品德,moral character
1)moral character品德
1.AHP model used to judge the moral character of outstanding experts;优秀专家品德评价的AHP模型
2.A survey of students moral character in primary and middle schools in Guangdong s coastal areas;广东沿海地区中小学生品德状况的调查分析
3.The Story, "Mencius" Mother Moving Three times" enables people to understand the importance of one" s moral character forming through the early education and the environmental education.“孟母三迁”的故事让人们看到早期教育、环境教育对一个人品德形成的重要性,本文从认知 心理学的角度说明了品德形成的所需途径及如何培养良好的品德

1.Everyone extols his noble qualities.人人称颂他的崇高品德
2.She has many fine qualities.她有很多优良的品德
3.a virtuous gentleman [knight]有品德的绅士 [骑士]
4.He is a man of noble nature.他是一个品德高尚的人。
5.certify to a person's character保证某人的人格 [品德]
6.Handsome is that handsome does.〔谚语〕品德优美才算真美。
7.H-is that handsome does.[谚]品德优美才是真美。
8.Handsome is and handsome does.品德优美才算真美。
9.Her good character is certificated.她的好品德有文件为证。
10.Teaching Research into the Intercourse Moral Character in the Course of Junior Ideology and Moral Character;初中思想品德课中人际交往品德的教学研究
11.Structure Mode of Moral Cognition and Moral Education in the Period of Social Change;品德认知结构模式与社会变革时期的品德教育
12.Equal Emphasis on Laws and Morals for Cultivating College Students Good Virtues;坚持德法并举 培养大学生良好品德
13.The State of College Students Moral Character and Innovation in Moral Education;当前高校学生的品德状况及德育创新
14.Searching for A Scientific Way of Moral Education from Moral Structure;从思想品德结构探寻德育科学化途径
15.How to Put into Effect the Moral Education-Together with the Comments on the Subject Constraction of Morality and Life and Morality and Society;道德教育的实效性如何落实——兼论《品德与生活》《品德与社会》学科建设
16.lovibond tintometer拉维邦德油品色度计
17.Dresden point lace德累斯顿抽花刺绣品
18.Lydgate did not dispense drugs.利德盖特不出售药品。

1.The status quo of morality of prison police indicates that prison police have high moral fiber, moral feeling, moral behavior and good moral consciousness.监狱警察的品德状况调查表明:监狱警察的道德意志、道德情感、道德行为处于优秀水平,道德观念处于良好程度。
2.This dissertation deals with the sig nificance of college students growt h towards talents,and gives a detail ed analysis on the relationships between talent and noble morality,lofty ideal,fir m will and awareness of creativity.文章论述了大学生成才的意义,分析了成才与高尚的品德、远大的理想、坚强的意志和创新意识这四个心理素质的关系。
3.Psychological structures of morality is one of the important research subjects.品德心理结构是品德心理研究的重要课题。
1.Review and reflection on moral evaluation methods of China;我国品德测评方法的回顾与反思
2.In China,the moral education means the political education,the ideological education (method),and the character mental state educations.在中国,品德教育指政治教育、思想教育(方法)、道德教育和个性心理教育。
3.The investigation of the character of the 1195 polices were made through the"the moral investigation questionnaire form".采用“监狱人民警察品德问卷”对1195名监狱人民警察实施品德现状调查,结果表明:监狱人民警察的道德意志、道德情感、道德行为处于优秀水平,道德观念处于良好程度。
4)Moral Characters品德
1.It is clear that the group training is effective in improving moral characters of undergraduates.集体训练对大学生品德影响的相关研究结果显示:群体凝聚力指数在集体训练后有显著提高;在协变考虑对照组的前提下,“人性哲学量表”上的“利他”、“意志力与理性”、“独立性”几项分量表也都有显著变化。
2.It requires such moral characters as creativity, independence, initiative, honesty and dependence, and democratic and equal consciousness so on.新的世纪对人的品德提出了更高的要求,它要求具有创造性、独立性、自主性、诚实守信和民主平等意识等品德素质。
5)ideology and morality思想品德
1.A Study on the Ideology and Morality Education for the Students of P.E. Institutes;体育院校学生思想品德教育的研究
2.How to Give "Life" to the Teaching of the Course of Ideology and Morality in Middle Schools against the New Round of Curriculum Reform新课改背景下如何上“活”中学思想品德
3.Acting as very important parts in university education,ideology and morality course is taking important part in developing the receiver s ideology and morality.《思想品德修养》课作为高等院校教育的不可或缺重要部分,对提高受教育者的思想道德觉悟,造就“四有”新人“主阵地”作用,德育教育的基点应放在人的行为的培养和活动中。
6)medical ethic quality医德品质

品德  个人在遵循其所从属的社会道德规范而行动时表现出来的稳定的心理特征。也称道德品质。它包含着道德认识和在行动上付诸实践的道德意向两个方面。道德认识是指人对行动的是、非、善、恶及其意义的认识。个人按社会规范行动,必须掌握一系列的道德观念,对正确或错误的行为作出道德评价,并在此基础上形成道德观念体系。道德意向是指个人在道德认识和道德评价基础上产生的道德情感和情操(如责任感、义务感、集体荣誉感、爱国主义与国际主义情感等)、对道德现象肯定或否定和接收或排斥的道德态度以及坚定的道德信念、道德理想和在实际行动中养成的道德习惯。当道德认识和道德意向成为推动一个人产生道德行动的内部动力时,它们便成为道德动机。人的品德是在社会道德教育的影响下形成和发展的,只有在上述心理成分都得到相应发展时,才能形成较完善的品德。    品德形成是变化着的内外因素相互作用的结果。要使品德教育取得成效,不仅要提供各种适应的外部条件,同时还必须考虑到受教育者本身的内部特点和品德发展的内在规律。