的人生境界。
1.The Explanation of the Argument of Existence on Confucius Theory of "Junzi are Not Mere Vessels";孔子“君子不器”说的生存论解读
2.The word Junzi of the verse Fengyu has its special meaning,the verse is not missing the virtues、lasivious and fleeing,but a secret meeting of lovers.《风雨》一诗中的"君子"一词有其特定的含义,此诗非思君子、淫奔之词,而是男女幽会诗。
3.This essay offers more than thirty translations of junzi from the English versions of various Chinese classic works with an analysis of the historical change of its connotative meaning and a discussion of the difference in the connotative meaning between junzi and gentleman .“君子”是一个最具有中国特色的文化词。
4)Zi Jun子君
1.On the Tragedy of Zi Jun From Feminist Angle;女性主义视角观照下的子君的悲剧
2.Zi Jun s tragedy has profound sighificance on social critique.《伤逝》中子君的悲剧具有深刻的社会批判意义。
3.In Grief over the Deceased by Lu Xun, we can find that Zi Jun embodies the mode of seeking for love when at a loss while Fan Yi is seeking for revenge after having got lost.美狄亚原型中存在着“寻求———失落———复仇”的模式 ,在子君身上见出其为爱寻求与失落 ,在繁漪身上见出失落后的复仇。
1.Female Verbal Decipherment of Zijun in the "Past";《伤逝》中子君形象的女性话语解读
2.On the Image of in Zijun the "Past";关于《伤逝》中子君形象的探讨
3.Zi Jun Is a Heroic, Solemn and Stirring Figure of the Times—— A Trail Analysis of the Image of Zijun in "Mourning;子君是一个勇敢而悲壮的时代女性——试析《伤逝》中的子君形象
6)SiJunZi Decoction四君子汤
1.Effect of Sijunzi Decoction and enteral nutrition on T-cell subsets and nutritional status in patients with gastric cancer after operation:A randomized controlled trial;四君子汤联合肠内营养对胃癌手术患者T细胞亚群及营养状况影响的随机对照研究
2.Study on the Antagonistic Function of Sijunzi Decoction and Liuweidihuang Decoction to Cyclophosphamide-induced Mice Immune Depression;四君子汤、六味地黄汤对环磷酰胺致小鼠免疫抑制的拮抗作用实验研究
3.The Research of Variety of SOD GSH CAT and MDA in Cyclophosphamide Injuring Mice s Serum Resulted from the Effect of Sijunzi Decoction;四君子汤对环磷酰胺造模小鼠血清中SOD GSH CAT和MDA水平的影响
